I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1231: It's all from the chairman!

Fortunately, Jiang Siming under the imperial sword was far faster than ordinary planes and arrived within two hours.

According to the location provided by the little girl, Jiang Siming found the sky above the royal residence.

"I put you outside the royal castle and left. Be careful in the future and don't be caught by the bad guys." Jiang Siming said.

The little girl nodded earnestly, looking at Jiang Siming with big watery eyes, her eyes showing dismay.

"Mr. IM, shall we see you again?"

"We will meet if we are destined." Jiang Siming replied with a smile.

"When I grow up, can I go to Huaxia to find you? Don't worry, I will come secretly." The little girl asked expectantly.

Jiang Siming touched her head, smiled and nodded: "Okay, I'm waiting for the day when you can sneak to China to find me."

After speaking, Jiang Siming quietly put the girl down. Before leaving, the girl took Jiang Siming's hand.

"Mr. IM, my name is Aphrodite Salma."

"Aphrodite, Venus?" Jiang Siming asked curiously.

"Well, my mother took it for me. I hope I can be as tough and intellectual as the goddess of Venus." Aphrodite replied.

"Okay, I remember, my name is Jiang Siming, but you can also call me Mr. IM, I prefer to listen to the latter one." Jiang Siming said with a smile.

"I see, Mr. IM, goodbye."


Jiang Siming disappeared before Aphrodite's eyes.

Aphrodite quietly looked at the direction of Jiang Siming's departure, before closing his eyes for a long time, and walking towards the castle...


Jiang Siming, who returned to Shanghai, told Ke's family that the Blood Crime Gang had been destroyed and that they were safe.

Ke and his wife thanked Jiang Siming a lot of kindness and kept this kindness in their hearts before bidding farewell to Jiang Siming and went back to Los Angeles.

Ke really wants to stay in China, but he can't help it for the time being. After all, the company's home in Los Angeles is also there, and his daughter still needs to go to school.

If you want to move to China, at least you have to wait for everything to settle down.

Sending off the Kobe family, the Spring Festival has completely passed.

The new year of 2020 is officially set sail.

The ribbon-cutting opening ceremony of his Jiangshi Building was set for the day after the Lantern Festival.

On the day the Jiang Group opened, almost all reporters from Shanghai arrived, and many of them came from other places.

Among these reporters, there are financial reporters, entertainment reporters, and even sports reporters and medical reporters.

It is also the first time that so many journalists from all categories will get together.

Of course, the largest number of financial reporters are.

After all, when the Jiang Group opens today, there will definitely be a lot of business celebrities. As the newly born Asian richest man, you don't need to guess that everyone knows this.

The reason why a lot of reporters from other categories have also come is because of Jiang Siming's reputation.

Sure enough, a large number of business celebrities had already arrived before the opening ceremony.

Today’s host guest is a luxurious lineup!

He Jiu Wang Han adds another Zhu Quan!

This configuration can be used to host the Golden Horse Awards ceremony without any problems, but it is used in a business ceremony.

Many reporters couldn't help but complain about it, and it was a top match from the beginning.

And with the arrival of many business celebrities to the Jiangshi Building, the reporters’ long-arms and short-arms have been brought into full play to the “most hard working” period.

Among them, the presence of a big coffee was dazzling.

Let’s not talk about the business circle, but the entertainment circle. There are Vice President of Huayi, Brother Cheng, King of Kung Fu Li Jie, and famous directors.

These are just side dishes today, the real big names have just come up.

Penguin, Wang Shoufu, Ali Ma, Netease Ding, Sohu Zhang, etc., these familiar faces appeared one after another, and people couldn't help but feel emotional, Niu X!

A business ceremony can come to so many business giants, what other words can they use to describe them besides Niu X?

And they are just supporting actors today. The real protagonist is the owner of this building, Jiang Siming.

Starting from scratch, he became the richest man in a year.

This is unimaginable in anyone's eyes.

And he is standing here today, standing in everyone's eyes, with a smile like a spring breeze on his face.

Cut the ribbon for the building under the eyes of the public.

After the ribbon cutting, there was thunderous applause.

This is the greatest recognition given to this young business legend.

After the ribbon cutting, everyone can freely visit the entire Jiangshi Building.

After everyone went in, they were amazed at almost every place they walked.

Reporters are even reluctant to give up any corner. Today's camera memory is full.

Working in such a place, the employees of the Jiang Group are expected to die of happiness!

Even many commercial predators are full of praise after seeing Jiang Siming's building, 70,000 square meters of land in downtown Shanghai, used to build a headquarters.

It can only be said that Jiang Siming is too embarrassed. It is estimated that many people are reluctant to change them.

After the ribbon cutting, Jiang Siming held a banquet at his Fuding Hotel and officially announced that Jiang Group will sweep the business circle as a giant ship!

After this day, all the branches that are going to move into Jiang's Group will be settled, with a total of more than 15,000 people. From now on, in the future, they will work and even live here.

On the first day of work, Jiang Siming came very early and rarely was late.

As you drive into the building, you can feel the vigor of the employees of the Jiang Group.

Even the security personnel stood upright, their faces expressing satisfaction with the job and yearning for future life.

The Jiang Group’s security is very strict and in place. There are more than 300 security personnel alone, with branches in various places inside and outside the building.

The outside is the most. Just wanting to enter the gate of the Jiang Group’s headquarters will have to go through strict inspections. It is absolutely impossible for outsiders to enter unless they have an appointment.

Even if you can get in the gate, the building is full of surveillance and turnstiles, with full smart pupil recognition, and no work card is required. As long as it is a staff member, you can enter, otherwise it will immediately call for security.

When Jiang Siming stepped into the building, it was no longer empty when it was not open, but people coming and going, but orderly, without the slightest mess.

"Hello, Chairman!"

"Morning, chairman!"

"Morning Chairman!"

As soon as Jiang Siming entered, he heard the sound of rain coming from his ear.

He smiled and nodded, and followed the employees into the building.

This is the peak time for work, when the employees of the official Jiangshi Group have the most contacts.

However, the elevators are not congested at all. There are 52 elevators, and you can make reservations in advance, so there will be no congestion.

Jiang Siming smiled with satisfaction, and walked to the elevator line dedicated to him.

As soon as I went up, I saw Tang Ru also rushing over to work.

Jiang Siming waved to her: "President Tang, come to me."

Tang Ru smiled very happily, without any twist, and immediately ran into Jiang Siming's elevator.

The way they talk and laugh is seen in the eyes of many employees.

Sure enough, don't think about all the super beautiful beauties in the company, they all belong to the chairman~

[Author's digression]: Third update~ I'll ask you, is the sake fast today?

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