I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1061: I am easy

When I got home just in time for dinner, the wives were actually waiting for him.

There are a lot of delicacies on the table, except for a bunch of Hunan, Cantonese and Su dishes.

There are also Kobe steak, Tibetan pork knuckle, and Meiyu soup.

With a certain method, there are many people in the family, and Xinyi and Zhirou are naturally overwhelmed with each meal, so basically those who can cook are dispatched together.

Those who don’t know how to cook are responsible for hitting them off.

Jiang Siming, who had considered this in the past, asked the workers to build a huge kitchen when he specially built the manor.

It's completely enough for wives to play their'strength' in it.

See it, as wise as him.

"My Patriarch~ Our number of Tibetan pigs and Kobe beef has exceeded 500. We can't finish eating it ourselves. Should we start selling?"

Zhao Xuan sipped the soup with a smile and asked Jiang Siming.

Yes, the first purpose of raising pigs and cows was to feed the family.

But now there are thousands of pigs and cows in the farm, which is definitely not enough for the family.

If these pigs and cows are mature, if they are not slaughtered, their meat quality will be poor.

That's why Zhao Xuan thought about selling it.

In the previous two months, the news reported on Jiang Siming’s farm, and many people came here to buy pigs.

But when I heard the price, most people gave up, but many people still want to buy it.

These people are basically rich people, or many luxury restaurants, and they want to buy some.

It’s just that there were too few mature pigs and cows at the time and they didn’t agree. Now that there are a lot of them, they should be sold, otherwise they will be destroyed when they are old.

"Okay, let the farms open up for sale. Don't sell too much in the first batch. Don't sell too much. As long as someone has tried it in the market, you will never worry about sales."

Jiang Siming chewed on the pork knuckle and said with a greasy mouth.

The girls couldn't help but look at him like this.

At night, after Jiang Siming'solved' the wives.

Secretly ran into the yard and opened the new pink fragment.

As soon as the fragments opened, a bright light flashed.

A snow-white fox with a coat color similar to that of Ah-囡 appeared on the lawn in the yard.

The little fox has a fluffy tail. The end of the tail is actually red, which looks like a ball of flame.

This fox didn't look like A-囡 just came out, cowering and weak, on the contrary, he stood up tall and proudly standing on the lawn.

Like a queen, she never lowers her head.

Seeing Jiang Siming, the little fox subconsciously thought it was an enemy. The white tail mixed with red suddenly stood up, and then, a tail suddenly opened!

Like a flower, one becomes nine!

Nine in total, no more, no less.

Jiang Siming was stunned, he was really a nine-tailed demon fox.

And between the nine tails, there was a cyan flame condensed, burning blazingly, and the temperature was very high when viewed with the naked eye.

But after looking at Jiang Siming a few more times, the little fox retracted the flame, and the nine tails returned to one.

It seems that Jiang Siming's [Animal Affinity] has once again contributed.

The higher the spiritual consciousness, the more favorable he is to Jiang Siming. This green skill is really easy to use.

Jiang Siming also got this little fox's favorability: 15 points.

Hmm...a little bit, but it's okay, the relationship can be gradually cultivated.

Jiang Siming walked to the little fox, squatted, reached out his hand and touched her head, and said kindly, "Do you know if I am your master?"

The little fox instinctively wanted to dodge, but he hesitated, and finally chose to obey.

Jiang Siming'changes things harder', holding it in his arms, seeing that she doesn't resist him, Jiang Siming is very happy.

Unexpectedly, after the little fox was in his arms, his affection for Jiang Siming rose instead of falling, reaching 50 o'clock.

Jiang Siming picked it up specially and smelled it, completely different from what he thought.

Not only is there no body odor, but the little fox is full of fragrance, with a touch of charm in the fragrance.

Jiang Siming was a little addicted to go in, but Jiang Siming quickly noticed and got rid of it.

He carefully reviewed the introduction of the little fox and found that he had missed the ability of a little fox.

Abilities: An active ability that charms people's hearts and can only be used after forming. The cultivators of the Nascent Infant stage can't resist it. Before forming, they also have passive charm attributes, but the charm is very small, and this skill is only useful for men.

"That's it." Jiang Siming shook his head and laughed.

Unexpectedly, this little fox still has this skill.

Get along with the little fox for a while, the little fox has completely regarded Jiang Siming as his master, and his wisdom is about the same as Ah-Nan.

"You are a new member of our family, and you have to have a nickname. Su Jiu'er is too difficult to pronounce, so just call it...Da Zhuang."

Jiang Siming started to name it again.

The little fox really didn't like it, and his expression was resisting.

"Hahaha, it's funny, then call you...Ari."

It likes this name and accepts it readily.

Just after speaking, the laughter may have awakened A-囡 who was sleeping on the sacred fruit tree, and A-囡 ran over suspiciously.

At a glance, I saw Jiang Siming hugging the little fox and laughing and haha. The expression in A-Nan's eyes suddenly felt wronged and resentful.

Scum master! This is a scum master!

"Meow~" Ah-囡 immediately became hostile to Ah-li.

After Ari found out, he immediately raised his head proudly, not to be outdone.

Jiang Siming stood in the middle of them, feeling a little empty for a while.

Why is this picture so familiar? It's like the scene of the husband being caught on the spot by the original partner, and then standing next to watching the play...

Oh what and what.

Jiang Siming shook the muddy thoughts in his mind, and quickly stopped the two little guys wanting to do it.

This is a terrible fight. Ali flicked his tail and his manor was miserable.

"Stop it all!"

Jiang Siming stopped talking. After his hard persuasion, the two little guys understood that everyone was the owner's pet.

Only in this way can we avoid a ‘battle’ between two-dimensional pets.

However, even though the two pets stopped fighting, they still didn't look pleasing to the eyes. Ah-囡 simply ran back to the cat's nest on the sacred fruit tree and went to sleep.


And Ari also knew that this was the owner's home, so after walking around, he finally fell in love with the garden and chose to be home here.

The two little guys are separated by a few hundred meters, and it is estimated that if no one adjusts, they will die of old age.

"Ari, I'll let you make a nest in the garden after these two days."

Jiang Siming said.


Ah Li responded to Jiang Siming, the fox's cry was a bit dull.

"Then you can go to bed first, tomorrow I will introduce your hostesses to you, remember, you can't attack anyone in this manor, remember."


After finishing Ari, Jiang Siming ran to the sacred fruit tree again to appease A-Nan. It took Jiang Siming a lot of talking, and he held A-Nan for a long time.

He was forgiven by A-囡 and put him back to sleep.

Jiang Siming returned to the room with a sigh of sweat and a long sigh of relief.

Alas, what is this? Keeping a pet is the same as catching a rape, I am easy.

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