However, there is a private jet at home, and they can go back anytime they want. The robot Li Chunlan does not need to take a holiday for the New Year.

Zhao Xuan and Zhao Xiaoxiao couldn't stay at home either. Zhao Xuan's parents missed Xiaoxiao's granddaughter so much, they made several phone calls and asked Zhao Xuan to take his daughter home.

"Dad, you can say yes, you want to take me and my mother home and have a meal at my house~"

Zhao Xiaoxiao took Jiang Siming's arm and said with a smile.

Jiang Siming thought of this, and he did agree.

"Okay, isn't it just going to your house for a meal, a piece of cake."

Jiang Siming agreed without fear, and then turned upstairs to change his clothes. When he went up the stairs, his legs were a bit unwilling, and he swayed...

"Don't go, don't listen to Xiaoxiao's nonsense, I will send her home, and then stay at home for two days and then come back, anyway, I have to stare at the company." Zhao Xuan persuaded.

She was afraid that Jiang Siming would be embarrassed to see his parents.

Jiang Siming shook his head and forcibly held on.

At this time, men can't be counseled.

"It's okay, you can go, you can always see it, this is the first one to see, I will go to your parents' house." Jiang Siming forced to go despite Zhao Xuan's persuasion.

Zhao Xuan pursed her lips, moved and wanted to laugh.

Seeing his insistence, I had to gently find him clothes in the closet, matching the most suitable clothes to see her parents.

Seeing her man dressed up so handsome as a mess, Zhao Xuan felt quite fulfilled.

Standing in front of the mirror, smiling and taking care of Jiang Siming's neckline, he smiled and said to him: "There are quite a few people in the house, are you all right at night?"

Jiang Siming glanced at his eyebrows, and said proudly: "I'm kidding, of course it's okay, the big deal is that I missed you at night and flew to your house to find you."

"Really, it depends on whether you have the courage." Zhao Xuan charmingly sent a kiss to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming don't kiss her, just hug her and kiss her!

The two lingered in the room for a long time, until Xiaoxiao urged to knock on the door outside before being forced to separate.

In fact, every girlfriend who went home the night before would take the initiative to find Jiang Siming to linger...

"Really, why is it so slow to change clothes? Dad, don't you have to make up."

Zhao Xiaoxiao muttered as soon as the two walked out.

Jiang Siming squeezed her face and said, "It's not just to see your grandfather and grandmother, otherwise I can spend so long on dressing up."

"Hehe, dad, are you particularly nervous?" Zhao Xiaoxiao asked with a grin.

"Cut, your father, I will be nervous? What a joke." Jiang Siming supported.

Zhao Xuan and Zhao Xiaoxiao cover their mouths at the same time, they don't believe it if they are not nervous.

After the three of them packed up, they all sat on Jiang Siming's Rolls-Royce Phantom.

This car Jiang Siming hasn't driven for a while, so I went to see his mother-in-law today, drove it up, and started up.

The main other cars are a bit exaggerated, either super running or super cross country, not stable enough~

"Mama Ishihara, Mama Yoona, Mama Jenna... I'm going back~ I will see you in two days~"

Zhao Xiaoxiao still didn't forget to say goodbye to her mothers who were still at home, and when she returned to her grandmother and grandfather's house, she was really uncomfortable without the love of the mothers.

The three of them drove out of the manor, and Jiang Siming drove all the way to Puxi.

Puxi and Pudong are actually separated by a river, which is the Huangpu River.

It took more than an hour to arrive, and Zhao Xuan's family lived in the luxury residential area on the western outskirts of Puxi.

The people living in it are all billionaires. Zhao Xuan told her parents that they make cosmetics, and they are first-class brands in China.

After asking for the brand, I knew it was the famous natural hall.

The ad slogan "Natural Hall, you are already beautiful" can be said to be a household name.

Zhao Xuan's father is the founder and chairman of Nature Hall, a tens of billions of billionaires, and owns the Jialan Group.

Although there is still a big gap with Jiang Siming, if Jiang Siming has not grown up, it would be a huge mountain standing in front of Jiang Siming.

Even when Jiang Siming and Zhao Xuan fell in love, he was still a small person with a net worth of only tens of millions.

Later, Jiang Siming's asset growth rate was too fast, and he did not experience any drama that the rich old man looked down upon himself for taking money to let himself leave his daughter.

Later on, even Li Cheng, the richest man in China, could easily deal with it, so if he counts his economic status, Jiang Siming can deal with Zhao Xuan's parents easily.

But the two identities of Zhao Xuan and Zhao Xiaoxiao are different. He is not facing them as a business, but as a son-in-law.

Jiang Siming had imagined many times that Zhao Xuan's parents might not agree with them more traditionally, unlike Li Cheng, who looked at them differently.

I also imagined that Zhao Xuan's father would drive him out of the house in a rage, and threatened to expose himself.

and many more.

The car drove into the wealthy area of ​​the western suburbs, which belonged to the Zhao family's courtyard, and the bodyguard opened the door.

"Hello, miss." When the bodyguard saw Zhao Xuan in the first officer, he immediately opened the door, and they also noticed Jiang Siming in the driver's seat.

Judging from Jiang Siming's temperament, I also know that this is definitely not the driver.

Zhao Xuan didn't have any expressions, she gave a casual hush, and asked, "Where are my parents?"

"The chairman and his wife are waiting for you at home."

"Okay, husband, let's drive in." Zhao Xuan turned to Jiang Siming.

All the bodyguards' eyes widened, and at the same time they could hear their unified heartbreak.

To be honest, no man dislikes a woman like Zhao Xuan.

Even if they are bodyguards, they will dream about whether they will become the protagonist of the bodyguard in those urban novels, making the hostess look at themselves and finally embrace the story of the beauty.

Isn't it all written in the novel? What kind of master bodyguard, master bodyguard in the city and so on.

In addition, Zhao Xuan is thirty and has not married yet, since they are single, they have a chance to drop.

But now, all the dreams of the bodyguard protagonist are broken...

Sure enough, reality is reality!

When did the lady get married...

This Rolls-Royce alone made them stop thinking about it.

Of course, if Jiang Siming drives an Audi or BMW, they will certainly not be reconciled.

Jiang Siming nodded, and Rolls-Royce drove in.

The Zhao Family Garden is not big, but the layout is very elegant and very petty bourgeoisie.

Parked the car in the garage, the three got off the car, Jiang Siming also twisted a few bags of gift boxes, I must mention this gift from the parents.

Zhao Xuan and Jiang Siming walked together, Zhao Xuan took the initiative to take Jiang Siming's arm and smiled sweetly.

"Grandpa, grandma~"

Zhao Xuan's parents were already waiting at the door. Hearing Zhao Xiaoxiao's voice, the two elders both laughed happily.

But they quickly noticed that there were two people behind Xiaoxiao, one was his daughter, and the other was a familiar but strange man.

Seeing the intimate look of the daughter holding the man's arm, the couple looked at each other and began to whisper.

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