I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1218: Insecticide?

"Pick up [Pest Elimination Spray Formula] Blue Fragment*1 (1/3). The number of fragments is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

【Pest Elimination Spray Formulation】: The production is extremely simple and powerful, not only without pesticide ingredients, but also the most effective elimination of pests in field vegetation, and can even easily deal with large-scale pest disasters such as locust plagues and ant plagues.

What? Jiang Siming has a subtle expression. It was in the refrigerator just now. Now let's take an insecticide...

Locust plague? Ant plague?

This doesn't seem to appear in China at all now, right, it's another chicken rib fragment.

As for using it to make insecticides for sale, Jiang Siming has no plans.

This thing can be sold for a few dollars, and how many people are willing to buy it, unless there is a locust plague or an ant plague.

Otherwise, the most common pesticides for field pests can be handled, so why bother.

Jiang Siming subconsciously wanted to throw it into the furnace, but he just wanted to throw it, and then he thought about it. After all, it is a blue fragment, so keep it, in case it is useful.

It's hard to find a blue fragment, so let's just leave it for good luck.

Besides, you also need pest control in your own planting base, so just use it if you can.

After scouring some of the projectiles quickly, the four drove again to the military base.

From the south to the military base, there are generally two roads, one is the road behind City C and Small E City.

Otherwise, you have to go up the mountain, which is actually more risky.

Because there are always people on the mountain, after all, it is a place where there are more bunkers for shooting. Some people without a car or lone wolves love to walk up the mountain.

Coupled with the slow driving speed on the mountain, professional teams rarely drive up the mountain unless there is no way to grab a spot or there are people on the road.

Jiang Siming and the others are walking on C City Road, and the chances of other teams taking C City Road are the greatest.

The four came to a wild spot on the side of the road on C City Road and hid all the cars, while Jiang Siming began to stab the ground in the front position.

Two ground stab traps happened to pounce on the road.

There was another place, Jiang Siming thought for a while, and chose to throw one on the flat side of the hillside.

"Forever, you go up the opposite slope, as long as you find a car, you will shoot elsewhere, understand?" Jiang Siming calculated it and said to Forever.

"Ah? Shot elsewhere? Didn't you stop hitting the cars that came?" asked, never understanding.

Jiang Siming explained: "I put ground stabs on another **** and on the highway. If a person walking on City Road C comes over and hears gunshots from your slope, he will not be able to walk to your side again. , There are only two options, one is to take the **** on the other side, and the other is to take the road."

Suddenly forever, and at the same time, there was a chill behind him. Brother Jiang started to play with his psychological tactics. Let me mourn for the vehicles coming in a while...

The four waited for a long time, until the third wave of laps had been opened before they waited for the first wave of enemies.

Two jeeps drove towards them.

"Do you want to shoot? Brother Jiang." Always asked.

"Don't use this, see if they walk on the road." Jiang Siming hid behind the wall, staring at two jeeps coming from the road in the distance.

The two cars drove over without notice.

The four of them stared straight, praying in their hearts, and they must come over!

The kite is also cute staring at the screen, muttering: Come here, come here...

It really made them wait until the two cars drove over.

Because the spike trap is basically nobody played, even professional players have never touched it a few times.

However, they are still vigilant, constantly looking at both sides of the road.

Only did not look at the middle of the road...

After all, there is no one in the middle of the road.

Forever, they watched the two cars unsuspectingly pass the ground stab trap laid by Jiang Siming.

Immediately after that, two ‘bang’ punctures sounded, followed by the ‘bang’ of sparks from wheel rolling across the road.

Four tires of the two jeeps have burst! The remaining four pairs of carts rubbed wildly on the ground.


Kite and the three of them celebrated with excitement, which really made them wait.

It also allowed all players to see the power of spike traps, and all four tires burst instantly, which was terrible.

The three of them were still in joy, only Jiang Siming had already fired in advance, and he knew it.

He had already fired before the jeep stab.

It's just that the sound of gunfire overlaps with the sound of a flat tire, they don't know.


That 98K bullet shot down one person first, then switched the rifle in seconds, and then swept down two!

The remaining person still reacted to the kite in a timely manner, so hurry up and fish it out, otherwise there will be none left.

"I rely on Brother Jiang, you are too chicken thief, you shot in advance without talking about it." Duoyu complained, mother did not catch anything, patronized to see people have a flat tire...

"You don't blame anyone for being clever, how can someone get a head with a kite?" Jiang Siming retorted.

"I..." Duoyu was speechless and could only go down silently, licking the bag and licking it happily!

Then at this place, Jiang Siming and the others blocked two teams, and the next team wanted to go up the mountain.

Jiang Siming shot forever, scaring them to another slope, just when the four-person car was pressed against the only ground stab trap on the mountain.

All GG.

After this connection, knowing that the power grid is coming over, the four talents have enough fun, and all of them are too happy.

It's rare to be so happy to play a game, as if playing a passerby game.

This sorrow operation caused a lot of players in PUBG Mobile tonight to find ground to stab people. Those driving players are miserable, and they blame Jiang Siming, Heng!

The whole game ended in joy. At the end of 4am, the card owner had a destiny circle and easily eat chicken.

Although there are not many fragments but only two pieces, they are all gathered later, and Jiang Siming also feels a little relieved.

This group's qualifiers seem to be less fragmented, so let's wait for the promotion game to start.

There was originally another qualifier group match, which was scheduled for the Lantern Festival, but because the Lantern Festival was going to the B station to participate in the party.

There are more fragments. Jiang Siming may consider finishing the game first, but now it seems that the third game is estimated to be the same, so forget it.

Think about last year's game, the reason why the explosion rate is so high is because he did not participate in the domestic qualifiers.

He went directly to London to play the World Championship.

The level of the qualifiers is not much different from that of the top high-scoring passers-by. There are often professional teams in the top high-scoring games.

No wonder the fragmentation rate is so low.

Anyway, their 4am two scores are already the first, even if the third is not scored, it is certain to make the top four.

Therefore, Jiang Siming chose not to play in the third hand, and let the eye-catching or Aluka top.

At the end of the game, Jiang Siming invited Kite to have a meal in Hangzhou before leaving Hangzhou to go home temporarily.

[Author's digression]: Two changes will be made today, and four changes will be made tomorrow.

In addition, let’s talk about the fact that picking up pieces has been updated to more than a thousand chapters. The first book that sake is the first to come to the tower to read, it is time to end.

After writing the plot for 2020, it’s time for Jiang Siming to say goodbye to everyone, so you don’t have to worry that this book will be delayed indefinitely. The sake will end at the end.

There may be extra copies in the follow-up, but that does not affect the end of the main article, you can read it or not.

Next, we will prepare a new book. The type of the new book has not yet been decided. It should tend to be urban or game. Please look forward to it~

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