I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1126: Pick up Irene at Harvard!

Jiang Siming discovered that Qin Yiyi's safety problem seems to have gradually relaxed recently.

Qin Yiyi called and told him that he should be safe.

After all, as long as the drug is fully produced, even if those people kill Qin Yiyi, it will not help.

Therefore, during the period of drug production, Qin Yiyi is dangerous, and there are so many days of protection by group members.

But recently, the members of the Tian Group have withdrawn, and Huo Wu also left, only Li Shengxue is protecting Qin Yiyi.

"Daughter-in-law, what's the matter? This medicine hasn't been produced yet, so why has the protection been revoked?" Jiang Siming called and asked Li Shengxue in confusion.

Li Shengxue replied: "Don't worry, because the American attack and killing of the Iraqi Major General has put the whole world on high alert, especially the pharmaceutical companies and arms dealers on the American side are busy preparing to make big money and run away. , There is no time for Qin Yiyi anymore."

"It turned out to be so." Jiang Siming remembered. The news he read this morning said that the Iraqi general was assassinated by Old Special.

Thousands of Iraqis took to the streets to protest, causing a worldwide sensation.

The boss of Iraq has also spoken, and must retaliate severely against the United States.

Now that the two countries are under high military alert, many American netizens are discussing whether World War III is about to begin.

Even many people from the United States have taken refuge abroad for fear that they will be hit by the fish.

Jiang Siming was also speechless to this old special, and Trump felt uncomfortable if he didn't mess up day after day.

It's really free America, shootout every day.

The most funny thing is that Jiang Siming also watched Lao Te’s explanation. He said that the attack on the Iraqi general was for world peace...

Buddha. Really buddha.

Those who follow us are free and democratic, and those who follow us are terrorists.

This is the inner monologue of American ZF.

"Huo Wu and Bing have been transferred back to the Tian Group base, ready to accept orders at any time. Once the situation changes, they will immediately perform their tasks."

Thinking of this, Li Shengxue became a little worried about their safety.

She was with Jiang Siming, so the old man in the Tian Group did not let her participate, which was also a favor to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming naturally knew, he was silent for a while, and said: "Don't worry, if something big happens, and your husband, there is no reason to let the girl take risks, your husband is omnipotent."

Although he didn't like ice and fire dance, but when he really had to take risks, Jiang Siming would not hesitate to be a pioneer.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

Of course I don’t need to do anything in peacetime, but if one day comes into a troubled world, how can I live a peaceful life even if I live alone?

Li Shengxue understood him, so he did not object, but comforted: "The teacher has analyzed it, and the worst plan is the small friction between Iraq and the United States, and it will not hurt other countries."

Jiang Siming nodded, that's the best.

Let's leave the peaceful era, but you have to do this and that, you are talking about whether Trump's brain is sick.

Yes, how could he be impeached if his brain is not sick.

Jiang Siming shrugged. America's business has nothing to do with him. He just needs to live a good life in China, and it won't be over if he doesn't go to America.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming relaxed again, and after a few more exhorts to Li Shengxue, he hung up the phone.

But as soon as he put down the phone, Jiang Siming suddenly remembered that Irene was still in America.

This is not a joke. The United States is inherently insecure, and now it is a time of crisis that this kind of international event is happening again.

Jiang Siming doesn't want his girlfriend to live in such a place anymore, at least he has to wait for the matter to calm down a bit.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming immediately called Irene.

As soon as he was connected, I realized that Irene was still in the Harvard dorm.

Irene told Jiang Siming that many students had temporarily taken leave to go home, and her father was also going through the suspension formalities and passport for her, saying that he was going to move the family to Canada to live first.

Irene didn't want to go to Canada, she wanted to go to China, but her father didn't agree.

"Eileen, pack your things, leave a letter to your dad, and wait for me to pick you up in the Harvard dormitory at night."

Jiang Siming left a message to Irene and hung up the phone.

Irene's trust in Jiang Siming made her never doubt how Jiang Siming could fly to the United States at night.

I did it if I was happy and happy.

As soon as the phone hung up, Jiang Siming disappeared in Shanghai.

After a long time, the small movement technique was finally used to fly to other countries.

Before leaving, Jiang Siming brought some food from home.

He could reach the United States very quickly with a small movement technique, but he had to pick up people when he returned. His small movement technique was useless, he could only fly with a sword.

Even if he is a primordial monster, it takes more than four hours for Yujian to fly more than half of the earth, and he is afraid that Irene will be hungry on the way.

I hope that in the next year, I can get moving fragments that can bring people, so that it will be much more convenient in the future.

It's been a long time since I saw Irene, strange.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming's small shifting technique used faster.

Rao also used a lot of Jiang Siming's true energy. After forty minutes, Jiang Siming appeared in the sky of Harvard Academy.

Landing at the gate of Harvard Academy, Jiang Siming first fed himself a fairy bean to replenish his true energy.

Then I called Irene, but found that no one was connected.

Jiang Siming didn't panic, because the son-in-the-mother induction Dan was there, and he could be sure that Irene hadn't happened yet.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Siming heard a terrifying scream from the center of the Harvard campus.

There was also the breath of Irene inside.

Jiang Siming immediately teleported into the school.

At Harvard’s student activity center, a man with bombs rushed towards the fleeing student crowd.

Human bomb!

Irene could only run to the back because of her short stature, and she lost her mobile phone in a panic.

Seeing that the human bomb was about to detonate, Jiang Siming made a vain move, and the startling sword appeared in his hands.

Using Qi to control the sword, the startled salamander uttered an excited sword cry, piercing the void, like a sword light flying from another dimension!

Passing through the body of the person who tied the bomber and splitting it in two, the bomb went silent.

It's just that those students just tried to escape and didn't see it.

Irene was also anxious to run away, but bumped into a warm embrace.

She subconsciously wanted to push her away, but she looked up, but Jiang Siming's smiling face was like a spring breeze.

"Come on, Jiang, there is a bomb here!" Irene was even more worried and afraid, she was afraid Jiang Siming would be implicated.

But Jiang Siming pointed behind her, and Irene subconsciously turned her head to look back and was stunned.

Jiang Siming didn't take care of the other students, and asked Xiaoxian to find Irene's mobile phone that was lost on the ground, took Irene's backpack, and then Yujian disappeared over Harvard.

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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