I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1130: Enthusiastic!

"To the lord, Zhao Yun asks to see you."

Jiang Siming, who was handling government affairs in the prime minister's house, heard Dianwei's call.

"Let him in."

Jiang Siming stopped writing and smiled.

In this competition, he said that anyone could participate, but Zhao Yun was the only one who could not participate in the competition.

Sure enough, Zhao Yun couldn't help it anymore. Xiaoyanger, fight with him, no matter how strong a general like Zhang Fei is, he still has to be submissive.

Zhao Yun hurriedly walked in, knelt on the ground with a look of irritation.

"Final Zhao Yun, see Prime Minister."

"Get up, what's the matter, Zilong?" Jiang Siming pretended not to know.

Zhao Yun said anxiously: "Prime Minister, Yun has heard that Hedong is hosting the world's number one martial arts competition, everyone can participate, why can't Yun?"

Jiang Siming got up and explained with a look of'sincere': "This is not for your good. You just left Gongsun Zan and you participated in the first martial arts competition. This Gongsun Zan can also participate in this martial arts competition. If you see Isn't it embarrassing to lose him?"

Zhao Yun was taken aback, and then immediately said: "No, Prime Minister, since the prefect Gongsun has given me to the Prime Minister, even if we meet, Yun will not be embarrassed."

"But I'm afraid you will be soft-hearted, and it won't be good to be merciful at that time."

"Yun will never show mercy, he must go all out!"

Zhao Yun's heart for participating is the same as that of other generals. Who doesn't want to learn martial arts with masters from all walks of life, who doesn't want to be famous.

Guo Jia held back a smile and said: "General Zilong, the Prime Minister cherishes you so that you won't let you participate. The Prime Minister knows that you are in a bad mood recently, so I want you to have a good rest."

Zhao Yun said anxiously: "The Prime Minister has misunderstood. It's not that I'm in a bad mood, I'm just... I feel resentful towards the Prime Minister."

"Blame me for not discussing with you and recruiting you to Chang'an?"

"Yes." Zhao Yun straight boy.

Jiang Siming laughed and said, "Have you ever been reused in Gongsun Zan's hands?"

Zhao Yun was silent for a while, and finally shook his head.

"That would be fine. You were only a captain after staying in his hands for so long, which shows that Gongsun Zan's eyesight is not good, and I sold you decisively just because of my scheming, which shows that he really doesn't like you. Such a lord, what do you do with lifelessness?"

Zhao Yun was stunned, thinking about it carefully, Jiang Siming's words were not at all faulty.

"And when I saw you for the first time, I thought you were handsome and talented, so I used a little trick to get you under your command, and you asked yourself. The little trick I used was really shameless. ?"

Zhao Yun was silent again and reasoned. If other princes wanted to dig people, they would only use methods that were a hundred times more despicable than Jiang Siming.

A prime minister who is willing to solicit him in this way is enough to show that he values ​​himself.

Zhao Yun figured it out, and immediately knelt down and said, "Master, Zhao Yun is willing to serve for the master!"

Jiang Siming smiled happily, personally lifted Zhao Yun up, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "I will allow you to go to the martial arts competition. If you don't get a good ranking, I should punish you."

Zhao Yun is overjoyed, and worship again.

With just one hammer and one date, Zhao Yun easily returned to his heart.

To subdue different generals, you have to prescribe the right medicine, and Zhao Yun obviously takes this set.

The edict was quickly passed from Chang'an, the world's No. 1 martial arts competition, when this title came out, it attracted the movement of all directions!

It was not long after Chang'an completed the imperial examination, which was a great success.

Now we are going to hold a martial arts exercise again, the reputation is still very famous, the world is number one!

For a time, many rural warriors and famous goalkeepers began to leave and head to Hedong resolutely.

"Lord, I will finally want to participate in the competition!"

"Lord, I will finally want to go to Hedong!"

"Lord, please allow me two days off!"

"Master, the final general just won a big victory, the final will not require any rewards, the final will only allow me to go to Hedong."


The princes are about to split in these two days.

Almost all the first-class military commanders asked them to go to Hedong.

Yuan Shao's mansion.

"Lord, let the end go, my brother Wen Chou and I will definitely give the lord the first title that day!"

Yuan Shao's confidant, Yan Liangwen Chou, petitioned Yuan Shao together.

Yuan Shao could only send them temporarily, and then summon his counsellors to discuss.

"You tell me, this Jiang Bei is obviously a Hongmen banquet! Deliberately led us to the bait." Yuan Shao clapped helplessly.

He had persuaded Yan Liangwen to be ugly more than three or four times, but the two of them had eaten the mound and wanted to go.

It is the love general again, Yuan Shao is not willing to be fierce to them, if they are scolded, it would be worse if the two of them sneaked away.

"Haha, don't worry, the lord, this Jiang Bei, it is impossible to host a Hongmen banquet." A short and fat counselor stood up, confident.

"Oh? Xu You, what is your opinion?"

Xu You smiled and said: "I think that since he Jiang Bei has issued the edict of the emperor, and put the venue of the martial arts competition in Hedong, Hedong is far away from Chang'an, and there are no mountains on all sides, all are plains, if we want to escape, easy."

"This Jiang Bei's move is nothing more than to take this opportunity to recruit good generals from all over the world, lord, this is a good opportunity, with the prestige of the lord, the status of the fourth world and the third, if you come forward to recruit the seedlings of those good generals, it will definitely be a trick. , Let Jiang Bei return without success and do others' wedding dresses."

Xu You's words made Yuan Shao laugh and listened quite comfortably.

"Hahaha, okay, Xu You's words won my heart, so let's make arrangements. I will lead a 100,000 army to go and be stationed fifty miles away from the east of the river. If Jiang Bei is really unkind, our army can respond at any time. ."

Except Yuan Shao, most of the other princes also agreed to go to the tournament.

You can't go, these generals are making a lot of noise, and you must hate them for not letting them go.

These are their favorite generals, without them, who will lead the war.

Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Sun Ce, and even Ma Teng, all began to lead their troops.

No one is a fool. You can participate, but you have to be prepared.

The fifteenth passed quickly. Hedong City was originally a deserted city, but in the past few days it has almost become more prosperous than Luoyang in the past.

The streets were full of people. When the merchants in Chang'an asked about business opportunities, they went to set up stalls and opened hotels to make a fortune.

The center of the city has been transformed into a site similar to the Colosseum.

The arena is super large, and the floor of the arena is made of marble, which is completely enough for the generals to play. There is no need to worry about the ring being demolished after a game.

There are tens of thousands of seats on both sides of the ring, and the time is too short to be able to achieve tens of thousands of seats is already very good.

The World’s No. 1 Tournament is divided into three games, audition, elimination, and final.

There are more than 80,000 players in the audition! More than twice as high as the imperial examination of more than 40,000 people.

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