I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1123: Shocking

"Hahaha, you are too bad, I think it is Jiang Siming."

"Hey, it's really possible, isn't Jiang Shen working on an album recently."

"It would be great if Jiang Siming came here! He sang better than Lin when he was three years old!"

"Deng Qi and Jiang Siming sang "A Bridge of Fate", which is very nice."

"You said...Does Deng Qi like Jiang Siming? (Gossip Fire

"That's for sure, do you look at the "Singer" of the past year? Deng Qi looks at other people and Jiang Siming's eyes are different.

"Oh, I miss the two of them together. It's a perfect match."

"Yeah, it would be nice if the two were together, golden boy and jade girl, talented man and girl."


These audiences were chatting, and the floor was crooked...

This time the wait seems to be very long, the Dancer dancers have danced several dances, and no one has come out yet.

Finally, I waited for a while, just when everyone was getting impatient.

The lights on the stage suddenly went out, turned yellow and hazy.

The white mist formed by dry ice appeared on the stage, which is common on many stages, so the audience was not surprised.

It's just a little strange, what kind of song it is, why the atmosphere suddenly becomes weird, even... a little more ambiguous.

And when Deng Qi came out of the backstage, the audience was amazing!

Deng Qi abandoned his beloved leather pants and his short sleeves, but instead put on a Hanfu that she had never seen before!

Chinese costume in ancient costume!

This is really the first time Deng Qi has worn it, and even the most experienced fans have never seen Deng Qi wear an ancient costume.

The body was wrapped in pale pink Chinese clothes, and a layer of white gauze was draped on the outside.

Exposed the beautifully-lined neck and clearly visible clavicle, the folds of the skirt flowed gently to the ground like snow and moon.

Deng Qi dressed like this is less cool and handsome, but more charming and feminine.

This kind of Dengqi caused the audience to scream again and again, and the male fans shouted that it was worth it. The ticket price is too worth it!

But what puzzles everyone is that the chorus guests still haven't come out?

At this time, the stage music had already sounded, and Deng Qi seemed to have forgotten the chorus guests, the accompaniment, and did not sing, as if immersed in his beautiful dress and unable to extricate himself.

"Turning your hands for the clouds and covering your hands for the rain

Golden basin wash hands to stop wind and rain

Not in love with the red dust but can't give up memories

Every paragraph has you..."

Obviously Deng Qi didn't sing, but singing sounded on the stage.

At that moment, many people thought it was a fake singing and missed their mouths, but when they heard that it was a male voice, they dispelled this doubt.

On the stage, a figure in a blue shirt appeared on the stage.

As soon as this person appeared, there was thunderous applause from the audience.

Sure enough, it was Jiang Siming! Hahaha, they guessed it right!

But soon, their excitement controlled by themselves and quickly put it away, and it was not too late to release it after listening to the song.

Deng Qi seamlessly joined the song, and began to sing with a rhythm that he had barely used before.

"My first encounter is always in my heart

Your affection has not diminished for many years

How can the picturesque country compare

The scenery you gave me


Be good!

The male audiences all feel a hot nose, is this Deng Qi? Why does a cool girl suddenly become a girl? ? ?

What a charming voice, is this definitely Deng Qi...

If Deng Qi's voice were not so recognizable, they would have thought it was a fake singing.

Mom, listen to me, my family Aqi is really a cool girl~

This song is inexplicably itchy.

But everyone did not expect that this was just an opening, and the next thing was the main story.

Deng Qi began to dance with the singing.

Although his dancing skills are not high, he can see that he has worked hard, and he smiles, raises his hand and even gracefully evokes an orchid shadow.

The audience did not feel the goose bumps, but was surprised again and again.

Deng: Liu Xia Wen Yaoqin dances and a song

Jiang: It seems to reflect the shadows

Deng: Who provoked affection in a few words

Jiang: Who swayed Nebula with a smile

Deng: The paper fan hides in the foreshadowing and mysterious poems

Jiang: Purple smoke burns his heart and leaves a fragrance for future generations

Deng: How many merits and demerits the heroes in the history books

Jiang: What do I want in this life, but you...

You don't need to listen to the singing first. The lyrics of this chorus are enough for the audience to read carefully.

This lyrics, tut, deserves to be written by Jiang Siming.

This ancient atmosphere is coming, and it is not something mortal can learn.

Split this lyrics down, it's a poem!

It can only be said that the current Chinese style and national style songs, except for Zhou Dong of the year, really only Jiang Siming can control.

Moreover, Jiang Siming is even better than blue because of blue, which is more powerful than the former.

The chorus of the two people is also about to sing the bones of all the audience.

Deng Qi's charming singing skills, coupled with Jiang Siming's delicate warmth of the throat, form a song that can impress all men and women.

After listening to this song, there was an urge to fall in love.

Everyone only listens to the singing, but it seems to see a beautiful ancient love.

Deng Qi's dance did not stop, still wandering in elegance and sensuality.

The two even had a dance interaction, holding hands and completing many dance moves.

When singing was on the rise, Deng Qikuan walked up to Jiang Siming, stretched out his little finger, and slowly hooked Jiang Siming's chest in the shirt.

Finally, he hooked Jiang Siming's chin, provoked evilly, provocatively implying self-evident.

This also made the audience scream, wow, Ah Qi has grown up~ he is hooking up with his little brother

Deng Qi didn't know why he was so bold. This was obviously not the original dance movement.

But she was willing to give it up today.

As a ‘victim’, Jiang Siming could only smile inwardly, and on the surface he had to pretend that the two had already made arrangements if nothing had happened.

My heart is tired~ alas~

The song gradually came to an end, and the two danced together.

"From the distant mountains comes the leisurely tune flute in the morning

Xiaofeng takes the time

Shen Shuang Temple

with you

The grievances and grievances are like Feihong treading on the mud..."

In the last sentence, the two looked at each other and hugged each other, and the song ended at this moment.

Then all the lights on the stage were turned off, and it was completely black.

But some sharp-eyed audiences seemed to see the moment when the light finally went dark.

Deng Qi seemed to tiptoe!

Yes, she did stand on tiptoe and kissed Jiang Siming forcibly.

Boss Jiang said he really didn't know it~

Deng Qi's kiss also followed today's state, boldly confessing to Jiang Siming.

The two lips touched each other, and the hug naturally tightened.

In this stage where the five fingers cannot be seen, but there are tens of thousands of eyes looking at the stage.

There was a secret kiss, Jiang Siming had never experienced it.

Not to mention... it's great...

When the lights came on again, the two had separated.

Nothing seemed to happen, but Deng Qi's face was already red.

Following the song, the audience gave a waterfall-like applause without hesitation.

And those sharp-eyed audiences don’t know in the end, whether the two kissed, this **** light~


[Author's digression]: Add more +1! Fourth! Sake see if you can work hard to get +2 out.

It's still a little more than 9 chapters, you can write down this number, and watch the sake slowly return!

One last word, remember to vote~ Silver Ticket Silver Ticket, Contest Contest, Aoli give it!

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