I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1101: Imperial examination!

Another half month passed since the Three Kingdoms time, and a grand event ushered in in the city of Chang'an.

Countless talented students from all over the city flooded into Chang'an City. Whether it was the children of the poor family or the officials, they all rushed to Chang'an City.

Nothing else, just because Prime Minister Jiang announced half a month ago that an imperial examination will be held in Chang'an!

Anyone who has passed the examination can go directly to an official.

For the people of the Three Kingdoms who have been filial piety and honesty to join the officialdom, the impact is unprecedentedly great!

Ju Xiaolian has too many tricks, and he is protected by officials. Many truly talented people can only be buried.

But the exam is different, the prime minister said, anyone who passes the exam can be an official!

And the top three in the exam are divided into champion, second place, and search.

The top three not only have a large number of wealth rewards, but also meet the emperor and prime minister, and obtain extremely high official positions!

This notice made all the talented scholars in the world thrilled and excited.

During the Han Dynasty, who had seen imperial examinations?

It's like people who haven't played PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds before don't know the role of a scope and can only aim at the base, but one day they discover the scope and completely open up a new world.

As soon as the imperial examination came out, it almost enlisted people from every state in the world, and talented people rushed to Chang'an.

Originally, the other princes should have blocked it, but because they were all fighting and had no time to manage, it caused a large loss of talents in their states.

Later, it was too late to react.

The day before the exam began, Chang'an was overcrowded. All the restaurants and guest rooms were full, and many people even laid shops on the street without a place to sleep.

After Jiang Siming knew about it, he immediately let the soldiers set up many tents in the open space in the city, and they would live for free until the end of the imperial examination.

And free breakfast and dinner will be given out every day.

Just such a small move has won the hearts of countless people.

Especially the poor students who have no money wrote poems to thank Jiang Siming for his actions.

"Mother, don't worry, your son will definitely get fame! When I go back, I will tell you about the prosperity of Chang'an City and the good name of the Prime Minister. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely receive you to Chang'an City to enjoy your old age!

In a tent, a weak scholar is still studying, vowing secretly in his heart.

At this time, there was a sudden riot outside the tent.

"Guo Zijian pays tribute to Master Guo, and Master Xun, a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy, is here!"

Hearing this sound, the people in the tent hurried out and saw two young men in official uniforms approaching.

The young man who was still reading the lamp had a hunch, and temporarily put down the bamboo slips and went out as well.

As soon as he went out, Guo Jia and Xun Yu were both happy.

"Yuan Zhi! You are finally willing to come to Chang'an!"

Xu Shu, Xu Yuanzhi.

It is also a classmate friend of Guo Jia and Xun Yu.

When Xun Yu and Jiang Siming recommended talents, they also mentioned Xu Shu.

But Xu Shu refused to travel because his mother was ill, and finally had to give up.

"Bong Xiao, Wen Ruo, long time no see." Xu Shu also greeted happily.

Guo Jia grabbed Xu Shu's hand and said: "You can count on coming, but the prime minister has always been thinking of you. What test will you take when you come, I will take you to see the prime minister!"

This kind of good deeds of being an official under Jiang Siming's account without an examination is expected to pass out with joy.

But Xu Shu refused.

"No, I think I was guilty enough for Xu Shu's kindness of the prime minister. Now that I started the imperial examination, I wanted to get an official position for nothing. Xu Yuanzhi couldn't do it no matter how thick-skinned I was."

After Xu Shu finished speaking, he said in a serious tone: "I have to rely on examinations to become an official, and I will never take shortcuts."

Guo Jia wanted to persuade him again, and Xun Yu interrupted with a smile: "Forget Feng Xiao, don't you and I know Yuan Zhi's personality? What he believes, eight horses can't be brought back."

Guo Jia nodded when he heard the words, and sighed: "Then let Yuanzhi take the exam. Anyway, with Yuanzhi's talents, the top three in the future palace exams will definitely be within easy reach.

Xu Shu humbly shook his head and said, "There are so many talented people in the world, and Xu Shu is just one of the most insignificant ones. Xu Shu is very lucky to pass the exam."

Guo Jia and Xun Yu smiled at each other, shook their heads, Xu Shu is still the same Xu Shu~

Not to mention, Xu Shu's words are not wrong. Apart from Xu Shu, there are many talented people who come to Changan to take the exam.

The next day, the imperial examination officially began, and the first class was the rural examination.

The exam is divided into three sessions, the township exam, the general exam, and the palace exam.

The township test was supposed to be held in each county, but because of the extraordinary period, Jiang Siming was all placed in Chang'an.

The township examination is equal to the sea election, and the topic is not difficult.

A total of 40,000 people took the exam on the first day.

The main reason is that there is not enough time for publicity of this event, and there is not enough time, and many people have not been able to participate.

But in the future, there will be more and more people taking exams.

40,000 people took the exam.

There are more than 20,000 people who passed the assessment.

A lot of people who used to fill up their numbers have been dismissed.

After the first day of the exam, I took a two-day break, and then I had a meeting.

The difficulty of the test is much harder than that of the township test. With 20,000 people, it is 90% in an instant!

Only less than two thousand people were successfully shortlisted.

These two thousand people started the third and final palace exam.

The last exam was important and attracted the attention of countless people.

The location was in the Guozijian Academy, with more than two thousand seats lined up in the empty space.

Each seat is far apart, and every few meters there is an invigilator staring at it. It is a dream to cheat and copy others.

And once caught for cheating, you can go to jail for three years, and you can't take another exam for the rest of your life.

Who dares to cheat with such a cruel punishment.

At eight o'clock in the morning, more than two thousand candidates were seated, waiting for the formal examination to begin at nine o'clock.

There is half an hour left before the test, and there is a cry, "The Prime Minister is here!" ’All the candidates were excited, but I didn’t expect the prime minister to come for this exam.

Jiang Siming's figure appeared at the exam site, and everyone looked at the prime minister and exclaimed that the prime minister was too young.

Also, there are very few people who can meet Jiang Siming, and there is no internet or newspaper in this world, and few people know Jiang Siming's appearance.

It's just that from the literati and ink guests who were lucky enough to meet, I heard all kinds of praise for Jiang Siming's looks.

Sai Ruo Panan, reincarnation, etc., said everything.

When I saw you today, everyone found that what those people said was really right!

When Jiang Siming arrived, Xun Yu immediately gave up the position of the chief examiner.

Jiang Siming sat down unceremoniously, and smiled at the more than two thousand candidates below.

"You are all the best from thousands of opponents. I hope that in this last exam, everyone will be able to test their level, get results, serve the court, and work for the world."

"Finally, I hope that all students can do it. Dapeng rises in the same wind and skyrocketed for 90,000 miles!"

The last line of Jiang Siming's poem made all the candidates feel excited and sentimental!

[Author's digression]: The third more ~ ​​Hey! Let’s see here, the New Year’s Day lucky draw has ended successfully (skr) Congratulations to qqID: [屮], [Blockbuster], [Name was taken by a cat ε = gone 3], three book fans won the first prize and won exquisite prizes.

Of course, those who did not win the prize need not be discouraged, after all, not everyone has the physique of the European Emperor.

Hey Sake is preparing for the Lantern Festival when we are getting a big lottery. Friends who want to participate can join the group and wait patiently. Let me tell you that there are 3 European King Prizes, 6 Consolation Prizes, and 15 African Special Prizes skr. The lucky draw is expected to start around mid-January 2020. Remember to come and join us.

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