I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1033: Almost crying

"Is Da Karma all swollen? Stop talking, wasn't it very hilarious just now, Uncle Xian, Aunt Wang, didn’t you just say you want to abuse me again and stay in a daze? Hehehe, let’s see how you will abuse you later Me, hum~"

Tuanzi made a happy pig snoring proudly.

Jiang Siming was not so cold and took the initiative to greet them: "Good evening everyone, I'll join the war, don't you mind?"

"Don't mind or mind! Warm welcome Warm welcome!"

Several people shook their heads one after another, joking, asking for it!

When Jiang Siming arrived, he was still divided into two groups. Jiang Siming brought Ding and Tuantuan and their best friends, Zhu Fangfang and Da Sima Xian so and so in another group.

The two teams quickly entered the custom game.

As soon as I got on the plane, there was only a small circle on the map, near the Y City restaurant.

Everyone jumped to Y City to prepare for this ‘war’.

This is an entertainment mode. There are only two close-range weapons in each person's landing bag. See which group has the highest score, which group wins.

Jiang Siming landed at the fastest speed, and ran into Da Sima who had just landed.

Jiang Siming took out a knife from his bag, right-clicked to aim, and there was an arc on the knife for players to aim at.

Seeing the location, Jiang Siming threw the knife out.


Only the sound of meat sounded, and the knife passed through the air!

Accurately hit the skull of Da Sima.

"The player [4am_ming] used a scimitar to headshot the player [dasima666]"

"Wow! How did I die when I landed? Forget it, he forced him to be strong. I am proud of me and I will leave somewhere else." Da Sima wailed.

Jiang Siming wasn't over yet, he flew down next to Xian Mo.

Seeing that Jiang Siming was beating Da Sima, Xian XX made a decisive attack and wanted to attack.

Holding a crowbar at Jiang Siming's profile, he threw it over.

Jiang Siming discovered his sneaky a long time ago.

Taking two steps lightly, he easily avoided Xian Mo's ‘flying knife’.

"I'll go, can I hide from this?" Xian XX felt in his heart, this may be the gap between the gods and their mortals.

I've never played against Jiang Siming, emm... it seems that his rank is not qualified to match Jiang Siming, right... Heartbreak.

After dodging the attack, Jiang Siming turned around and took out... took out a pan, and flew away under Xian Mo's head!

This accuracy is at least at the level of Red Wolf, at the center of his eyebrows, Xian XX died on the spot.

"Oh ha ha ha ha! Uncle Xian, is the helper I'm looking for?" Tuan Tuan laughed gleefully beside him.

Dazed also said with a smile: "Uncle Xian, watch my brother Ming beat you to death."

Xian XX feels bitter, but he doesn't say, nor dare to say, oh, these two guys, the helpers they are looking for are too BUG...

"Auntie, help me snipe the Myojin together." Xian Mo had to ask his old teammate Wang Auntie for help.

If it is usual, Wang Auntie will definitely agree.

But today, Aunt Wang is "defying"...

"No, no, I don’t want to kill my male **** with you. I finally can play a game with my male **** in my lifetime. I won’t beat my male **** with this death, I can only help you drag it. Stay in the group, think of a solution yourself."

Aunt Wang said.

Uncle Xian just wanted to say one thing: hardened his old heart.

The two weapons in Jiang Siming's backpack were all thrown away, but it was okay. The weapons at close range can still be picked up.

Step directly over Xian Mo's corpse, pick up the pan that was just thrown out, and kill again towards the last pig Fangfang.

Zhu Fangfang was on the verge of an enemy, panicking shouting Myojin to spare my life, but constantly looking for opportunities to kill with one blow.

How could Jiang Siming make him do what he wanted, and he didn't even throw it away. When he touched his side, the pan was a pot facing his forehead!


Zhu Fangfang only felt the buzzing of the seeds in his head, and then he fell softly to the ground.

"Wow! Myojin, you are too much, you might as well head and throw me to death."

Pig Fangfang was crying.

Jiang Siming laughed and said, "This mode is quite interesting, you guys come back quickly, no one will kill me."

A bunch of little bits flew across the three men's foreheads.

Then in this ten-minute ‘Friendly Match’, Jiang Siming let the three of them live in an environment where life is worse than death.

What kind of friendship is the first, the second is the game, I will play whatever you want, don’t be afraid that I will release water, it’s all shit!

All three of them died 20 times, but Jiang Siming never died.

All their attacks were avoided, and the three of them were autistic in the end, and they almost didn't cry.

Tuantuan and the others were very happy and laughed heartlessly.

"Dumpling dumb, we were wrong. We will never bully you women anymore. Please, let the boss let us go. I can't guarantee that I will vomit blood if we continue to play." Xian Moumou cried and begged for mercy Please let it go.

What is Nima playing with? The opponent is simply something they can't defeat, even a semi-professional expert like Zhu Fangfang was beaten into a pig.

"Uncle Xian, then I ask you, playing humans in the future will be a complete failure, do you still mock my dishes?" Tuantuan said.

"No, no, what you say is what you say in the future. This game of human beings is completely defeated. It is not difficult for Tuan Tuan at all. It is my fairy who is too food to drag you down."

"Uncle Xian, will you pick up good equipment for me after playing chicken?" asked dazedly.

"Give it, if you want it in the future, I will give you the revolver left on me."

Xian XX replied, I am a lot of age, and I have to be bullied by a little girl, oh oh, heaven, please open your eyes~

There are also Da Sima and Zhu Fangfang, they both promised that they would definitely let them play games together in the future.

No way, these two guys have such a good relationship with Myojin, they can call Myojin over and beat them up at any time.

"Well, then I will let Brother Xiaoming let you go temporarily, Brother Xiaoming, what do you think?" Tuantuan said triumphantly.

Jiang Siming acted very cooperatively: "Hey~ the little one is just a bodyguard of certain feelings."


Everyone laughed, Myojin is really friendly, and people of such a big identity can still play with these little people like them.

After chatting with them for a while, Jiang Siming finished the ‘task’ and left their channel.

As soon as he left, Duan Tuantuan didn't even bother to continue playing with Da Sima and the others.

Jiang Siming rarely started playing games today, and he hasn't taken them for a long time, so he must beg him to take them. Aunt Wang is also accompanying him.

Facing the three women begging to hold their thighs, Jiang Siming readily agreed.

The four-person red chicken team immediately formed and entered the game immediately!

"Several freezing, I actually matched my male god, my god, mother, slap me quickly to wake me up~"

Aunt Wang's funny voice and her funny personality make people laugh. She deserves to be a good partner of Uncle Xian, and she is a fan of ghosts.


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