I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1155: Hospital trouble

Looking at the ceiling, Jiang Siming's head was in a mess, and the copy was gone.

He was thinking, this time it is Ah-囡, will Ah-li have to transform in the future...

Ah Nu is a cat, Ah Li is a fox. If there are more pink fragments in next year's competition, will there be more two-dimensional pets coming to transform?

Xu Xian and Ning Caichen only petted one species, how about him?

Just thinking about it makes Jiang Siming a headache.

In a flurry of wild thoughts, Jiang Siming also fell asleep in a daze, everything in his dream...

Woke up the next day.

"Hey, what's the matter with A-Nan, Brother Jiang, you see A-Nan is really sticking to you, even sleeping in your arms."

Qin Yiyi wore clothes witty and didn't forget to open the topic, afraid of embarrassment.

Jiang Siming was very real. He just stared at Qin Yiyi's clothes and didn't pay attention to what she said...

"I'm downstairs~ You wake up early~" Qin Yiyi got dressed, made a face to Jiang Siming and slipped away.

I was wondering when I ran. According to her medical experience, the girl would have trouble walking and stomach pain for several days after the first time.

Why is she doing nothing?

She didn't know that every time Jiang Siming talked to his new girlfriend, he would help his girlfriend fix this sequelae.

Of course it won't hurt.

Qin Yiyi ran away, and Jiang Siming didn't want to sleep in bed anymore, so he pushed the little lazy cat A-Nan.

"I woke up, it's time to get up."

"Meow~" A-囡 replied lazily, and Maoyan glanced at Jiang Siming aggrievedly.

I’m not to blame you, master, if you didn’t make me change so many times, how could I be so sleepy~

Jiang Siming understood what she meant, and said with a smile: "Okay, blame me, blame me, wait for you to cook Meiyutang, right?"

A-Nan was excited when she heard this, and finally came out of Jiang Siming's arms.

The family also got up one after another, Jiang Siming personally cooked and made breakfast.

Everyone sat down and had breakfast in a friendly and warm atmosphere. Of course, Qin Yiyi naturally had to be teased.

"Yiyi, did you sleep well last night?"

"Sister Yiyi, why did I hear someone next door making'noise' all the time when I slept last night, and it made me unable to sleep."

"Oh, me too, it makes me so loud that I can't sleep."

"Yiyi, can you tell me how long you lasted last night?"

"Our strongest record here is Shengxue. She has the best strength in martial arts, and she only persisted for more than two hours. How about you?"

"I guess Yiyi doesn't take more than an hour."

"You are too underestimated, I think at least an hour and a half."


This group of ‘old drivers’ all started to drive, so Qin Yiyi’s face was red with embarrassment, and he wanted to get into the breakfast...

Jiang Siming didn't make any remarks, so they didn't want to be brought in.

The family had a happy meal early, but Qin Yiyi answered the phone, breaking the joy and warmth.

"What's wrong, Yiyi? Aunty called you, did something happen?" Jiang Siming heard the voice on the phone, it was Zhang Changlan.

Qin Yiyi nodded and said angrily: "That's it. When I went to other hospitals to check the efficacy of cancer-clearing drugs, I saw a widow and lone old woman who was not accompanied by family members went to the hospital for treatment. She had cerebrovascular disease. , Which is a stroke, and it’s quite serious."

"Huashan Hospital said that her son had been with him once before, but he ran away as soon as he heard of the medical expenses. He hadn't come for two months. Moreover, the operation in their hospital was very strenuous, and the success rate was not high. The old woman went through the transfer procedure and took her to Heng Ai, wanting to give her free treatment."

When Jiang Siming heard that he had already guessed the end of the matter, he smiled and asked, "Then Heng Ai was not cured, did that son run out to make trouble?"

Qin Yiyi hummed, and said, "Not only did we come to make trouble, but we also had to compensate us for three million medical expenses. He also entangled a bunch of people and ran to the hospital door to make trouble with banners."

When the women heard this, they were filled with indignation, and it was nothing to accuse this unscrupulous mother-in-law and son.

Jiang Siming appeared calm, this is a typical medical trouble.

Since the establishment of Heng Ai Hospital, Jiang Siming has been worried about this problem, and he guessed that someday there might be some medical troubles in his Heng Ai.

Therefore, he has always made hospitals charge very high. It is only natural that private hospitals charge high fees.

And there is another advantage, that is, it can eliminate many patients with signs of medical trouble.

After all, it’s not good to say that they are engaged in medical troubles. One is a beast with no conscience. Two, they usually don’t have money, so they want to make money from doctors. Third, they don’t have any education and understand the law.

Most of these people will not let patients go to their private hospitals, and the medical expenses can cut their minds.

So Heng Ai hasn't made any medical news for so long.

But now Qin Yiyi was in good intentions and took an old lady to the hospital.

This has been corrupted.

"It's all my fault. I knew I shouldn't have taken this old lady to the hospital." Qin Yiyi remorsefully reprimanded herself, mainly because she didn't have enough social experience.

Old doctors like the Huashan Hospital have long seen the signs, knowing that performing an automatic operation on an old lady can easily cause medical trouble, so they have been dragging on.

People’s hospitals have rich experience in medical troubles, so they don’t take up this burden at all.

Qin Yiyi had never experienced it, so he was too naive and took it for granted.

In fact, her mother had persuaded her when she received the patient, but Qin Yiyi saw that the other party was too pitiful and did not listen.

Before finishing breakfast, Qin Yiyi received another call from his mother.

It was said that these people started rushing into the hospital and broke a lot of things, and even had a set of medical equipment worth millions. President Zhang has already called the police.

"I have to go there quickly." Qin Yiyi couldn't eat breakfast, fearing that his mother would also be injured.

The girls were too angry and planned to follow along.

Jiang Siming clapped his hands: "What are you going to do, quarrel with people? Are you beautiful girls like flowers, have you ever quarreled with those erroneous neuroses?"

Although Jiang Siming's words refuted them, they couldn't be angry, instead they were a little happy, beautiful girl~hee hee, this nickname is good.

"Can't I go? You can always rest assured, you?" Jiang Siming shook his head and smiled and got up from the table. After drinking the last porridge, he took Qin Yiyi to Heng Ai.

When they got there, the police had taken control of the scene, but because there were too many people, the police could only guard the hospital to prevent them from rushing in again and smashing things.

Dean Zhang is still negotiating with the police. You can tell from her expression that Dean Zhang is very angry.

Jiang Siming and Qin Yiyi walked over.

Dean Zhang saw Jiang Siming coming and hurried over.

"Chairman, I'm sorry, I'm dereliction of duty. These people broke a lot of equipment in the hospital and injured a nurse."

Dean Zhang took the initiative from the beginning.

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