I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1053: Barcelona v Real Madrid

Jiang Siming stretched and found that the little girl was still sleeping soundly in his arms.

Looking at Zhao Xiaoxiao's delicate face sleeping soundly, and the long golden hair like ears of rice scattered all over him.

Jiang Siming showed a smile, with a slight emotion in his heart, Xiaoxiao will grow up later, and don't know how many boys' youth and secret love he will become.

I don't know which **** grandson will be cheaper in the future.

The phone vibrated at this time. Jiang Siming took a look. It was a message from Messi saying that the game was still three hours away and asked when it was convenient for Jiang Siming to go and watch.

Messi’s wife was careful that Jiang Siming was sleeping, so she asked Messi to send a text message.

Jiang Siming replied to him that he would be there in two hours, so he forcibly woke up Zhao Xiaoxiao, washed and cleaned up, and had eaten earlier, and he came to the Madrid Sports Arena.

This is the largest football stadium in Spain and has hosted many Champions League finals.

Today's Madrid Arena, as usual, is empty.

In Spain, 95 of almost 100 people are football fans.

Not only Spain, there are countless football fans in all countries in the world.

There are actually many football fans in China, but because China football is too rubbish, it seems that not many people like football, but more like basketball.

To be fair, if China Football is as good as Spanish football, the number of China Football fans will be a very scary number.

The world's largest sport is not a joke.

Today's game is still very important, Barcelona vs. Real Madrid.

This is the annual show, football fans all over the world are looking forward to it.

Both are the top football clubs in the world and have won countless honors.

And there are superstars in it, Barcelona has Messi and Real Madrid has Ronaldo.

Both are among the current football players, one of the most undisputed players.

In addition, the two teams have a lot of fans, so this game can be regarded as the most popular event in the Champions League.

When Jiang Siming arrived, the Messi family had been waiting for him early.

Messi was not in a wheelchair, but on crutches.

Today, he took another cup of medicine and his leg injury has healed a lot. He doesn't even need a wheelchair.

This change is seen by the Messi family, and Jiang Siming is even more grateful.

Not him, Messi is likely to retire.

Upon meeting, Messi solemnly invited Jiang Siming into the infield.

The two came to the players rest area to sit down.

As soon as Messi came out, the audience boiled over.

Yesterday after Jiang Siming left, Barcelona officials announced that Messi had met a genius doctor from Oriental China, who was also their new Barcelona boss.

He will recover Messi and return to the team within a week.

No one believed this at first, thinking it was a trick Barcelona used to coax the audience.

But now that Messi walked out with a smile on his crutches, everyone began to wonder, is this true?

Obviously, the hospital has given a diagnosis, and Messi will have to be ill for at least half a year, and he will be trained for one or two years.

But how long is this? How can you come to the scene with abduction in a day?

Everyone also noticed the young man with an oriental face next to Messi, and many people recognized him at once.

"It's Jiang! He is very good at basketball!"

"I have read his financial magazine. He is the new richest man in Asia."

"Oh my god, I didn't expect the new boss of Barcelona to be Huaxia."

"Sure enough, China is a magical country!"

"He knows how to heal? I don't believe there is such a perfect person in the world."

"No matter what, he can cure Messi, I thank him for the rest of my life!"


Hearing the voices of the audience, it was the first time that Jiang Siming felt the charm of football abroad.

The size of the NBA's court is comparable to that of pediatrics.

The football field, which can accommodate 180,000 people, has five floors up and down, all filled with seats.

It's hard to find an empty spot from afar.

This does not include the staff, police, security, etc. If you add outsiders, it is estimated that it is very simple to exceed 200,000.

Two hundred thousand people, what is this concept.

Jiang Siming commanded fifty thousand soldiers and horses in the Three Kingdoms, and he felt that he couldn't see the side.

It was densely packed, and all seemed a bit scary.

It is said that every year in the UEFA Champions League or the World Cup, at least 30 people go into shock or even die because of overexcitement.

Even the concert of Michael, the most powerful singer before, is not surprising.

"Mr. Jiang, what do you think?"

Messi sits on Jiang Siming's left, his wife and children on his left.

Jiang Siming smiled and nodded, and said, "This is the sports game I have seen the most people."

"Haha, if it is placed in China, I believe there will be more people." Messi said with a smile.

Jiang Siming shook his head and said to the mafia: "You are wrong, our football in China, we all feel shameless to see people, not many people are willing to go to the game."

Messi said in good faith: "I think China's football is rotten in the system and the quality of the players."

Jiang Siming gave a thumbs up, and the insider saw the problem at a glance.

Leaving aside the system, just talk about the quality of the players.

For example, if Messi makes a mistake in the game and loses the ball, he will blame himself and admit his mistake to his teammates.

But if he changes to a national football player, he will first come to a period of national curse, then a wispy hairstyle, then spit thick sputum on the grass, and then continue to chase the ball casually.

Don't think this is an exaggeration, everyone who has watched the national football game knows it.

In addition to the basic professional operation of stopping the ball, professional players in other people's homes always stop immediately, and almost all national football players stop the ball from three meters away.

Do you know what the gap is?

It is equivalent to a League of Legends game. A professional player can make up less than 50 swords in ten minutes, and a professional player can make up one hundred in ten minutes.

Even this kind of basic is not as good as others, and still want to go beyond turning over?

It can be said very decisively that in the next ten years, the national football team will not be able to turn it over.

That's why Jiang Siming humiliated himself, because he was used to it and didn't think it was any shame.

This is the basic operation of the national football team. What's the use of being furious?

As time approaches, the game begins.

Players from both sides were on the court, and the players from Barcelona and Real Madrid all walked out of the lounge.

The cheers at the scene were louder than ever.

Messi looked at the court with some envy and regret. He was really sorry for not being able to play today's game.

But after another thought, if it weren't for Jiang Siming, he might not be able to play in this life.

It's just a week now.

After the players came on the field, the directors around the world and the commentators on the live directors introduced their player information.

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