I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1133: Album sale!

Within a few days, Jiang Siming's album was officially released!

This is also the first album of Jiang Siming's life, the name is chicken, you too...

Ahem, I got it wrong, it's "Elegant and Popular Appreciation".

This album, the first batch sold 500,000 copies, contains all the songs of Jiang Siming, and it is also the only album Jiang Siming plans to release.

There are also two new singles, priced at 55 yuan, which can be said to be a real conscience price.

As soon as the album went on sale, music and video stores, bookstores and record shops across the country flooded into fans willingly to pay for it.

Many fans even lined up at the store door before dawn. This phenomenon has disappeared many years ago.

Except more than ten years ago, when only cassette tapes were used, albums sold best. Almost every first-line singer's album would be snatched up.

But now in this era, no one buys an album, and you can listen to it everywhere when you register a member online.

The album has only become a means and collection method for avid fans to support idols.

Yang Jing is a third-year girl with the same personality as her name. She is quiet and quiet. She never likes to chase stars. She loves to read quietly and listen to songs in her free time.

Unlike many female classmates who like to chase stars into the meal circle, Yang Jing only loves the music she likes.

A friend dragged her to join Wu Fan's rice circle group, but she refused, and finally got into a stalemate with her friend.

Yang Jing said that she really doesn't like chasing stars.

But today, early in the morning, as soon as the early self-study was over, she ran to a nearby bookstore.

She is not here to buy a book, but an album.

The bookstore had not yet opened, Yang Jing was surprised to find that there were many people waiting at the door of the store.

And most of them are older than her. There are high school students, office workers, and even a few people who seem to be in their 30s or 40s.

Yang Jing has never seen such a situation, because this bookstore usually only comes to students, like office workers, rarely come to buy books.

With curiosity, Yang Jing chose to stand in line behind.

At this time, the first few people chatted.

"You guys came to buy the album too?"

"Yeah, Jiang Shen's songs are really good. I never chase stars, and I plan to buy one and collect it back."

"Me too, just don't know when this store will open, I'm almost late for work."

"What is being late, I just asked for leave."

"I'm even more miserable. I was ordered by my wife to buy it, saying that I bought it and went back to eat and drink. I can't buy a washboard to wait on it, oooooo..."

Yang Jing heard the chatting content of these adults and snickered with her mouth.

At the same time, she felt that she was right. So many people like to listen to Jiang Siming's singing.

She always thought that she was a weird thing in school, and other children like to listen to rap and listen to those weird hi songs.

Few like her like to listen to Jiang Siming's songs.

Jiang Siming's song is the favorite of high school students, but the interest of junior high school students is mediocre.

Because they don't understand the meaning inside, they think it's king to get up.

Compared to Jiang Siming's "Luzhou Moon" and "Wind Up", they prefer to listen to "Chicken You Are So Beautiful".

Of course it doesn't mean all, there are still many junior high school students who are like Yang Jingzhi.

After waiting ten minutes, Yang Jing waited a little anxiously when the bookstore owner finally came.

This kind of battle also shocked the owner of the other person, thinking whether his store was on fire or was stolen.

Upon learning that they were all here to buy the album, the boss said apologetically to them: "There are only thirty copies. I'm afraid many of you can't buy them."

"Ah? Why are there only thirty?"

"The stock is too small!"

"Thirty is enough. I have to buy five by myself. My friends are waiting for me."

"Boss, you are too good at doing business."

"Yes, no business mind at all."

Everyone complained.

The boss smiled bitterly and explained: "Don't blame me, I can only buy 30 copies, which is only for me to ask for a relationship. Many bookstores can't buy them."

It’s not bad that a bookstore like this can get 30 copies, and the whole country only has half a million copies.

Thirty photos were quickly robbed by everyone. Yang Jing was lucky, and she happened to be ranked 30th.

As soon as she bought it, a working sister asked her to ask: "Little sister, can you sell this album to your sister? My sister pays 100 yuan, how about it?"

Yang Jing shook her head, politely refused, and then another one hundred to five or two hundred to buy her album.

Yang Jing didn't sell it, just installed the album and went back to school happily.

Back at school, just in time for class, Yang Jing found that she had not eaten breakfast.

But it’s okay, it’s okay to get this album without a meal.

Taking advantage of the time when the art committee led everyone to sing before class, Yang Jing took out the album from the table.

With the exquisite cover packaging, Jiang Siming's handsome profiled face appeared on the album. Yang Jing felt that Jiang Siming was much better than all the little fresh meats that her classmates liked.

"I really don't understand. If you just pursue beauty, why don't you like Brother Jiang." Yang Jing was puzzled, but didn't bother.

"Oh, why did you buy the album? Didn't you say that you don't chase stars?" The old friend at the same table saw the sarcasm.

Yang Jing ignored it. She wasn't a fan, she just liked it.

The teacher came, she took a few careful glances, and then put it away, before she started taking lessons seriously.

After class, the same table began to announce that Yang Jing had bought a Jiang Siming album.

It is also said that Jiang Siming's album is not worth any money at all, it is only 55 yuan, a bargain.

But not long after she had just promoted, many senior students came to Yang Jing's class.

They heard that Yang Jing bought Jiang Siming's album, and they all wanted to buy it from Yang Jing.

There is a high-grade female student who is even willing to pay five thousand yuan to buy it!

Yang Jing still didn't sell it, and the local tyrant students had no choice but to leave. Yang Jing was ridiculed at the same table, saying that she was stupid and rich.

"You guys know what a fart, this album is now being sold out all over the country. He sells 55 yuan just to give back to the fans and not make money. Only a fool like you can really think that this album is worthless, kid, You'd better chase after your chicken too beautiful, the frog at the bottom of the well! If you dare to slander my idol, I will find someone to tear your mouth apart!"

Yang Jing was at the same table and was scared to cry on the spot. The deterrence of the seniors is as terrible~~

The first batch of 500,000 albums was sold out on the first day.

This shocked the entire music scene!

It seems that the era of the album record fire is back.

No one thought that Jiang Siming's album could be so popular.

Many netizens and fans are complaining about how they can't buy them, and all of them are out of stock.

The major bookstores and video stores are also calling to restock, but unfortunately the next batch will not be available until next year.

For the time being they can only wait.


[Author's digression]: Fifth more! Add more +2! Three more left!

Ollie to Ollie!

Silver Ticket Silver Ticket Silver Ticket~

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