I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1077: Mom, stop talking~

Jiang Siming also heard it, the feelings between him and Qin Yiyi, and two uncles and aunts ‘assist’.

But when everyone came back and saw it again, Jiang Siming was naturally not embarrassed to stay any longer.

"Auntie, then I'll go first, let Yiyi send me out, okay?"

"Ah, I'm leaving now? How about we go out without waiting for her dad to finish using the toilet..." Zhang Changlan said this, feeling strange to herself.

"Mom! Don't talk anymore~" Qin Yiyi covered his face, feeling too embarrassed, especially in front of Jiang Siming.

The two young men hurried out, and Zhang Changlan had to throw all the pot to Qin Guode.

Blocked in the toilet door, he babbled at Qin Guode, who was still ‘chic’ in the toilet...

"Sorry Jiang, my parents are for my own good, so they deliberately left you at home."

After going out, Qin Yiyi took the initiative to admit his mistake to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "What are your apologies? I haven't thanked them for sending you to me."

Qin Yiyi's face was red when he heard the words, but his heart was very happy.

"Well, let's forget it this time, next time we'll go out on a date, so as not to be disturbed." Jiang Siming said.

Qin Yiyi lowered his head and made a hum like a mosquito.

"You may have to be busy during this time. When you are done, I invite you to travel abroad?"

"Good~" Qin Yiyi happily agreed.

Watching Jiang Siming get in the car and leave, Qin Yiyi hopped back home.

"How is it? You two have a show but nothing? What did Xiao Jiang tell you?"

As soon as they entered the house, Zhang Changlan and Qin Guode asked Qin Yiyi.

Qin Yiyi didn't tell them, humming and went back to his house.

"This child..." The couple smiled and shook their heads, seeing their daughter's expression, they knew it was done.

I still want to hide from her parents, don't you know that the answer is already written on her face when she comes back?



Outside PM Internet cafes, there are crowds of people.

A lot of young people came to this legendary world's No. 1 internet cafe that kills all internet cafes in seconds.

The prehistoric behemoth, this huge Internet cafe, shocked all the young people who came here.

A building almost larger than a gymnasium, with game hero models everywhere outside.

All the young people couldn't help taking photos with these models one by one, but they weren't allowed to come close and touch them, and security stopped them.

This makes everyone want to see the scene in the Internet cafe more.

But the opening time has not arrived yet, they can only wait outside.

In addition to these young people, some people with mobile phones and live broadcasts began to appear here.

These people are big and small anchors on many platforms.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, more and more people gathered outside the PM Internet cafe, almost tens of thousands of people were visually estimated.

And the number is still increasing.

And here, there are many familiar figures in the gaming circle.

PDD, Xu Xu Bao Bao, Sao Nan, Great God and so on.

These big anchors of certain fish and certain tooth appeared on the scene today.

This made the atmosphere more lively.

"Myojin is here!"

I don't know who shouted so, everyone looked outside.

I saw Jiang Siming walked over with a smile and came to everyone's eyes.

A large number of fans surrounded the past, but fortunately, security stopped it.

"Everyone, calm down, today's subject is not me, but the Internet cafe behind me, do you want to go in and take a look?"

"Yes!" Of course everyone thought.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "OK, I announce that the PM Internet Cafe is officially opened. Let's go in!"

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, the door of the Internet cafe opened automatically, and this door was made into the classic style of the door of Warcraft, which made people look very tall.

At this time, everyone's attention was completely diverted, and they all went to the Internet cafe.

Including the anchors, they all walked around like a frog at the bottom of the well after entering, exclaiming again and again.

"Ya'er, brothers, look at this Internet cafe, it's too big, I think I will lose five pounds of meat after walking around~"

PDD looked at the end of the endless Internet cafes, and felt bitter. If I had known it, I would not set up a Flag and said that I would take netizens to see PM Internet cafes.

"It's really too luxurious and too big. This Internet cafe is the largest Internet cafe I have ever seen in my life. This computer must have tens of thousands of computers. Any configuration can surpass our club's computers."

Weishen and Xingmu are holding their mobile phones, but they have been staring at the computer in the Internet cafe.

"Wow, I always thought that my internet cafe was very handsome, but today I realized that it doesn't exist. This is the internet cafe of my dreams! This is a paradise for gamers!"

Da Sima couldn't help but hurriedly took his ID card to open the machine, and also registered a member with a high-end machine.

As soon as the computer is turned on, the boot is completed in less than three seconds.

"Show me my robbery, shuriken and look back, hehe." Da Sima became addicted and must play two!

Many young people can't help but rush to open the number and get on the plane, and the Internet cafes are very lively.

Here, at the moment of opening, it has become a paradise for gaming enthusiasts.

Countless anchors have personally experienced it, and even anchors from other platforms, such as station B and Penguin, came to verify that it was not a fish or a tooth.

The result of the verification is that it is true and false!

This PM Internet cafe suddenly became a place that all game-loving players in the country want to go.

This is the best place to play games, engage in activities, and play offline matches. You really can't find a more suitable place than this place.

In addition, many VR game players have said that the VR equipment and games in it are absolutely top-notch.

On that day, the traffic of PM Internet cafes reached more than 70,000 people!

The chances are as high as 96%, the number of registered members has reached more than 30,000, and the total recharge amount has reached more than 12 million.

Although there is still some distance from returning to the original, but after the reputation is out, there is no need to worry about returning to the original in the future.

PM Internet cafes are on fire!

Even after a while it became a symbol of Jiaxing, a tourist attraction.

Many foreign players come here especially.

On the same day, Jiang Siming and a group of anchors also held a water friends game in the Internet cafe.

LOL, PUGB, even Overwatch, CS:GO and other games have all been played.

You can play any game Aquamate, even PUBG finds a hundred Aquamates is very easy.

There is no need to worry about the problem of fewer machines and fewer people here.

After that, many big anchors will rent venues to PM for offline games, and even the organizers of various domestic game competitions will choose PM.

Because PM is not only a huge place, but also well-equipped. It is mainly the closest to Shanghai.

Even next year's LOL World Championship, officials are considering whether to put the finals in the PM.

Jiang Siming can say that an unintentional idea at the beginning has created an e-sports holy land, which he did not expect.


[Author's digression]: Today's third update ~ I haven't overslept again, hehe.

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