I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1031: From the ancient evil, Dian Wei!

Recruitment Office.

Overcrowded, there are men everywhere who come to recruit and want to join the army.

After all, Jiang Siming's troops are treated so well, everyone wants to join the army.

But Jiang Si stipulated tomorrow morning, as long as the elite soldiers do not meet the standards, please go back.

Therefore, recruiting is one of the best candidates.

As soon as Jiang Siming arrived, he heard several loud shouts. Looking around, five powerful soldiers from Kong Wu besieged a burly man.

This man looks rough and mad, with a sturdy back and dark skin. He holds an iron halberd in each of his hands and wields a tiger in the wind.

In less than two rounds, all five soldiers were knocked to the ground, unable to get up.

"Hahaha, not happy, is there any more, fight again!"

The man pulled his neck and shouted, his voice loud and loud like a bell.

"Good fight." Suddenly a voice sounded from outside.

Everyone turned their heads, and the soldiers looked at them and immediately bowed down and shouted the prime minister.

Those who came to the application heard that the prime minister was coming, and knelt down quickly.

The older man heard that he was the prime minister, and quickly accepted the old practice ceremony.

"Get up, there will be less tape in our army in the future." Jiang Siming said.

Everyone got up from the ground obediently.

The big man saw Jiang Siming staring at him, even if he was just like a rainbow, facing Jiang Siming, he naturally curled his neck.

His instinct told him that the young and outrageous prime minister in front of him was absolutely not under his power.

Besides, Jiang Siming's deeds of killing Dong Zhuo to scare off the 200,000 Xiliang army have long been spread all over the world. People say that Jiang Cheng is better than Lu Bu.

Although the big man wants to discuss with Jiang Siming, after all, this is a common problem of the fierce generals, and I want to discuss with the masters.

But he was afraid of Jiang Siming's identity, so he dared not speak.

"What's your name?" Jiang Siming asked him.

"Back to the prime minister, the grassroots name is Dianwei, and Chen Liu is a person."

Jiang Siming's eyes lit up, and it really made him recruit a fierce general!

Dian Wei!

From the ancient evils, an unparalleled fierce fighter!

Dianwei's strength can be said to rank among the top five among the three countries.

It is said that one Lv Er Zhao three Dian Wei, although this ranking is not particularly accurate, but it can also prove the strength of Dian Wei.

Dian Wei is Cao Cao's most trusted confidant and beloved general, but unfortunately in Wancheng because boss Cao likes his wife, he became Zhang Xiu's aunt. Zhang Xiu rebelled and almost died in Wancheng.

It was Dian Wei desperately protecting him that he sent Boss Cao out of Wancheng, but he himself sacrificed.

It can be said that Dianwei's death is a pity, which is equivalent to the monk in "The Bright Sword", and the death is too worthless and regrettable.

Unexpectedly, this fierce general, since he came to Chang'an, went to him.

Although nominally he went to the big guy, but now that the big guy has the final say, he naturally went to him.

Jiang Siming didn't act too exaggerated, but just smiled and praised: "Your arm strength is amazing, but the weight of the double iron halberd is too light, otherwise your strength will be improved."

Dian Wei was shocked when he heard that Jiang Siming was definitely an expert and his strength was outstanding.

Otherwise, it is impossible to know your own strength and weapon defects at a glance.

"I give you two choices. One is to serve in the army, and I will grant you the post of centurion."

This first choice shocked the audience. Can this talent be a centurion when he first applied for the job?

This official position has also risen too fast!

As soon as you come in, you will be an officer, not to mention the candidates, but many soldiers and generals are very greedy.

However, Dianwei did not immediately agree, waiting for Jiang Siming to finish.

"Second, stay by my side and be my guard. Although the official position cannot be promoted temporarily, I can give you advice on martial arts. Which one do you choose?"

"I choose the second one! Caomin is willing to follow Cheng quite a guard, but..."

"But what?" Jiang Siming asked with a smile.

Dian Wei smiled honestly and said, "But the Caomin wants to..."

"Want to learn from the truth?"

Dian Wei nodded stupidly, this was what he expected.

"Okay, I'm satisfied with you, do it."

Jiang Siming did not refuse. He knew that such a fierce general would need to start from many aspects to completely conquer. Strength is also an important link and the link that can best draw in the relationship with the fierce general.

"Does the prime minister use weapons?" Dianwei asked in a daze.

Jiang Siming wanted to say that he didn't need it, but seeing his eager eyes, he asked a captain to take off his sword.

Dian Wei was relieved and began to take this discussion very seriously.

Only in less than three rounds, Dian Wei had a sword on his neck. As long as the owner of the sword swiped forward, his head was gone.

With a cold sweat, Dianwei finally saw Jiang Siming's terrifying strength. This is the person who can directly take the head of Dong Zhuo from the 200,000 Xiliang army.

It seems that the rumors are not exaggerated at all. At first he thought it was someone deliberately blinded by false rumors.

Looking now, Dian Wei realized that he had too little knowledge.

"I am willing to be a guard for a lifetime with Cheng! Never regret it!" Dianwei shouted excitedly.

To be able to follow such a master, even if he is a little brother, he is willing, who doesn't want to go further.

Jiang Siming smiled with satisfaction and said, "Go to the military affairs office to pick up your uniform, and then follow me."

"Here!" Dianwei left cheerfully.

The reason why Jiang Siming wanted a guard was mainly because he felt that his strength was that it was meaningless to come forward to fight other famous generals in the Three Kingdoms.

The strength of this copy is not at the same level as him, even lower than the first two copies.

Even the strongest Lu Bu, in his eyes may be the strength of T3 zombies.

You said he has any desire to do something.

It's like you are a high-level player in the game. Are you interested in playing the Bronze Game?

The answer is naturally no, oh, unless you are the one who likes to abuse food...

Please go out and turn right on this kind of lever.

So Jiang Siming intends to do as little as possible in the future. After all, he wants to unify the world. It is not good to be an emperor.

Why do you have to fight with people?

After Dianwei left, Jiang Siming let the recruitment continue.

And one of the men walked out of it with a loud voice and said: "Wei Yan, a person from Yiyang, is here to join the army!"

Jiang Siming was sitting drinking tea, raised his head when he heard it, and muttered to himself: "Today's luck is just right, so they are two famous players."

Wei Yan was actually seriously ignored by the book The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

In addition to the high level of force, Wei Yan is also a rare general.

It's just that Zhuge Liang said that he was rebellious, so he was pushed out everywhere, and Liu Bei was suspiced, and he was not reused.

After Zhuge Liang's death, Wei Yangang wanted to do something for the Kingdom of Shu, and was beheaded by those who suspected him.

What a thief!

In Jiang Siming's opinion, Wei Yan is the most difficult general to find, and this kind of talent is the best candidate to lead soldiers in battle.

Others like Dian Weilubu are not suitable for leadership at all. They are only suitable for fighting alone or being a general.

Wei Yan is a handsome talent.

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