I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1117: Three seconds later

Wang Yuan never thought about being a mother and having children. I heard that pregnancy is a very painful thing. She is not very mature at first, so she never thought of going through such a painful thing.

Therefore, Wang Yuan is also determined not to have children, at least not now.

Liu Xie was sweating anxiously, so he had no choice but to put it on.

The main show begins.

Three seconds later...

"What are you doing?" Wang Yuan asked with a circled face.

"I...I'm done."

"What? The old lady hasn't felt anything yet, there is no pain, and no happiness, are you playing with my old lady?" Wang Yuan said with air.

Liu Xie looked embarrassed and said, "Perhaps I am too tired today."

"Get out!" Wang Yuan kicked Liu Xie down.

Liu Xie was very bachelor and hurriedly hid in the bed, feeling quite proud in his heart, anyway, the man was finished~

But what he didn't know was that after this time, it would be even more difficult to ask Wang Yuan to "do something" in the future.

While Liu Xie was still busy racking his brains every day to send a request for training to the queen, Jiang Siming's army had expanded to 200,000.

After Yuan Shu died, and the Three Kingdoms passed another year, Jiang Siming's strength reached a qualitative leap.

The Chang'an Xuanjia Army is still 70,000, and the other soldiers and horses are from Yuzhou that Yuan Shu previously commanded.

However, the combat power of these 130,000 soldiers is still quite different from that of the Xuanjia Army, but at least it is at the top level among the princes.

Jiang Siming named them the Red Army, or the Red Army for short.

The Xuanjia Army is Jiang Siming's trump card team, and the trump card in the trump card is the three thousand dragon guards that Jiang Siming formed this year.

The soldiers of the Xuan Jia Army were selected from the Crimson Armor, while the soldiers of the Yulong Guard were selected from the Xuan Jia Army.

Everyone who was singled out could serve as a military post of centurion or higher, with outstanding ability and strength.

And everyone carried the most sophisticated equipment, Jiang Siming did not bring out modern weapons for them, but only slightly improved a small grade on the basis of the Han Dynasty equipment.

In this way, the combat power of these three thousand Royal Dragon Guards, Jiang Siming visually could eat at least 30,000 men from other princes.

One dozen ten is really not a big problem.

This year has passed, and the wars of the princes everywhere have almost ended.

Yuan Shao still became the largest prince, ruling the north, Jizhou, Qingzhou, and Bingzhou.

It is equivalent to holding the land of the three states, with a large number of counsellors and generals, and the number of soldiers and horses has expanded to 400,000. It can be described as the world's largest prince.

Cao Cao completely controlled the Qingzhou and Yanzhou areas, with more than 200,000 soldiers.

Jiangdong and Jingzhou Liu Biao still fought hard, but Jiangdong still did not eat Jingzhou, but sitting on the rich land of Jiangdong, Sun Jian was also a great prince.

Now in the world, there is not much left in the original Eighteenth Route.

Except for several familiar people such as Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan, Liu Biao, Sun Jian, and Ma Teng, the others were either defeated or resigned.

Liu Bei was still working hard to develop in Tao Qian's Xuzhou. His acting skills and eloquence allowed Tao Qian to gradually dispel suspicion of him, and regarded him as a reuse to resist Lu Bu, who had been coveting Xuzhou.

It's just that Tao Qian's health has been deteriorating recently, and Xuzhou has begun to smell like mountains and rain are coming.

Originally, Jiang Siming thought that the war of the princes under heaven was temporarily over, is it going to be a long peaceful time?

Unexpectedly, two incidents suddenly broke out, causing all the princes of the world to stir.

First, the battle of Yijing broke out!

Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan fought.

Second, Sun Jian is dead, and Liu Biao did it.

These two events have caused the world that was about to calm down once again!

Liu Biao killed Sun Jian and forged a feud with Jiangdong, and the two sides fought again.

And because of Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan's fight, the other princes all set off like the old cat smelling the fishy smell.

Cao Cao began to send troops to target Youzhou, where Gongsun Zan had nothing to guard against. After all, Boss Cao was most willing to take advantage of the fire to rob him.

Not long after, Tao Qian died of illness, and Liu Bei temporarily led Xuzhou!

On the surface, Liu Huangshu pretended to be very sad, saying that it was Tao Gong who was dead, and he was afraid of Lv Bu's attack, so he temporarily ruled Xuzhou, he only temporarily borrowed Xuzhou.

Anyone who has read history books knows when Liu Bei borrowed something from someone else.

Lu Bu was naturally unwilling, and had just received the service of a powerful counselor, Chen Gong. With Chen Gong's assistant, Lu Bu was no longer a reckless man.

The strength is greatly increased, and Xuzhou Liu Bei fought hard.

This troubled world has once again become complicated.

After Gongsun Zan discovered that Boss Cao had copied him, he hurriedly sent a letter for help to Changan Jiang Siming.

The Prime Minister's Mansion, in the Chamber.

Jiang Simingao sits at the head, and in the left row at the bottom, there are more than ten counsellors including Xun Yu, Xun You, Guo Jia, Xu Shu, Fazheng, Chen Qun, and Liu Ye.

In the row on the right, there are more than a dozen generals including Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Dian Wei, Wei Yan, Gao Lan, and Zhang Yun.

These people are the strongest cards Jiang Siming has harvested in the Three Kingdoms.

If the copy of Three Kingdoms is compared to a game, the cards in Jiang Siming's hand are already at the level of Tianhu.

These are also the foundation and pillars of Prime Minister Jiang in the Three Kingdoms.

Regarding the level of skill of the cards, Yuan Shao has to stand aside, Yuan Shao only has a lot of adults, and he is small, but he is good!

Without these capable men, Jiang Siming might only be a small prince unless he uses the strength of his cultivator.

Holding Gongsun Zan’s letter for help, Jiang Siming asked from the bottom of the floor: "Youzhou prefect Gongsun Zan’s request for help sent to Zhenxiang must have been read by everyone. What advice do you have, is Zhenzhen saved or not?"

Xun You immediately stood up and said, "Lord, let me save you."

"Oh, why should it be rescued?" Jiang Siming asked calmly.

"If Gongsun Zan dies, Yuan Shao and Cao Cao will definitely grow stronger, and they will become even more troublesome for the lord. Therefore, my lord should save." Xun You explained.

Jiang Siming smiled and nodded, and asked others, "Any other reasons or opinions?"

Xu Shu stood up, saluted respectfully, and said, "Prime Minister, I think Gongsun Zan is certainly saved, but the key lies in how to save Gongsun Zan, and how it will help our lord."

"Oh? What's your opinion?" Jiang Siming asked with a smile.

These counsellors do not see much effect when there is no war, and they can handle daily government affairs.

But when it comes to war, it's when they shine.

"The next opinion is that if they send Yijing or Youzhou directly, they will become enemies of Yuan Shao and Cao Cao.

"Therefore, the generals thought that we can encircle Wei and save Zhao. The lord can let General Wei Yan lead an army of 50,000 to attack Yuan Shao's base camp in Jizhou, and let a general lead 30,000 to attack Cao Cao's base camp in Xuchang. Yuan must retire!"

Xu Shu spit wildly, the first time he conspired for the Lord, he did not dare to hide himself.

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