He always thought that Zhao Dongliang was an old glass who didn’t like women, so he got involved with them.

butUnexpectedly, he was thinking of avenging his wife!

Poison them!

The mind is so vicious!

Yang Hao smiled contemptuously and said coldly:

“Okay, what are you, stand up honestly. If the situation is true, whether you are a human or not, destroy it together!”

Very relaxedly, he pointed to Leng Yi in the dark corner of the room, with a somewhat bossy attitude.

Zhao Jing didn’t know what the young marshal was going to do, and now he was in a unstable mood, so he could only let him decide.

The young marshal will never treat his subordinates badly.

Leng Yi knew that he had found himself and could not hide it at all.

He simply took two subordinates and walked quickly.

Seeing him standing five meters away, Yang Hao pointed at Zhao Dongliang and said with a wicked smile:

“Leng Yi, right? What he said just now is true? All the women in the gathering place have been insulted by the masters? Why didn’t you stop them?”

He even directly held the guard accountable, as if he couldn’t do it properly.

The answer was Zhao Dongliang, who quickly said:

“They are just guards, protecting this group of officials, how dare they care? Besides, there is that bastard who has killed more than ten soldiers and never entered the city!”

He was very knowledgeable and spoke very clearly.

Unexpectedly, Yang Hao gave him a very rude look, with an aura of endless killing.

Seeing Yang Hao’s eyes, Zhao Dongliang sat directly on the ground, shivering.

Unable to bear the look in his eyes, he seemed to see an endless sea of ​​corpses and blood.

Leng Yi quickly answered:

“He said the same thing, but something is wrong. It’s not that we don’t want to stop it, but because they have skilled bodyguards and can’t do anything!”

“At least fifty of my subordinates were killed, and their blood was tainted, so I don’t care about them anymore. This place has become a paradise for the strong and a burial place for the weak. I’m just waiting for an opportunity to let them recover!”

The data and facts he said all shocked Yang Hao.

Obviously they are soldiers who maintain their safety, but they eventually become garbage and slaughter at will. It is estimated that it will not be accepted by anyone.

If you can’t beat it, you can only ignore it and wait for one day to turn around.

Endure humiliation and bear heavy burdens, once rising, there must be revenge.

Yang Hao didn’t care so much, after taking a look, he glanced at Ma Liu and Wulong in front, and continued to ask:

“You have the strength now, why didn’t you take revenge? You still let others do things like this? They are a bunch of trash, you have so many opportunities!”

He is very clear that Leng Yi is a Taoist realm and can control the attribute energy of a void.

But still waiting, there must be something hidden inside.

Hearing this, Leng Yi froze all over, his expression became extremely dignified, and said:

“He Ma Liu is not only one person, but also two brothers. I can’t support myself alone, and I can’t fight! Otherwise, how could they be allowed to live until now.”

He didn’t expect that Yang Hao could see through his own hiding at a glance, which was a bit too terrifying.

What is the strength?

The other two soldiers who followed were also on guard, staring at Yang Hao, not knowing what he was going to do.

Yang Hao smiled evilly and said:

“Well, since you have the heart, I will give you a chance today to save everyone and clean up all the garbage. If you do it properly, follow me in the future!”

“If there are any masters and problems, they will be counted on me. How about it!”

Just one sentence, explained his ambition.

He wants to take these strong men and fill the guards of Longcheng.

Their hearts are not bad, they know to protect the weak, and they still have a heart.

Hearing his words, Leng Yi frowned and couldn’t help but bow his head and ponder, weighing the pros and cons.

He could think that Yang Hao’s strength must be very terrifying. Guessing his own strength and seeing through his whereabouts, there are unimaginably powerful cards in it.

However, to be able to achieve this level requires further investigation.

He was thinking and didn’t speak, and the two warriors who followed, spoke at this time:

“Boy, you are too shameless. Do you know what our instructors are? Transforming Dao! It is a person who can smelt the elements in the air and will attack together.”

“Let us follow you. Do you have a gathering place? With a group of women around you, there will be a lot of trouble in the future, is it worth it?”

Yang Hao’s remarks were questioned by them.

Hearing their doubts, the four women standing beside Yang Hao couldn’t help shaking their heads.

Ignorance and innocence!

They couldn’t imagine the combat power Yang Hao possessed, the territory he possessed, and would only guess at random.

Cai Jing said disdainfully:

“With your strength, you can’t get into the eyes of my master at all. The key is that you have a heart and can keep your bottom line. Otherwise, you will be wiped out!”

She moved her wrist a little, and it seemed that the elements of the entire space moved with it, remembering the sound of crackling.

Others can’t see anything, but Leng Yi and the first master Ma Liu can see it, super master!

Being able to control the elements, rather than guide and go along, takes it to the next level.

Two people subconsciouslyTaking a step back, his expression changed drastically.

Even if this is the case for a subordinate servant, let alone Yang Hao, who is the master, it must be even more terrifying.

“Young commander, I want to find my mother, but I can’t help it, I’m afraid that something will happen to her!”

Just when the air was heavy, Zhao Jing, who had recovered a lot of emotions, said to Yang Hao.

Even though she had an absolute advantage, she was still worried.

This is the so-called chaos.

Yang Hao waved his hand and said:

“Take your dad with you, he must have some news, it’s better than you running around!”

When speaking, he signaled Cai Jing to go with him.

Immediately, his eyes fell on Zhao Dongliang, and his voice turned cold:

“Since you are going to avenge your wife, you must know where she is and take them there. If you dare to play tricks, I will burn the entire gathering place to the ground!”

He was afraid of this man’s forbearance and crazy behavior, fearing that it was a trap set up between the two of them, and his tone was threatening.

In fact, even if there is any ambush, he and Cai Jing can easily solve it.

Zhao Dongliang nodded hurriedly, and said quickly:

“Don’t worry, after I became his male favorite, I hid my wife. Only I know the place, so go and see!”

He saluted Yang Hao again and again, with infinite joy in his voice, leading the way, leading Cai Jing and Zhao Jing to go inside.

All the masters standing by did not dare to stop them.

Even after seeing Cai Jing’s sexiness and Zhao Jing’s pure beauty, the eyeballs almost fell off, but she still didn’t dare to do anything.

The weird shady scene they just appeared is really shocking and frightening.

The crowd didn’t send the three of them away, as if they were hidden in the mist and disappeared.

Yang Hao’s eyes fell on Ma Liu and Leng Yi, with a mysterious smile on his face, he said:

“When I accept my subordinates, I also want to test my combat effectiveness. Leng Yi, if you can defeat him now, I will accept you!”

“If you are undefeated, just wait and fight with his brother! I am not involved in the affairs of your gathering place!”

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