I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1211: Newcomer UP Master Jiang Siming

In this last game, among the fragments Jiang Siming got, five out of four were considered to have a home.

There is only one piece of Jiang Siming who has no time to take care of it.

He has now become the new chairman of Xiaopozhan, holding 100% of the shares.

This is not just a live broadcast platform, Xiaopozhan is different from pure live broadcast software such as Mouyu and Mouya.

Xiaopozhan tends to be a small world, a small world, and an all-encompassing small community.

In the past, when the copyright catastrophe had not yet begun, all kinds of video resources on Xiaopo website were available.

Japanese dramas, American dramas, British dramas, and many other well-known movies that have been banned for some reason.

It used to be a paradise for video lovers. Unfortunately, the video area of ​​Xiaopozhan was hit hard by the copyright catastrophe two years ago.

But it did not fail, but many netizens discovered more interesting and fun areas.

Youth cultural exchanges such as cartoons, two-dimensional elements, short videos, and live broadcasts have made Xiaopozhan growing.

Today, Xiaopozhan has 150 million active users, and the number of chasing fans is only 16 million. Others are flocking to various areas of Xiaopozhan.

It can be seen that the charm of this website is far more than just video chasing.

In addition, there are nearly a million UP masters, providing a steady stream of fresh blood for Xiaopo Station.

It can be said that it is a platform for resource integration and a specific cultural exchange.

Loved by netizens.

In fact, Jiang Siming didn't care too much about it, knowing that the girls from the management who had kept breaking the station in the past two days kept sending cute text messages.

The content of the text message is nothing more than a few points. One is that Jiang Siming has just taken the equity of Xiaopozhan and became the chairman. They want to use this to make a big publicity at Xiaopozhan and expose it.

Second, Xiaopozhan wanted to host a Lantern Festival party, just to welcome him, the new chairman, and invite him to sing.

The third is to allow Jiang Siming to settle in Xiaopo Station, and they have built it for Jiang Siming, and they just wait for Jiang Siming to post a video or start a live broadcast.

With regard to these three requests, these girls kept sending private messages, not all kinds of voice actors selling cute girls, or a lot of private photo temptations of two-dimensional cos.

Jiang Siming can't laugh or cry, and it's hard to blame them. After all, people are so enthusiastic and serious about work...

Emm... well, I admit it is because the photos and voices are a bit nice and nice...

With the unremitting efforts of the other party, Jiang Siming finally agreed.

Unexpectedly, not long after they promised, Xiaopozhan began to spread a message that their chairman changed, Xiaopozhan's equity changed, and Jiang Siming became the new chairman!

This news has been spread hundreds of thousands at Xiaopo Station, and everyone knows it within a day.

The owner of Xiaopozhan has changed, and he has been replaced by the new richest man in Asia, Jiang Siming, this super-popular and super-rich big coffee!

The staff at Xiaopo Station and UP owners are very happy.

Many well-known UP owners even recorded a video to promote this event, and felt extremely welcome and happy about Jiang Siming's arrival.

Of course, most of these... are female UP owners...

Ning Xiaodang, the big UP owner who has nearly five million fans at Xiaopozhan, even recorded a piece of news telling her iron friend Jiang Siming is coming to Xiaopozhan.

Because Ning Xiaodang has said in many videos that her best friend is a die-hard fan of Jiang Siming, and her best friend never chases fans.

At the age of twenty-five and sixteen, he chased the star in a serious and serious manner, and released the hormones that he had been single for so many years.

Ning Xiaodang recorded the video and posted it on Xiaopo Station. The expressions and screams of her girlfriends were exactly what she wanted to express, hehe.

Jiang Siming also took this opportunity to turn on the computer to enter Xiaopozhan, and wanted to learn more about Xiaopozhan.

In fact, it is not the first time that Jiang Siming has appeared at Xiaopo Station. On Xiaopo Station, there are many videos about Jiang Siming up.

The first thing that started was the video of Jiang Siming's encounter with the Great God 1v4 in the passersby. This video is the most controversial.

Because many people suspect that Jiang Siming is a plug-in, when opening the video, there are still questions and abuses from previous netizens.

[Wall-mounted hammer] [This is not hanging me to eat shit] [Hanging on the wall and aiming at it]

And so on, comments abound.

Because these comments cannot be deleted, you can see them whenever you post them.

But soon, these comments were overshadowed by a lot of barrage of apologies.

[Sorry I was wrong] [I have eaten a pot of shit] [Myojin please forgive me]

Wait, this is also the first time Jiang Siming has appeared in everyone's eyes as a gamer.

After that, there were more and more videos about Jiang Siming at Xiaopo Station, but they were all Jiang Siming's fairy operations, and various extreme highlights in the competition.

Then Jiang Siming's live broadcast began to appear at Xiaopo Station. Almost every live broadcast recorded tens of millions of views.

Especially every time there is a singing video, it has more than 100 million views, which is quite scary!

There is a UP master who specially integrates a series of videos of Jiang Siming, from games, music, variety shows, TV series, heroes, funny collections and so on.

Jiang Siming alone contributed countless ‘light and heat’ to Xiaopo Station, but Jiang Siming didn’t know it.

Now Jiang Siming looks a little embarrassed when he looks at him.

There is also his challenge of eating lemons without expression in "Yearing". The expressions were taken crazy by netizens and made into emoticons.

These... Jiang Siming didn't even know.

Alas, I did not expect that I have been'consumed' by so many people...

The account he logged in has his official account.

[Jiang Siming]: Official certification



【Number of fans】:165w+

【Amount of Likes】:0


Even if Jiang Siming didn't do anything and didn't post any videos, his fans still reached 1.65 million!

In the main ranking of Xiaopo Station UP, the 100th place has only 1.7 million fans.

Jiang Siming just created an account, and the following day the number of fans has rushed into the top 100...

It is important to know that the competition for UP hosts on Xiaopozhan is much fiercer than on any platform’s anchors or podcasts. Millions of UP hosts are competing hard.

It is not easy to imagine being able to step forward more than a hundred.

But that's it. Jiang Siming is still approaching the top 100 one day. The key is that he hasn't done anything. You say that it is not annoying...

"There are so many fans... shouldn't it be interesting to record a video..."

Jiang Siming thought about it, but in the end he didn't think about recording.

If it’s a live broadcast, just play a game, but this B station has become a newcomer UP host. Jiang Siming wants to make some new tricks, emm... I don’t know what to shoot for now, so let’s talk about it.

Maybe he thought about it before the Lantern Festival. During the Lantern Festival, he had to go to the Xiaopozhan party to sing. Maybe at that time he knew what type of UP master he was (confused face)...

PS: What kind of UP master do you want Jiang Siming to be? If you have suggestions, you can leave a message in the book review area~


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