I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1110: Yin Yang Gong Media

The Panda House had no choice but to drive Xiangxiang to Jiang Siming's manor.

After getting out of the car, Xiangxiang became happy again when he saw Jiang Siming, and the bamboo was also very fragrant.

The curator smiled bitterly, and then instructed some Jiang Siming's basic precautions for raising pandas, and then left.

And Xiangxiang became the third pet in the family.

It's just that unlike Ah-囡 and Ah-ri, which belong to dimensional creatures, Xiangxiang is a real creature and a national treasure panda.

Jiang Siming himself did not expect that there would be such a day when the family raised a giant panda...

The panda house sent a lot of bamboos. Jiang Siming arranged the bamboos near the rockery at the door of his house. As for the panda nest, there was a big hole just under the rockery, with furs and comfortable cushions inside, it became Xiangxiang’s new home. Up.

When I first came to Jiang Siming's house, Xiangxiang felt very new and walked around.

The woman at home has absolutely no resistance to it, so she kept touching it.

Jiang Siming is most worried about whether he will not get along with Ah-囡 and Ah-ri.

Sure enough, when Ah-囡 and Ah-li saw it, they put on a hostile posture.

But what Jiang Siming didn't expect was that Xiang Xiang was very bachelor, begging for mercy, and kept trying to please these two ‘elders’ at home.

Ah-囡 hit it and didn’t resist, which also made Ah-囡 and Ah-li no hostility towards it, instead they took it as their little brothers.

Xiangxiang was also very happy, and it didn't take long for her to get together with A-Nan and Ari, and followed them behind their buttocks as an honest follower.

Jiang Siming looked dumbfounded, Xiangxiang, please, you are a national treasure, what about your dignity?

There is an extra panda in the house, but it doesn't make much difference.

Moreover, Xiangxiang is very obedient, as if she knows this is Jiang Siming's home, and is very docile to Jiang Siming's wives, and they will not resist any of them touching it.

It looks like a panda house, except for Jiang Siming, it is no bird.

And when eating at home, he would take a bundle of bamboo and eat with A-Nan and Ari, and would go to the special small toilet if he pulls the smelly, and never urinate anywhere.

Jiang Siming's family likes the panda that has always been full of spirituality.

In a few days, Xiangxiang’s figure returned to its previous appearance, and she gained a lot of weight~

The Panda Pavilion knows and feels completely relieved, except for the bamboo delivered every day...

The heart is really big.

Jiang Siming thinks if he can bring fragrance when he goes out shopping in the future, don't mention that guy Dora Feng.

It is estimated that as soon as you go out, you can easily get hot searches on Weibo.

I will use this trick if I feel overwhelmed in the future (laughs and cry)...

Since the successful development of cancer-clearing drugs, Qin Yiyi has become very busy.

They are constantly flying around the country, they have to report, they have to monitor the production of cancer-clearing drugs, and they have to face the flood of media from all over the world.

And pharmaceutical companies all over the world have gradually determined that Huaxia has indeed developed a very successful cancer-clearing drug.

This is good news for patients all over the world, but it is a bolt from the blue for their pharmaceutical companies.

If Qin Yiyi's drugs are produced and sold, they estimate that many pharmaceutical companies will go bankrupt.

No matter how bad it is, it will be a great injury, because no one will buy their anti-cancer drugs.

Killers and mercenaries also came into being.

For this reason, recently, many foreign faces have entered China.

Although most of the assassins were found and arrested as soon as they entered the customs, there were still some missing fish.

Grim Reaper, nickname, Kay.

The world's number one killer.

He is the number one person on the global killer rankings for seven years.

His assassination success rate is 100%.

Since he was young, he was thrown on the battlefield in the Middle East to practice killing skills, and when he was a little older, he was sent to those hermit families in China.

He has excellent cultivation talents, grows extremely fast, and gathers the strengths of a hundred families to become a mysterious master.

Also achieved his reputation as the world's number one killer.

After more than ten years, after setting foot on the land of China again, Kay showed a memorable smile.

I think he went out from here at the beginning, and most of his skills came from here.

But a foreigner like him has never been grateful.

You teach me killing skills, and I use you as a sharpening stone.

After Kai's strength was achieved, he did not do much to deceive his master and destroy his ancestor.

In his eyes, there is no kindness, only benefits.

Whoever gives him more money, he will die for whom.

"Unexpectedly, killing an unarmed little girl requires me to go out. Tsk tsk, this kind of handy work, those fools can't handle it."

Kai said with a sneer, and then disappeared without a trace on the busy street.


At night, an astonishing battle took place in Jiangsu Xiaobieyuan where Qin Yiyi lived!

Li Shengxue and Bingmei were injured at the same time!

In front of the two of them, stood a ghostly shadow, showing them a lovely smile.

"It's really disappointing. I thought the Hua Tiantian team members were all unpredictable. I didn't expect it to be so, Jie Jie..."

In the shadow, Kai Jie smiled sharply, as if the world was in his hands.

Even the expert Hua Xia is a place where he can come and go as he pleases.

Bing Mei stared at him with cold eyes, and asked softly, "Have you called for support?"


"Who did you call?"

"My man."


"What's the matter? Can't it?" Li Shengxue twisted the bone of her hand that had just been hit, her eyes were not only not afraid, but also a little proud.

Bingmei said: "But he is in Shanghai."

"No, he has already come." Li Shengxue smiled mysteriously, her eyes suddenly changed.

Those who are familiar with Jiang Siming will definitely see that Li Shengxue's eyes are all Jiang Siming's murderous.

A major function of the enhanced version of Yin and Yang Gong, media physique!

Jiang Siming is far away in Shanghai, but he can control Li Shengxue and use his strength around Jin Danqi.

After Li Shengxue finished speaking, her figure instantly disappeared in the same place and killed Kai towards Kai.

"Snow Girl!" Bing Beauty wanted to stop her anxiously. She wondered if it wasn't Jiang Siming who came. Why did Snow Girl rush forward? Neither of them was Kai's opponent.

But in the next scene, something happened that caught her off guard. Kai's neck was strangely separated from her body!

A line of air, like a dividing line, passed through Kay's neck and cut his body into two!

After finishing the matter, Li Shengxue suddenly broke out: "Dare to bully my wife, it's not too timid, don't let me meet you in the next life, or I will see you once and kill again."

This voice... isn't Jiang Siming's voice?

Is Li Shengxue hermaphrodite?

The ice beauty felt that she couldn't turn her head, but she quickly thought about some special ability.

How many secrets does Jiang Siming have?

Bingmei changed her mind again, when she and Li Shengxue were sleeping and taking a bath, wouldn't they be peeked by Jiang Siming? ? ?

As soon as this kind of thought appeared, the ice beauty felt uncomfortable, and secretly vowed never to take a bath with Li Shengxue again...

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