I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1190: Xun Yu home!

"They...how could this be?" Xun Yu whispered angrily.

In his heart, the Han Dynasty is still there, and he thinks that the heart of Kuangfu Hanshi is not dead yet.

Xu Shu stopped talking, and finally said to him in a low voice: "Let’s see what the prime minister said, these are just their wishful thinking for the time being."

After hearing this, Xun Yu stared at Jiang Siming, for fear that he would agree.

He remembered his memories of working with Jiang Siming. Jiang Siming regarded him as a confidant of honor and joy.

For a moment, in Xun Yu's heart, he wanted to support Jiang Siming as king.

But what was conservative in his heart told him that he couldn't support it, he wanted to support the Han Dynasty.

Xun You on the side looked at his uncle and shook his head with a sigh. He stood firmly in the prime minister's position.

But his uncle has not yet figured out, how can there be any hope for the Han Dynasty in this world?

He is to be a hero of the founding of a new country, instead of guarding the Han Dynasty with Xun Yu.

Everyone's eyes are on Jiang Siming, looking forward to his response.

However, Jiang Siming unexpectedly did not give any response. He just got up from the master's chair, and then left straight away.

The hundreds of officials were left looking at each other, but in the end they had no choice but to stop.

Only Xun Yu Guo Jia and the others understood what Jiang Siming meant.

Guo Jia Xunyou and the others were happy, but Xun Yu was heartbroken.

Jiang Siming's refusal to speak up means that he does not object to everyone holding him as king.

He did not speak, but he had already conveyed his attitude to the officials.

Xun Yu didn't want to say anything, and after retiring, he locked himself in the house.

Next, Xun Yu directly excused that he was sick and took leave, so he stopped going to court.

This Jiang Siming's chief strategist, his confidant, used this method to resist Jiang Siming's idea of ​​being king.

Xun Yu seemed to be back in the wheel of history books, and had to experience the same fate as Cao Cao.

Sure enough, Xun Yu received a shortbread box from Jiang Siming.

History repeats itself. Back then, Xun Yu received a box given to him by Cao Cao with nothing inside.

Xun Yu understood what Cao Cao meant, and drew his sword to kill himself.

As for why it is an empty box, there are two explanations, one is ‘you want to use the box? ', the second is'There is nothing in the box, please pick it up (cut)'.

No matter what they mean, they all make Xun Yu commit suicide.

Here, Xun Yu also received a box from Jiang Siming.

Xun Yu looked at the box for a long time, as if he had known what Jiang Siming meant in advance, smiled sadly and laughed at himself, then took out the sword and drew it against his neck.

"Working with you is really the fortune of my life, but it is a pity that you and I are different after all. I hope you can finally realize your grand plan."

After Xun Yu finished speaking, he opened the box like an appointment, wanting to take one last look.

But surprisingly, there was not nothing in the box, no shortbread and fruit plate.

It's a map and a letter.

Xun Yu first opened the map in doubt, and was surprised to find that it was not the land of the big man at all. On the contrary, the big man was inside, just the tip of the iceberg.

In addition to the Qiang, Xianbei, Wuhuan, Goguryeo, etc. of the Western Regions, there are many countries, Rome, Tianzhu, Europe and many other countries that he has never heard of.

Xun Yu was deeply shocked. From this map, he found that the big man he was on was just a trivial existence on the map.

Open the letter again, there is only one sentence in it.

"Wen Ruo, would you like to help me again and realize this great cause of unification?"

After Xun Yu watched it, tears flooded.

It turned out that what the prime minister had been fancying was not the big Han river and mountains under his feet at all. His aspirations were far beyond his imagination.

At the same time, the Baohan Party in Xun Yu's heart was completely dead.

What reappeared was a top counselor who stood firmly beside Jiang Siming and opened up territory for him to realize his great cause.

Xun Yu, who had figured out all of this, immediately left the house and came to Jiang Siming's prime minister's house alone, kneeling down and crying bitterly.

Jiang Siming walked over with a smile, helped him up with his hands, and patted him on the shoulder.

"It just so happens that I want to eat hot pot, go, please."

After speaking, Jiang Siming took Xun Yu and had a hot pot meal together.

Xun Yu accompanies Jiang Siming to eat hot pot and drink wine, just like when he first met Jiang Siming.

It is also like today, eating delicious food and drinking wine, and talked about future plans.

He was the first to submit to Jiang Siming, but now he has become the first person to oppose Jiang Siming's kingship.

Thinking of this, Xun Yu was so ashamed that he drunk Lingding, and finally Jiang Siming sent his guards to send him back.

For the second time, there were more people admonishing Jiang Siming to become king. Ninety percent of the officials chanted that Jiang Siming would be king.

Among them is Xun Yu.

But Jiang Siming once again rejected everyone's kindness.

Xun Yu smiled, and said to the a little confused Baiguan: "There are no more than three things, you must not be discouraged, you must persuade you to succeed!"

After hearing this, the officials felt reasonable, and began to plan a third time to persuade them.


This year's PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds competition is more formal, and the competition tends to be more professional.

According to the official regulations of the tournament, each participating team must be the same as the professional LOL competition, shooting promotional MVs and everyone must take makeup photos.

This is the first time in the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds game, all professional teams are busy shooting MV.

4AM is no exception.

Shooting this kind of MV promotional film is too simple, just a few words and just a few words.

For Jiang Siming, it is simpler than drinking water, but for the otaku who will always catch them, it is a big test.

They are even more exaggerated when facing the camera tightness than playing the World Championship.

"Don't worry, just shoot whatever you want, anyway, the audience's focus won't be on us." Weishen said with a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

"What do you mean?" asked always puzzled.

The Great God took it for granted: "No matter how good you make it, can Lao Jiang look good? Tai is the protagonist in the MV. The audience will only watch him. We are just dragging oil bottles and soy sauce."

Forever, they were all enviously watching Jiang Siming calmly taking makeup photos in front of the camera as usual.

Sure enough, after the MV was filmed, it was sent out. Jiang Siming undoubtedly became a C position. The great gods and the others are not even green leaves.

But the MV is just second, everyone cares about the game.

Since Jiang Siming helped Qin Yiyi develop a drug against the new virus, the alarm in Wuhan has been relieved.

However, the drugs for the development of antibodies are not yet mature, and the virus may still spread.

Therefore, the organizers of the event are thinking about changing the venue of the opening game to Shanghai.

Jiang Siming is most pleased with this change of location. Of course, he doesn't have to walk around. Why not go home to eat and sleep after playing.

In the new season, Jiang Siming is full of motivation for the game.

Not only are games and competitions motivated, but the "xing" life at home at night is also motivated.

Since the seventh day of the new year, I didn’t bring any safety measures when I was ashamed with my wives in the past two days, and I don’t know if I was hit or not, hehe...

[Author's digression]: The third update has been passed~

On New Year’s Eve, Sake is here to wish all book friends a happy New Year’s Eve, eat and drink, play and sleep more, play cards and win streaks, get soft money for the new year, be rich, happy, happy!

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