I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1249: Upgraded version of the opposite sex

They are all golden fragments, but they are all good things.

The helicopter Jiang Siming really didn't, although Corvo almost had an accident because of the helicopter, it was for a reason.

It's not that a helicopter is bad. A good helicopter with a good pilot is definitely a different flying experience.

And when I go out in the future, I can use less of that super plane. That stuff is always costly, flying a long distance for millions of dollars.

Helicopters are much cheaper, but helicopters can only be flown in China, which is also very good. In the future, it can be used as a transport plane. When the planting base is ready, it can be transported back and forth in Yunnan.

As for this Hawaiian ocean view villa, it’s the best choice for tourism. I still owe Yiyi another trip this year. Jiang Siming plans to take her there in a few days.

This year, waiting for my sister to have summer vacation, I will take the whole family abroad to play together.

Think Jiang Siming still has some small expectations.

My family's parents, grandparents, and younger sisters have never been abroad.

Take them out for a round of fun, I definitely like it.

They said that they could not go, but they were actually afraid of wasting his time.

Whatever you say this year, you must spend time with your family.

After collecting these two pieces, Jiang Siming filled the helicopter with all-purpose pieces. As for the Hawaiian villa, it was only three pieces, so he didn't want to waste the all-purpose pieces.

After the Lstars group was destroyed, Jiang Siming didn't even bother to lick their equipment, and immediately rushed to the battlefield of his teammates.

However, at 4am there was a three-on-four advantage. On the Snake-TC side, two people were cut. 4am was just knocked down forever.

At present, the two sides are stuck next to a wall, neither dare to move around, nor does Snake-TC dare to cheer on teammates.

"Kite, let me get on first, you can make up the gun." Great God is eager to try.

"You don't need the captain, let me come." Kite shook her head and rebuffed. She is not a soft girl and needs someone to cover her.

At this moment, a UZI gunshot broke through the air!

"Well, no need to go." Great God smiled bitterly, this guy came to K's head again.

Sure enough, as soon as Jiang Siming arrived, one of the people in the wall was knocked to the ground.

Originally there was a balance of power on both sides, but when Jiang Siming came, this balance of power became completely one-sided.

The last member of Snake-TC ran into the city immediately after seeing the situation.

Kite won't let this opportunity pass, and immediately caught up.

"Hey, it seems that there are only STC girls left." Weishen noticed the ID in the upper right corner, and found that there was no famous female player in STC.

Their 4am is the same as STC, now they are teams with female players.

It's just that STC was earlier than them. Jiang Siming had it when he played the strongest anchor contest before.

I also had a trick with Jiang Siming, the opposite **** indicator fell from her.

"Then let them have a duel between the women." Jiang Siming didn't plan to take this head.

After all, it is rare to see two women fighting each other in a professional game. It sounds very interesting.

"Okay, but you'd better watch it, if the kite falls down, the other party will definitely make it up." Great God also wanted to see it.

"Well, okay, you pull people, I'll go cover." Jiang Siming finished speaking and walked near the kite.

Kite and Mozi are in a tense confrontation at this time. Both girls are top professional players.

In contrast, Mozi's reputation is far better than Kite, after all, she has already been out to play professionally.

"Don't be under pressure, just treat her as a training target, show her state and confidence, beggar her!" Jiang Siming commanded from the side, and she was done.

Kite adjusted its own state a bit and started to attack!

The two girls quickly met each other and they shot at almost the same time!

Unfortunately, the kite lost.

The kite was originally aimed at the head, but today it was a bit off-standard. It didn't hit the target at the beginning. Although the kite hurriedly adjusted it later, it was too late.

Even so, the kite still knocked out a large tube of Mozi, which is a pity.

"I didn't play well." Kite said ashamed.

"It's just a mistake, don't take it to heart, it should be your body today that affected you."

Jiang Siming raised his gun while comforting, and easily killed the foam that he still wanted to fight back.

It's shameful to kill a girl? Sorry, he likes to do this (smirk).

After killing Mozi, Jiang Siming helped the kite.

In the process of supporting, another fragment flew out, still out of the foam box.

And just like the first time I played against Mozi, the fragments that appeared were black.

Maybe this is fate.

"Pick up [Black Technology Series · Opposition Degree (Upgraded Version)] Black Fragments*1 (1/13). The number of fragments is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

[Positiveness of the opposite **** (upgraded version)]: Using this fragment will replace the original goodness of the opposite sex. The ability of basic goodness of +30 will be cancelled (except for those already shown), and there will be no fragmentation reward.

Function: The upgraded version of the heterosexual favorability level will allow the family members of the opposite **** who have reached more than 100 favorability points to have more than 100 points of friendliness towards you, and are very supportive of you and their daughter.

Jiang Siming was stunned, is there such a function? ? ?

As long as this fragment is used, all of his girlfriend's family members can agree that their daughter is with him, even if they know a lot of girlfriends around Jiang Siming.

Good boy, this is too important to him.

Jiang Siming said that a public marriage will be held this year, but there is no progress yet.

He hasn't even dealt with many of his girlfriend's family members.

The only family members of his girlfriend who can support are Hundred Billion, Zhao Xuan and Qin Yiyi.

He hasn't seen the other girlfriends' family members, let alone let them agree.

But now Jiang Siming can take a big step forward for his goals this year!

Although there is still a long way to go before the people of the world, Jiang Siming feels enough to get all the father-in-laws now.

Even if other people disagree, as long as the girlfriend's family members agree, then he still cares whether other people agree.

Jiang Siming planned that as long as one of his girlfriends became pregnant, he would go ahead and disclose it directly.

Now that he is able to get this piece of debris, Jiang Siming feels that the pressure has suddenly become much less.

Don't say anything, immediately spend a universal piece to make it together!

Although using this fragment, Jiang Siming may not be as smooth as before in picking up girls.

After all, he can soak so many girlfriends, this original version of the opposite **** is also indispensable.

The basic favorability degree for the opposite **** is +30, which means that no matter who sees him at the first glance, he will have a good favorability degree.

Then it will happen naturally.

It's gone now, Jiang Siming may not have so many peach blossoms in the future.

But it didn't matter, Jiang Siming thought that he had enough girlfriends, even if he didn't look for it later, he would be quite content.

Besides, with his excellence, I believe that attracting girls is still very simple, but the increase in favorability is slower.

Jiang Siming just wanted to choose to use this fragment, but he didn't expect the original version of the opposite sex's favorability display to hear the last few noises.

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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