I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1128: Alliance with Youzhou

Irene's return caused all the wives who were going to sleep to run out in surprise and asked Irene shortly.

They all told Irene to live a good life in China, and don't go back to the United States for the time being, that place is really unreliable.

Irene nodded happily and agreed. She was anxious to stay in Huaxia. She also decided to discuss with her father and transfer school.

If you don’t go to the United States to study anymore, you will have to be attacked by a terrorist. Who can stand it?

I will study and work and live in Shanghai from now on.

The women all supported her decision and pushed her into Jiang Siming's arms with a smile, but they all slipped to sleep by themselves...

Irene blushed and looked up and found that Jiang Siming was looking at her, huh...


At night, Irene was naturally ‘cleaned up’ and subdued, she was too lazy to move a finger, she shrank into Jiang Siming’s arms like a kitten, and fell asleep sweetly.

But Jiang Siming hugged this childlike girlfriend, still full of energy, closed his eyes, and ran to the copy.

Opening his eyes again, he appeared on the horseback in the outskirts, holding a bow and arrow in his hand, aiming at the sika deer.


The arrow flew past, but it was a little bit off.

It must be that Irene hadn't had fun just after tossing, and her lower body had affected her arrow technique.

Seeing Dianwei and Zhang Fei by his side, holding back a smile and watching their own operation mistakes, Jiang Siming could not help but blush.

With a dry cough, he again hit the deer leg with an arrow.

Some people may say that sika deer is also a protected animal, so why Jiang Siming does not let others hunt whales, but he hunts sika deer himself.

One thing to be clear here is that Jiang Siming was in ancient times. There were a lot of deer here, and the ancients lived on these game.

Furthermore, there are a lot of sika deer in this era, just like before when there were many whales, all countries would fish. This is a truth.

It's not good for something to become extinct, but it's not good to flood it.

"The lord is good at arrows!" Dian Wei quickly flattered.

Jiang Si took a look at him and said, "Take this deer home. You two have no share for the venison hot pot tonight."


The two of them suddenly sank their faces and stopped laughing.

Seeing that no other prey was found, Jiang Siming lost the interest in hunting, and went back to the house, wanting to go back to find Diaochan, big and small, to solve the ‘greedy’.

But as soon as he returned to the mansion, Guo Jia came over and said that it was General Yan Gang who asked for a meeting.

"Lord, I also found a special person in Xia. This person is General Yan Gang's lieutenant. He is not very welcome. But after chatting with him for a few words, I found that this person is definitely not only a captain."

Jiang Siming stopped and asked curiously: "What's his name?"

"He said his name is Changshan Zhao Zilong."

Jiang Siming's eyes lit up, and the thoughts of trying to solve the loneliness of the four ladies in the house disappeared.

"Quick! Please! By the way, I must invite Zhao Zilong over."

Zhao Yun!

This is the only ever-victorious general of the Three Kingdoms, Lü Bu, although there is no very accurate proof of Zhao Yun's strength.

This is because Zhao Yun has rarely been singled out against fierce generals, but from his achievements, it can be seen that Zhao Yun's strength is absolutely top level.

Changbanpo's savior in danger, with the drag of Ah Dou, was able to enter and exit seven times.

However, Guan Yu was caught alive by Wu Jun when he broke through in Ju.

It can be seen that Zhao Yun is far superior to Guan Yu at least in the technique of charging and licking blood.

As for the real single-handed force, it has not been confirmed, but Jiang Siming wants to come, is the spear **** descendant, is it an ordinary generation?

Furthermore, Zhao Yun's character and loyalty are deeply liked by Jiang Siming.

Not only is he loyal to the liver and righteous, but there is also the general style, who is not chaotic when he is in danger, and he is not favored.

In the face of female sex, Zhao Fan sent his beautiful sister-in-law to Zhao Yun for the night, but was rejected.

Boss Cao once said that winning Guan Yu is better than 100,000 soldiers, and winning Zhao Yun can speed up his pace of dominating the world.

Therefore, in the mind of Boss Cao, he is more inclined to Zhao Yun.

Guo Jia took the order and left. Soon, two figures came to the chamber of the Prime Minister's Mansion and saw a young man sitting in a high seat.

Although the two were surprised, they had heard of the prime minister's age for a long time, so they didn't respond much, and they all knelt down and bowed after they came in.

"The last general Yan Gang (Zhao Yun), see Prime Minister, Prime Minister Chitose."

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "Get up all the time."

Yan Gang got up, smiled and gave Jiang Siming a fist, saying: "The prime minister, at the end of my lord's order, I am here to thank the prime minister for his rescue and rescue work. He also sent three thousand gold and three thousand horses in return. Prime Minister."

Jiang Siming nodded without changing his face: "Brother Bo Gui is polite, he is just arranging troops and putting on airs, and he didn't do any substantive help."

"The prime minister is humble, and my lord will also send a letter to the prime minister, wanting to form an alliance with the prime minister and resist foreign enemies together."

Gongsun Zan took this opportunity to hold Jiang Siming's thigh decisively, wanting to form an alliance.

Jiang Siming took a sip of his tea with a faint smile, and said: "The matter of forming an alliance requires careful consideration. The truth should be carefully considered."

Upon seeing this, Yan Gang quickly added: "My lord said, if the prime minister agrees to form an alliance, he is willing to give the prime minister 50,000 Youzhou war horses!"

Youzhou is rich in war horses, and the cavalry is invincible. Gongsun Zan's white horse is well-known.

This is also the reason why Yuan Shao and Cao Cao both coveted Youzhou. To win Youzhou is equivalent to having a steady stream of cavalry, who doesn't want it.

Jiang Siming stretched out his hand and said, "One hundred thousand horses."

Yan Gang looked embarrassed and said weakly: "80,000."

"The truth has never been sloppy and bargaining." Jiang Siming said.

Yan Gang whispered, you said one hundred thousand, isn't this just a bargain...

But he didn't dare to say it, he could only hesitate repeatedly, and finally agreed, this is also the maximum limit that Gongsun Zan gave him.

"In addition to 100,000 war horses, there is still one person in the real picture." Jiang Siming said again.

Yan Gang frowned and said, "Prime Minister, you..."

"Don't worry, I just think your captain has a good appetite for him, and he doesn't want any important people." Jiang Siming smiled.

Yan Gang was taken aback, then looked back at Zhao Yun, as if asking, when did you get a part with the prime minister?

Zhao Yun is also confused, my hen~

"This matter... I have to tell my lord." Yan Gang couldn't agree. After all, he himself knew that Zhao Yun was superb, but he hadn't been dug up by Gongsun Zan.

"Of course you can. You two will live in Chang'an with peace of mind. Before you leave, I will ask Wen Ruo to prepare a generous gift and send it to Youzhou, as the two armies form an alliance."

For such a thing as an alliance, Jiang Siming now does not lose in the alliance, and he can earn 100,000 horses. Why not do it.

When the time comes when he wants to dominate the world, with his strength, Gongsun Zan will submit himself as long as he is not a fool.

So Jiang Siming agreed quite happily.

"Thank you, Prime Minister." Yan Gang happily left.

"General Zilong stayed."

But Zhao Yun who was about to leave was stopped by Jiang Siming.

Looking at Jiang Siming's brilliant smile, Zhao Yun only felt that Ju's hair was tight...


[Author's digression]: Fourth! Add more +1!

Ten more, more sake, five more chapters have been added, there are five chapters left~

Those who want to see, remember to vote for sake~

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