I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1140: State banquet chef wants to apprentice

Seeing that Chef Lin is reluctant.

Jiang Siming shook his head and laughed, stood up from the chair, and said.

"I just told the truth objectively. What you want me to say, and you don't believe it. Can you only say good things before you can listen?"

Chef Lin was dissatisfied and said: "Of course I am not a person who only listens to good things, but I have to have real evidence to say bad things about me, and I have to show the real ability, otherwise it would be slander to me."

"Do you want to see the real ability?"


"Okay, I'll give it to you, where is the kitchen?" Jiang Siming was no longer wordy.

"I'll take you there." Chef Lin was bored and walked to the kitchen first.

Jiang Siming also followed calmly, and He Jiu quickly grabbed him.

"Amin, forget it. Chef Lin is a person who cares about others' opinions. He has a straightforward personality. Don't take it to heart."

Yang Xiaozi also quickly persuaded: "Yes, idol, calm down."

Jiang Siming was happy, and said: "You all think that I was breathing with him? We are just a culinary exchange and discussion. It happens to be a food supplement for Teacher He, to make up for the body, and look at this virtual reality now."

He Jiu rolled his eyes and said, "Who do you think is vacant? I am sick."

Jiang Siming did not return him, and continued to walk to the kitchen. Everyone knew that it was useless to persuade him. They could only keep up and follow the development of the situation at any time.

Chef Lin briefly introduced the kitchen utensils and ingredients in the kitchen, which is very rich and almost has everything. It seems that the program group is still very comprehensive.

Jiang Siming rolled up his sleeves casually, took out a big crucian carp from the water, raised his knife and started cleaning.

With a knife, he stunned the crucian carp that was originally alive, and then scraped the scales and treated the fish's internal organs.

A set of actions was completed in one go.

When Jiang Siming showed his sword skills, everyone's eyes were dumbfounded.

I can only hear the chuckle on the cutting board, so fast that I think I’m listening to the sewing machine...

Cut the tofu, cut the meat, cut the side dishes, almost without pause, and everything is cut very evenly, the thickness and shape are exactly the same, as if it were copied.

Half an hour later, a crucian carp tofu meatball soup came out. As soon as the lid was opened, the aroma spread over the entire kitchen and even floated to the restaurant outside.

Those guests who haven't finished eating can't help but take a few more sniffs when smelling the smell, it's so fragrant!

Jiang Siming took the fish soup out and placed it in front of everyone.

He Jiu couldn't wait to take the initiative to take a small bowl and spoon to fill a bowl, and he couldn't wait to start eating.

After taking a bite, He Jiu's face almost wrote the two characters'satisfaction'.

"Oh my God, it's so delicious! You guys will try it soon, really, super!"

There is no need to greet Hejiu, everyone has already invited small bowls and chopsticks, and each has a bowl.

After eating, everyone was full of praise.

After Chef Lin took a bite without believing in evil, he was already speechless. He was defeated. He had been defeated the moment Jiang Siming entered the kitchen.

"You are right, Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry, I shouldn't question you."

Chef Lin is also a daring man, and he will admit if he is wrong.

Jiang Siming smiled at him and said: "The things I just said do not really want to make trouble with you. It's just that since you came abroad under the name of the state banquet chef to promote Chinese cuisine, you have to shoulder this task. In fact, There is still room for improvement in your cooking skills. As long as you work a little bit and correct some bad habits, you will soon be able to improve your cooking skills."

Chef Lin raised his head and eagerly said, "Mr. Jiang, you teach me, can I be your apprentice?"

The guests heard that their minds were subverted for a while, but the dignified state banquet chef wanted to worship a businessman as his teacher...

This sounded mysterious, but after they had eaten Jiang Siming's dishes, they took it for granted.

After all, this is the best crucian tofu they have ever had.

"It's fine to accept disciples, it's fine to teach you two hands."

"Thank you Mr. Jiang, thank you!" Chef Lin was delighted, feeling that his career could take another step this time.

At this time, all the guests were gone, and it was time for everyone to eat.

Chef Lin made a table of dishes under Jiang Siming's guidance, and everyone got together to eat.

After mentioning the dishes, they were well received by everyone and they were clean.

Chef Lin is very excited. As a chef, he naturally hopes that his dishes will be liked by everyone.

After eating, Jiang Siming gave Hejiu acupuncture to help him adjust his body.

"I heard that idol you cured Lin Tianwang's hand, foot and mouth disease. I didn't believe it at the time, but now I really believe it, idol, you are too versatile."

Yang Xiaozi praised the small eyes that Yang Xiaozi admired, and the rainbow fart decisively "attacks".

Jiang Siming put away the acupuncture and He Jiu's spirit was fully recovered, and he was more comfortable than ever.

"Amin, thank you so much this time, I won't say too much nasty words, save time when the show is broadcast and the audience will press CP randomly, but you must stay here for a day, but you can't just leave. "He Jiu said.

Jiang Siming thought about it for a while, and agreed. The scenery of Sicily is indeed beautiful. He also wants to stay a little longer, so he will go back tomorrow.

Everyone was very happy when Jiang Siming nodded, except for Xiao Ming.

The afternoon is a break time, but Xiao Ming still has to take everyone to buy, and they have to buy their own ingredients.

Jiang Siming was fine, so he went with everyone.

Passing by the ice cream shop, Yang Xiaozi and Wang Kai both wanted to buy ice cream to eat, but the program team stipulated that during the recording of the show, they had to ask the store manager for money.

Xiao Ming refused the two people's prudent wishes, and said: "Our funds are not much, we can't spend it randomly."

After speaking, he plunged into the supermarket to buy things, but he himself bought everything, not looking at the price at all, and bought a bunch of very tasteless things.

Qin Lu couldn't stand it anymore, and said: "You can almost buy a car of ice cream for the money you buy these things. What's wrong with you taking some money to eat two ice creams for your two children."

Xiao Ming tried his best to say: "What I buy is for the restaurant. Our money is spent on the blade, not me stingy."

Qin Lu would also like to say that Xiao Ming has begun his domineering presidential style again.

"I'm the store manager who listens to me. I'm leaving and going home."

Qin Lu endured her anger and finally shook her head helplessly, which is why the show is now in a mess.

In the final analysis, they have a very unreliable leader.

Looking at the disappointed expressions of Yang Xiaozi and Wang Kai, Jiang Siming bought a lot of ice cream from the ice cream shop next to them and handed them over.

"Eat, I don't count the people in your store. Everyone can come and get it if they want."

Yang Xiaozi and Wang Kai immediately took the ice cream with joy and thanked Jiang Siming gratefully.

Qin Lu, Su Peng and Chef Lin each had two ice creams, and they were the most expensive, and they all had a great time.

Xiao Ming saw it, wanted to have a seizure but held back, and finally he didn't see it.

Wang Kai kindly handed him one, but Xiao Ming directly rejected it.

With this emotional intelligence, Jiang Siming was speechless.


[Author's digression]: The third update has been passed~ Today's update is a bit slow, and tomorrow's sake is as early as possible, and I hope everyone remembers to vote after reading it, it will be closed in two days~

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