I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1070: Build a beam

Since then, the long road has been long, only the sword as companion? Good literary talent!

(Suo Ge: This is really my line!)

Both Qiao looked a little anxious. They were afraid that Jiang Siming would lose. They couldn't bear Jiang Siming's talent in temperament, but they wanted to say goodbye to Guqin.

And this sentence made the two girls feel a little sympathetic to Jiang Siming. If the guqin were not there, would the son spend his life with a sword in the company?

"Okay! If that's the case, let Qiao Gong and the two Qiao's misses decide whoever wins, we will see the truth under our hands."

Jiang Siming didn't talk nonsense, and immediately began to play "Xiaoxiang Water Clouds".

They are not afraid to know, because this song was only available in the Song Dynasty, and the author's great, great, great grandfather has not yet been born.

As soon as "Xiaoxiang Water Cloud" was released, the entire yard became extremely quiet.

Zhou Yu's eyes never dared to believe it to shocked, and then he wondered whether he was similar to an ancient song.

But let him search for the piano music of his memory, but he still couldn't find any ancient music similar to this one.

"Is it really his own creation? Impossible, how old is this talent?" Zhou Yu asked.

Looking at the expressions of Qiao Gong and Er Qiao enjoying listening carefully, Zhou Yu was anxious, but helpless.

Finally, the piano sounded, and Jiang Siming stopped playing.

Duke Qiao said three good times immediately: "This is really a great song! This song should only be found in the sky! Wonderful! Xiaoqiao, go and give this gentleman tea."

"Duke Qiao, this can't be considered."

"Dangde, Dangde, my gentleman's talent in temperament is rare in the world. I don't know where to learn from?" Qiao Gong asked curiously.

Jiang Siming didn't conceal it, saying: "The younger generation studied under Cai Yong Cai Cai Boxie."

"What? You... Are you Cai's disciple? No wonder, no wonder, no wonder Mr. has such a talent for rhythm."

Gong Qiao said in shock.

In this era, Cai Yong was a symbol of a great writer.

Even the literati who has never seen him have heard of his name.

"Since Mr. Cai is an old disciple, I don't know his name yet." Qiao said justice.

Jiang Siming smiled faintly and said, "Jiang Bei, Jiang Siming."

As soon as these words came out, the people in the yard seemed to be electrocuted, and stood still on the spot.

Jiang Bei Jiang Siming?

This name is very resounding in the Central Plains, the current prime minister!

After attacking Yuan Shu seven cities in a row, Yuan Shu is now trembling as a tortoise in Shouchun.

And what makes the world most amazed is that this person can accomplish a great cause when he is not a weak champion! To become the handle of the world, the princes of the world must be sincerely convinced.

People like Lujiang are even more impressed.

Jiang Siming's benevolent deeds and his style of loving the people like a child have long been spread throughout Lujiang City.

Such a legend stood before them.

Er Qiao recovered from the shock, and then the two girls blossomed in their hearts at the same time, a flower that was in full bloom for Jiang Siming.

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu on the other side were equally shocked and speechless. They did not expect that they would meet the current prime minister soon after they came to Lujiang.

Although they are about the same age as Jiang Siming, they are still far behind Jiang Siming in terms of rank.

Even Sun Ce and his father, Sun Jian, would say that Jiang Siming was old and cunning, with sophisticated methods, and Sun Jian was very jealous of him.

His son is still just a teenager under his father, and he doesn't have enough shoes for Jiang Siming.

Let alone Zhou Yu.

"Cao Min Qiao Gong pays homage to the prime minister."

Gong Qiao quickly took his two daughters to Jiang Siming's knees.

Jiang Siming helped them up kindly. When it was the turn to help Xiao Qiao, the two little girls flushed with red cheeks, bowed their heads and shyly, and looked pretty.

No wonder Boss Cao can think about it, so that Sun Ce and Zhou Yu can get married without even thinking about it.

"Bold Zhou Yu and Sun Ce, when they met the prime minister, why not kneel down!"

Guo Jia's voice came, Jiang Siming looked back, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu really did not kneel.

Sure enough, the current princes are all wolf ambitions, and even such juniors are not willing to kneel to him.

Zhou Yu spoke cleverly, and turned his lips back: "Do you mean the prime minister is the prime minister? We just don't believe it, it's not bold."

Guo Jia wanted to refute. Jiang Siming walked over at this moment, smiled at the two, and said, "Don't you believe it? Do you want me to call the army and take the two of you to Chang'an before you can believe it? "

Zhou Yu's face paled, what's a joke, if this is taken away, he can come back?

Sun Ce quickly stood up and pulled Zhou Yu to his knees.

"The prime minister, Chitose, I am both ignorant and offensive. I hope the prime minister Haihan."

Sun Ce killed Zhou Yu in his heart. Brother, you are fine if you get caught. If he gets caught, his father will have to take him off even if he redeems him.

Jiang Siming wanted anything from Jiangdong, Sun Jian had to give it.

Even using this to threaten Jiangdong will make Jiangdong even more uncomfortable.

At this time, Guo Jia still hoped that Jiang Siming would order the two to be taken away.

However, Jiang Siming didn't do it, and he wasn't arrogant. Jiangdong Sun Jian would definitely not be able to take it away.

Once Jiang Dong was offended and Gou Ji jumped over the wall and cooperated with Yuan Shu, the situation of his army would not be so easy.

"Since you are behind the gate, forget it. Sun Jian is a person who really appreciates him. They say that Jiangdong men are all horrible. Today I see you two..."

Jiang Siming paused on purpose when he said this.

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu thought Jiang Siming was going to praise them, and their expressions were happy, but then their expressions changed suddenly.

"Today I saw you two, but I was really disappointed. One who copied someone else’s famous song and used it for his own sake. He was self-reliant. The one who only promised everything seemed to be controlled by others. He really failed his father and Sun Jian’s brave name. I want to know, if you don’t have Zhou Yu, you won’t be called Sun Bofu?"

Jiang Siming's cynicism made the two young people feel a great shame, especially in the presence of two stunning beauties.

Jiang Siming's later sentence was even more murderous, saying that Sun Jian would only rely on Zhou Yu, and everything must be listened to Zhou Yu.

Although this divorce scheme is clumsy, it is also the most useful.

Jiang Siming's purpose is to disgust you even if he doesn't catch you, so that you pair of ‘Siamese Babies’ will gradually become jealous.

Although the two were angry, they did not dare to refute. At this time, they could only pretend to be grandson.

"Okay, get out, Zhou Yu, don't forget, if you lose the bet to me, if you breach the contract, I will let you Zhou Gongjin's name spread all over the world."

Zhou Yu gritted his teeth, his face flushed, and his eyes looked at Jiang Siming as if he was about to eat him.

"Zhou Gongjin knows." Zhou Yu finished speaking, stood up with Sun Ce and left with hatred.

Today’s matter can be regarded as forming a beam with the two.

But Jiang Siming didn't care, the two little kids were afraid of a bird.

Are they still afraid that they will deal with themselves as they deal with boss Cao? Come and burn Chibi?


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