I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1119: My aunt is so generous!

With only two hours left before Jiang Wanwan's flight, Jiang Siming quickly changed his clothes and washed them out.

You can't eat breakfast at home, just stuff two fried dough sticks.

The wives in the family originally said to go to live in other small villas, fearing that sister Jiang Siming would find it bad.

But Jiang Siming was better, and refused directly, without leaving any of them.

In the future, he will disclose to the whole world his feelings about marrying them honestly, even his own sister can't even make it public.

He also knew that his family wouldn't say anything if he knew it. Of course, his sister knew it, and a broken mouth would be indispensable.

He didn't take any wife with him, nor did Yin Zhirou. After all, he had to make it public with his sister.

Who should I bring? Don't bring it at all, just let Jiang Wanwan come to see it by herself.

"Dad, I'll go with you~" Zhao Xiaoxiao wanted to go, lying on the car window.

Jiang Siming thought about it a little, and said, "Get in the car."

"Hee hee, it's better to be your daughter~ I can't even be a wife~" Zhao Xiaoxiao got into the car with a grin, holding a copy of breakfast in her hand.

"Didn't you have breakfast?" Jiang Siming asked in confusion.

"I got it for you, don't you just eat two fried dough sticks, I will feed you in the co-pilot." Zhao Xiaoxiao said.

"Oh, today's performance is especially impressive." Jiang Siming said with a smile.

Zhao Xiaoxiao smiled weirdly and said, "Isn't I to act like a good daughter in front of you? Your sister is my aunt. Can I not behave well?"

Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "Your aunt is not much older than you. She is only a freshman in your third year of junior high."

"Ah? Then I have a topic with Auntie~ Can I ask her to teach me homework?" Zhao Xiaoxiao was overjoyed.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "Don't, her grades are much worse than you, and she's stupid than you."

This made Jiang Wanwan heard that she was going to beat him.

The car drove to Hongqiao Airport. Jiang Siming drove seriously on the road, and Zhao Xiaoxiao fed Jiang Siming breakfast from time to time.

The two father and daughter are intimate and talking and laughing.

"Dad, my mother and I are going back to my grandfather and grandmother's house five days before the Spring Festival. When will you go home?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao asked as he wiped Jiang Siming's mouth.

"Me? I'm probably a day or two later than you guys." Jiang Siming replied.

"Then you send me back with my mother~ It's in Puxi, very close." Zhao Xuan is from Shanghai and her home is in Shanghai.

"Okay, it's only an hour away. It's very convenient. You can go to your house as a guest." Jiang Siming said casually.

After speaking, he regretted it, but Zhao Xiaoxiao immediately decided.

"Yeah! Say good, I will go to my grandmother's house for dinner~"

Jiang Siming was too lazy to take it back to save Xiaoxiao's disappointment, so he bit the bullet and agreed.

Isn't it just seeing the mother-in-law?

The two drove to Hongqiao Airport, parked their car in the underground garage, and went to the pick-up hall to pick up people.

Zhao Xiaoxiao is jumping around, it seems that this girl is in an unprecedented mood today.

"Dad, you are so famous and you didn't wear a mask and hat when you came out. Why didn't no one spot you?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao was curious. It stands to reason that her father's reputation and status shouldn't be surrounded by crowds of onlookers wherever he went.

But there are so many people in such a big airport, but they don't seem to see Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming smiled, touched Zhao Xiaoxiao's head, and replied: "Since you have cultivated, haven't you heard that cultivators have the ability to hide aura."

"Suga, it turned out to be like this." Zhao Xiaoxiao's expression was suddenly realized.

"I want to learn too."

Jiang Siming smiled bitterly and said: "Okay, when you find a suitable practice technique, you become a hermit, and I will teach you."

"Okay~ I love you daddy~"

"I love you too."

"I'm talking about..."

"Shut up, I'm talking about love!"

"Oh~ (蔫巴

Not long after waiting in the airport reception hall, Jiang Wanwan's figure appeared in Jiang Siming's eyes.

It was the first time Jiang Wanwan, who dressed like a bear, came to such a prosperous city. She was still holding a bunch of things in her hand, and she looked a little timid.

As soon as he came out, he looked around for Jiang Siming's figure, for fear that he might not find his brother.

"Here!" Jiang Siming waved at her.

Jiang Wanwan looked at Jiang Siming, and suddenly the timidity and tension disappeared, and she rushed towards Jiang Siming while twisting the big bag.

As soon as he came over, he gave Jiang Siming a hug.

"What a big girl, I want me to hold it." Jiang Siming put his arms around the'big stupid bear' amused, and said in a petting way.

Jiang Wanwan smiled with a round face and came out of Jiang Siming's arms.

"Brother, Shanghai Airport is too big, much larger than our city's airports, I almost couldn't find my way, I was so nervous." Jiang Wanwan said in a speechless voice.

"Then how did you get it on a plane for the first time?"

"Search the steps online, you didn't know that I rehearsed at home many times last night, for fear that I wouldn't embarrass you by flying." Jiang Wanwan smiled embarrassedly.

The sister of Asia's richest man can't fly, and it's been a joke.

But Jiang Siming squeezed her face distressedly when he heard it, and said, "You won't be ashamed of your brother in anything you do. You are not allowed to have such thoughts in the future, you know?"

I blame him for being bad. After success, I don’t even say that I bring my family out to play. Now it’s quite ironic that the whole family has been on a plane.

Of course, we can't blame Jiang Siming at all. He has told his family many times before that he wants to take them to Shanghai or go abroad to play.

But every time my parents and grandparents refused, they said that Jiang Siming should be busy with his career.

Jiang Siming has decided that next year he will take the time to take his family and have fun!

"Oh, I see." Jiang Wanwan smiled sweetly.

"You are also really good. Why are you nervous when your brother is the richest man in Asia? How could you be embarrassed? You have to come to Shanghai a long time ago." Jiang Siming said.

"I'll be here now. I also brought a lot of dried foods made by my mother and grandma, as well as a lot of eggs and fruits."

Jiang Wanwan pointed to the big bag under her feet and said.

Jiang Siming said happily, "I will go home in half a month. Why do I bring so many things."

"I said the same, but my parents and grandparents have to give it to you, what can I do." Jiang Wanwan spread her hands.

At this time, Zhao Xiaoxiao took the initiative to screw up these things.

Jiang Wanwan thought it was a thief, but fortunately Jiang Siming stopped it.

"This is Xiaoxiao, my daughter." Jiang Siming introduced to Jiang Wanwan jokingly.

"Hello, aunt~" Zhao Xiaoxiao cried out cleverly.

Jiang Wanwan felt that the Three Views had been subverted. This girl... Except for her development a little better, she looks about the same age as her own, right? What do you call her? Aunt...

"Brother, don't fool me, isn't this another girlfriend of you?" Jiang Wanwan asked quickly.

Jiang Siming has a black line. What kind of eyes does this girl look like? Can such a small girl be a girlfriend? You treat your brother as a beast!

On the contrary, Zhao Xiaoxiao was very happy when he heard it, and the look in her aunt's eyes was different. Aunt is so generous!


[Author's digression]: The fourth change~ Today is another change~ Hard work makes me happy!

Again, no matter the result of the silver ticket contest, sake will add ten more chapters!

Just try your best~

Of course, it is the best to get a good ranking (cover your face)~

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