I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1121: Are all... Sister-in-law? ?

Every country is beautiful and beautiful, and the beauty makes Jiang Wanwan feel inferior.

They are all women, why are they so beautiful...

Wait, are these all...sister-in-law? ? ? ?

"What are you looking at, it's all your sister-in-law." Jiang Siming slapped her on the back and smiled.

Jiang Wanwan was stunned for a second, only to feel that she still read too little and had no knowledge.

But soon she got used to it again, isn't it just because there are too many sisters-in-laws, it's over if you call, maybe you can ask for more red envelopes~

"Hello sisters~"

Jiang Wanwan is really good at calling people.

The girls were a little embarrassed about this call, and they rushed into the house with this sister.

They have a way to deal with girls.

It didn't take long before Jiang Wanwan successfully joined their camp.

The main reason is that the sister-in-laws are very gentle and kind to her. This kind of goodness can't be pretended, and Jiang Wanwan can feel it.

Although she was still shocked, it was normal for so many girls to like her brother when she thought of her brother's excellence.

I just don't know how the sister-in-laws can get along so harmoniously. With this ability, Jiang Wanwan felt that the ancient emperors had to call Jiang Siming a master.

Brother's vision is really ‘spicy’. Every sister-in-law is very beautiful.

Wow, the future baby, her niece and nephew, must be very handsome and beautiful.

No... She has a niece now, and this niece is also very beautiful, and she will be taken away from her school in Nantian Middle School immediately.

"Wow! Is this... a panda???"

Jiang Wanwan, who was chatting with his sister-in-laws, suddenly saw a panda lazily touching it in, and she was shocked that her jaw dropped.

The women covered their mouths and laughed.

"It's a panda, a real panda, your brother adopted it from the Panda House, it's like this..."

After listening to the explanation, Jiang Wanwan got up from the sofa excitedly and asked his sister-in-laws: "Can I... touch it?"

"Of course, don't worry, Xiangxiang is very docile to her family."

Jiang Wanwan was dubious, and walked over to reach out and touched Xiangxiang. He didn't expect Xiangxiang would not resist at all. On the contrary, he seemed to smell the relationship between Jiang Wanwan and Jiang Siming in Jiang Wanwan's bloodline.

Xiangxiang sat very well-behaved under Jiang Wanwan, rubbing her head against Jiang Wanwan's trouser legs.

Jiang Wanwan was so excited that she never dreamed that her brother raised a panda!

The giant panda is a national treasure, and my brother is too capable.

After hearing the news, A-Nan and Ari, who were curious, also came over. They were very close to Jiang Wanwan.

This makes Jiang Wanwan particularly happy, she likes small animals very much.

"Brother, you are so comfortable here. There are so many sister-in-laws, and you have such a beautiful and well-behaved pet, I can't bear to leave."

Jiang Wanwan said with emotion, no one might want to leave this kind of place.

"If you don't want to go, don't go, or transfer to Shanghai to let you live here every day." Jiang Siming said as he was busy cooking, Xinyi and Zhirou's five or six wives beat him.

My sister is here, so I have to show my brother's craftsmanship.

"No, you don't want to use the life of a capitalist to erode me. I prefer to accompany my grandparents and parents. They don't want to live in such a big city." Jiang Wanwan shook her head.

Jiang Siming is not reluctant. It is her business where her sister likes to be, and she can't interfere with her sister's freedom just because she is doing well.

His brother is still very wise.

When Jiang Wanwan and Xiangxiang had enough fun with them, Jiang Siming just finished the dishes.

With a large table full of vegetables, Jiang Wanwan's fragrant saliva almost dripped.

"Hey, brother, isn't this the pork you brought home, and beef."

Tianci pigs and Tianci cows not only fed them to themselves and their wives, but Jiang Siming sent the first batch to the family after they matured, and the family has been eating this pork and beef.

It's just that they don't know how expensive the meat is, and Jiang Siming dare not say it.

Because if they knew, they would definitely not be willing to eat and let Jiang Siming sell it.

"Yes, what is sold outside is not safe and hygienic. Eat your own health."

"Hey, then I'm not welcome, there are many other dishes."

Jiang Wanwan's food attributes were exposed and she couldn't help but move her chopsticks.

"Hmm! Brother, your cooking skills are too good! Why don't you cook when you come home on Mid-Autumn Festival." Jiang Wanwan almost swallowed her tongue.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "I think too, but grandma and mother won't let it."

"I think I'm staying with you for two days, and I will definitely get a few kilograms of fat to go back..." Jiang Wanwan ate while worrying, her chopsticks and mouth never stopped.

After a meal, Jiang Wanwan officially settled in Jiang Siming's manor.

But Jiang Wanwan only stayed in Shanghai for three days before going back.

In the past three days, she finally saw how rich her brother was, and took her out to buy clothes. All she wanted was to get them directly, never looking at the price.

And many stores are his own.

Buying New Year's goods is a small car-by-carriage. Jiang Wan said that he couldn't carry it, so he said that it would be transported directly by plane, and someone would deliver it to the door.

In addition, Jiang Siming also took her to several key universities in Shanghai, let her feel the university atmosphere in advance.

Finally, I took Jiang Wanwan to visit various attractions in Shanghai.

Jiang Siming did nothing else for the past three days, but was with his sister.

Not only that, he also took Jiang Wanwan to an upper-class cocktail party and met many outstanding and handsome young people.

His purpose is not to find her sister-in-law's house, but to hope that she can see that there are so many good young people out there, and not to trip over a crooked melon at school.

What he fears most is that his younger sister has no knowledge of the world and has never seen the world. When he meets a boy who treats her well at school, he will give his heart to others.

When the relationship is deceived and frustrated, it will be too late, and the advantages will be taken up by others.

He is really worried, but in fact Jiang Siming's worry is more than a lot.

With his elder brother as a role model, Jiang Wanwan did not see the little boys who went to school or the outstanding young people at the reception.

Jiang Wanwan also quickly adapted to the position of his richest sister. She was no longer timid and nervous outside, but became self-confident, even walking with her chin up.

This is what Jiang Siming wants to see. What he wants is to let his sister know that there is always an invincible brother behind him, so he can go boldly!

He had ignored this before, and now it is not too late to remedy it.

He just wanted Jiang Wanwan to know that she actually had everything she wanted, and she didn't need to worry about material conditions.

This way of petting sisters is probably a fantasy of all sisters in the world.

It's just that this girl was always thinking about home when she went out for the first time, so she couldn't stay in Santan anymore, and went home to show off with her parents.

Jiang Wanwan would not give up after sending Jiang Wanwan away, anyway, he will go home for the New Year in a while.

Just go home and bring a few daughter-in-laws, it's a problem...

[Author's digression]: The second more~ friends, please, please, remember to vote for the silver ticket~

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