I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1227: I can only say I have seen it

But now it’s different. I use songs to help you remember and save them. Even if you forget it later, just hum a few songs.

"Zhu Quan, do you know all of them?" At this moment, a loud-sounding audience asked unbelievingly.

Zhu Quan was proud of his face and said, "I'm sorry, I know everything."

"We don't believe it~" The audience doesn't believe it yet.

Jiang Siming also understood, and immediately asked the backstage to put all the subtitles of the song just now on the screen.

Zhu Quan began to look at the screen and read all the lyrics word by word.

The audience was convinced, and they deserved to be the celebrity of Yangtai!

"Everyone really wants to thank Jiang Shen, President Jiang. His song not only has a good melody and memorable, but also taught you so many rare words. I want to recommend this song to Yangtai to advertise it."

Zhu Quan said with a smile, he really had this idea, so he made up his mind to wait and recommend it to the station, but he didn't know if he would get the approval of the station.

"Well, let's skip this song for the time being, let President Jiang say a few words for everyone." Zhu Quan gave Jiang Siming the right to speak again.

Jiang Siming smiled and raised the microphone, and said: "This is the first time I have participated in our B station party. To be honest, this is the most quality party I have attended, and there is no one!"


Countless audiences at station B were honored to hear it, and it was so fascinating to be so affirmed by Myojin.

Myojin has said it is the most quality, not one of them.

This shows that what he meant was that the TV stations or other platform evenings he had participated in were not as good as station B.

This is Jiang Siming's greatest affirmation of their B station.

"In the future, I will dedicate more of the power of Granny Master at Station B and record more videos. I heard that many audiences at Station B like Japanese comics and songs. If possible, I will invite the original authors of these songs to China or How about entering station B and bringing you the most authentic original or dance?"

it is good!

There was an echoing voice from the audience.

"Can I invite Rimi Ishihara? Myojin!" an audience member asked.

Jiang Siming held back his smile, nodded with certainty, and said, "No problem."

Just kidding, this is his wife, can there be a problem?

"I want to see Kanna Hashimoto, okay?" Another audience member.

"It should be no problem, I know her." Jiang Siming nodded again.

However, many male audiences are too envious, I rub, Myojin knows Hashimoto Kanna?

"What about Yui Aragaki?"


"Komatsu Nana!"

"Emm... don't know this one."

"Hatano Yui!"

"Emm...I can't tell you this, I can only say I've seen it."


The audience laughed.

After interacting with the audience for a while, Jiang Siming returned to the background in the eyes of everyone.

The Lantern Festival Gala at Station B also ended successfully.

Many well-known grandparents who participated in today's Lantern Festival party ran backstage to find Jiang Siming for a group photo.

Jiang Siming readily agreed one by one, and said that he would have the opportunity to cooperate with them in making videos in the future. These grandparents are looking forward to it and they can't wait to cooperate with Myojin now.

"Jiang Shen, what video are you going to do in the next issue? Isn't it COS women's clothing? I am good at this~" Ning Xiaodang asked Jiang Siming with a smile.

Jiang Si knowingly rolled his eyes, and said angrily and funny: "Let's forget it, I'll talk about it later, in the next video... I kind of want to make food."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the several well-known gourmet grandmothers brightened.

Among them are the most well-known gourmets, such as Han Qing, Ziqi, Dasao, Huanong Brothers and others.

These are super gourmet grandma with more than five million fans.

Jiang Siming glanced at each of them and asked their addresses. Hanqing and Ziqi were both from Sichuan, and Huanong was from southern Jiangxi.

Only Dasao is the closest to him. In Anhui, Anhui is a little closer to Shanghai.

"Then in the next video, I will cooperate with Dasao once, okay?" Jiang Siming asked Dasao with a smile.

Dasao, whose surname is Xu, is a very honest married man, and his family conditions were not very good before he became a grandma.

But every video is full of sincerity. Jiang Siming has watched a few and watched him eat. It was too much for dinner (laughing and crying).

"Yes, you can, of course!" Da Sao didn't expect that he was selected, and he spoke incoherently with excitement, his simple face flushed from nervousness.

"Then you have to prepare enough garlic. I will bring a few pieces of God-given steak and pork knuckles. You must cook it well." Jiang Siming said with a smile.

The other delicacy grandmothers immediately envy them, God-given steak, which is only affordable by the top rich.

Even if they have money and want to buy one or two yuan to make videos, it is difficult to buy.

Han Qing also bought a piece for a taste. At that time, the number of video views directly broke his previous video record.

Unexpectedly, Dasao is cheaper now.

Dasao chick nodded like a peck of rice, and vowed in his heart that he would practice cooking hard and let his cooking go further.

Otherwise, I am sorry that the boss gave him the Godsend steak and trotters.

At the end of the party, Jiang Siming also invited all the staff at station B and the grandparents present to have a big meal.

This feast alone cost Jiang Siming more than one million. Jiang Siming didn’t blink his eyelids. In the end, he asked the drivers of Jiang’s Group Company to drive over and send all the grandma owners and staff safely. go back.

On that night, Jiang Siming ‘buyed’ people from station B clearly. Such a boss is so angry!

As expected, Jiang Siming's "Uncommon Characters" has exploded across the Internet!

This song is being sung everywhere.

This song is not only good, but also fun. People who learn to use these rare words to test their friends will definitely have a long face!

And while everyone was still vying to sing this song, Jiang Siming was no longer in China.

Over Mexico, it was already a starry night, Jiang Siming was standing on the ancient sword of the scared salamander, looking at the city under his feet.

Tijuana, Mexico's most chaotic city, is home to Mexico's number one gang.

This gang is comparable to the Yamaguchi group and the Mafia, one of the five largest gangs in the world.

Kidnapping flights, killing high-ranking officials, arbitrarily transporting drugs, cruelly torturing innocents, and forcing good people into prostitution, etc., do nothing.

Notorious and very difficult to eradicate.

They also have thermal weapons that can arm an army, including weapons of mass destruction.

Before, a drug dealer leader of their gang was arrested by the Mexican police. The gang actually sent someone to brutally kill the police officer who arrested the drug dealer in broad daylight, and took a video and posted it online.

Its arrogance is evident.

Jiang Siming also got the information from the Tian Group. He knew that this gang, the family of Tibetan worms, was under his feet.

When he came this time, he came here specifically to eradicate these earth tumors.

It's just that Jiang Siming doesn't know the specific address for the time being, he only knows that he is in this city, and he is located in the city center.

Can't find it temporarily, Jiang Siming chooses to go on first.


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