I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1178: New Year's Eve

Soon, the people in the city were gradually slaughtered by Jiang Siming, and 9 kills succeeded.

Only a piece of chicken ribs came out, but Jiang Siming threw it into the shard furnace and ignored it.

The passerby bureau is like this now, the decent fragments really depend on luck.

Only the game is the time when the fragmentation rate is the highest.

Jiang Siming didn't care about the fragmented gains and losses of this passerby. Anyway, the qualifiers started after the New Year, and that was his stage.

There is no sound in this city A, and Jiang Siming doesn't know if there are still one or two slippery fish hidden inside. They can't find it if they hide from him.

Might as well retreat.

Walking out of City A, there is a high **** outside, with a small fortress-like mound on the slope. This is the bunker mentioned by the water friends.

Jiang Siming walked in. There seemed to be nothing inside the bunker, but there was a clear slab made of broken stones on the ground.

Jiang Siming took out the C4 sticky bomb from his backpack and threw it on it.

You don't need to learn this stuff, it's too obvious.

After the bomb was glued to the slate, Jiang Siming exited the bunker. After a while, he only listened to the sound of the 8848 mobile phone. With a bang, the bomb went off.

The stone slab was exploded, revealing a staircase leading to the bottom of the bunker.

Jiang Siming went down, and inside was a bunker similar to a vault, with many racks of gold bars piled up with gold bars.

"Can this gold bar be picked up home? I don't want to pick up a gun anymore." Jiang Siming said jokingly.

The audience covered their mouths, they thought so too, but unfortunately, these are just backgrounds.

Jumping over these gold bars, Jiang Siming randomly searched the bunker, it was really fat.

There are a lot of high-level materials, 98k, M24, and even airdrop gun control.

The only thing is that there is no high-power lens, yes, this Karajin map, high-power lens is a very scarce material.

There is no six times eight times, only four times, and four times have to be available from the airdrop.

Jiang Siming killed so many people and only picked up a double and triple mirror. There is no high power, which means that this map pays more attention to mid- and long-distance combat, which will be more exciting.

Coming out of the bunker, Jiang Siming was about to leave when he heard a loud air-raid sirens.

Immediately afterwards, a black poisonous circle appeared on the map of City A.

This is Karakin's black circle after the update.

Jiang Siming didn't leave on purpose and found a hill to wait there.

Not long after the black circle broke out, a missile dropped from the sky blasted a roof, and the entire roof instantly turned into dust.

This picture is quite shocking.

It is estimated that after seeing this picture, those Kaloudogs and Lao Yinbi will no longer dare to hide in the house forever.

The poor luck was favored by the black circle, and a sky of thunder fell from the sky.

Others have not changed much. Although the map is new, his technology is still here.

This kind of fast-paced game is more interesting and convenient, and it quickly becomes a chicken.

Jiang Siming played the Karakin map for more than three hours and was also used to the fast pace of Karakin.

Karakin basically finished the chicken game in less than fifteen minutes, and Jiang Siming won seven of them in three hours...

Seeing that it was almost evening, thinking of what I told my parents today that I would cook them a New Year's Eve dinner in person, Jiang Siming and the friends of the water seebye and went downstairs to cook.

On New Year’s Eve, Jiang Siming’s family sat in the living room after eating the New Year’s Eve dinner, waiting for it to start at eight.

On the TV, two familiar CCTV hosts announced on the stage that the 2020 Spring Festival Gala had officially begun.

"Dear viewers, what you are watching is the Chinese New Year Gala broadcast exclusively by China Central Television. I am Dong/Zhu..."

The familiar opening remark is like going back to the Spring Festival Gala with his parents at home when Jiang Siming was still young twenty years ago.

Unexpectedly, after so many years have passed, this opening remark has not changed, and it will be remembered when he speaks.

Watching the Spring Festival Gala is something that generations of people will do during the New Year.

However, young people rarely like to watch the Spring Festival Gala, mainly because the Spring Festival Gala is really a bit boring now, not as good as before.

In the past, the sketches composed of Uncle Benshan and Chen Zhu dominated the sketches, and each year it was a classic sketch.

But they didn't participate anymore, so much less fun.

In addition, most of the Spring Festival Gala programs tend to be born in the 1970s, and the younger generation has little interest in these programs.

Jiang Siming actually feels a bit boring, but he is also used to it. When the Spring Festival Gala is not boring but strange.

But let’s not say, even if it’s boring, its ratings are definitely the best in the world.

When a show becomes a custom, watching it is not just watching the show, it is the taste of the year, and the reunion.

After watching for two hours, my grandparents couldn't stand it anymore and they all went to bed.

Mom couldn't stand upstairs either.

Irene and Ishihara were also stumbling, and Jiang Siming was fortunate to let the three women go upstairs to sleep.

As for Jiang Wanwan, this girl didn't like to watch the Spring Festival Gala even more, and she slipped away within half an hour.

In the living room, he and his father have persisted till now.

"Dad, go to sleep, I'll be here to keep the fortune this year." Jiang Siming said to dad.

Keeping the wealth gate and opening the wealth gate is also one of the customs in Yunnan during the Spring Festival.

Every New Year's Eve night, the door of the house needs to be guarded. When it is twelve o'clock in the morning, the door must be opened to welcome the God of Wealth.

This custom has every household, so every New Year's Eve each will send a representative to stay up late to guard the wealth.

In the past, this task was contracted by Jiang's father, but this year Jiang Siming took on it.

As a cultivator, he doesn't need to sleep at all.

Father Jiang didn't support him, anyway, when his son grew up, he went upstairs to sleep with his mother.

Only Jiang Siming stayed up all night downstairs.

Oh, there are three more pets, but these three little guys were sleeping soundly by the fireplace.

Jiang Siming didn't bother them either, and turned the surrounding furnace to a higher temperature to make them sleep more comfortable.

He lay on the sofa, asked Xiaoxian to set an alarm clock for himself, and called him when it was time, then Jiang Siming took the time to visit the copy.

Anyway, I was idle and idle, it would be better to make time to spend the boring development time in the copy.

There is still not much change in the copy, and there is no war in Chang'an.

"Master, time to wake up~ time to wake up~"

At one point, the little fairy who secretly turned back to his deity lay on Jiang Siming's ear as an alarm clock.

After Jiang Siming heard this, he immediately withdrew from the copy and returned to reality.

Looking at the time, it was 11:59, and there was one minute left, which was the first day of the first lunar month.

On TV, Dong Qing has already started the countdown with the audience.

After shouting on the TV, Jiang Siming opened the door of the house on time.

Put on the incense candles and burn a pot of strong charcoal fire, and the custom of welcoming the **** of wealth is done.

At the same time, many households in Nantian Town opened their doors, doing the same thing as Jiang Siming.

At zero o'clock, Jiang Siming's mobile phone rang, and a lot of blessings and calls followed.


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