I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1270: The title mother ran away with her sister-in-law!

The company is here.

Jiang Siming parked the car and took the six wives upstairs on the elevator dedicated to his house.

All the way up to the first few floors of the top floor, the elevator will stop every time it reaches the upper floor, and one of the wives waved to her company first.

"Remember to go back to dinner together at noon." Finally, Zhao Xuan was left, waving his hand to bid farewell to Jiang Siming temporarily, and went to work on the Fuxi floor.

All wives are the same at home, but they are different at the company.

At home, he acted like a coquettish and cute to Jiang Siming, showing affection with her husband in various ways, but when they came to the company, their facial expression management changed immediately.

All the high-cold presidents, Fan, have become ‘iceberg beauties’ spread among the employees one after another.

Jiang Siming also came to the Yinghuan floor with Li Yingzi.

"Hello, Chairman~"

The girls at the front desk of Yinghuan greeted Jiang Siming immediately.

Yinghuan’s front desk can be regarded as the first batch of employees of Jiang Siming's company.

I followed Jiang Siming when I just established Yinghuan before, and they are all old employees.

Jiang Siming even remembers their last names.

"Xiaoyu Xiaoyuan, have you found a boyfriend yet?"

"Chairman, Xiaoyuan is married and will go home this year to celebrate the new year."

"Oh, that's a shame. I'm still going to chase Xiaoyuan. I didn't expect her to be famous."

Jiang Siming said jokingly, every time he comes to Yinghuan, he loves to look at these front desk girls.

Li Yingzi yelled funnyly: "Xiaoyuan's boyfriend is an employee of our company. Guess what people would think when they heard it?"

"This... just kidding, don't take it seriously, Xiaoyuan, I wish you a happy wedding, slipped away."

When Jiang Siming heard this, he quickly confessed to leaving with a sneer, and a sweet laugh came from the front desk behind him...

Everyone is accustomed to Jiang Siming's win.

However, the employees of Yinghuan thought that the chairman was only temporarily patrolling and visiting the front desk.

After all, the chairman always likes to do this.

(Jiang Siming: I don’t have one, I’m not, don’t talk nonsense!)

But today, Jiang Siming went uncharacteristically and called all high-level meetings as soon as he entered Yinghuan.

The company's conference room was closed tightly soon, and the old employees had a hunch that there was going to be a big move again!

"I bet 50 cents, we will become the focus of the industry again."

"It goes without saying, when have you seen the chairman come to the meeting in person?"

"Big brothers and younger brothers just joined this year, what are you talking about?"

"Hehe, boy, have you heard of Asian stock gods."


In the conference room, all Yinghuan's senior executives and elite traders were present.

Jiang Siming sat in the first seat, and Li Yingzi sat aside. In the past, Jiang Siming was absent, and she was sitting in Jiang Siming's seat.

Now, my own men are here, of course I have to give way~

"I heard Mr. Li say that you guys are all talking secretly, disgusting me for giving you such a long vacation, so you have nothing to do, right?"

Jiang Siming lit a dragon smoke and asked with a smile.

Dare to smoke in a meeting, maybe this is the boss.

Generally, company employees have to go to the smoking area of ​​the company if they want to smoke, not to mention meetings, even their own office can't do it.

However, Jiang Siming's smoking did not affect others. The new company's air purification system is the most advanced in the world.

The smoke dissipated as soon as it came out, only Jiang Siming could hear it.

Hearing Jiang Siming's question, many employees smiled embarrassedly.

They also feel that people are really cheap, and they have to say that the boss Zhou is smashing the skin without giving a holiday.

Now the boss treats them so nicely, after letting them go for three months, they still dislike it.

Thanks to Jiang Siming's good temper, he never cares about it.

As a general boss, I guess it’s impossible to take a holiday...

"The meeting today is of course not to talk about this. I know that you have been idle for three months. It is time for the activity. After the meeting today, you should go back and prepare. It should be kept confidential and should be reported to the family. Preparation, in short, starting tomorrow, the company will enter a state of "preparation for war", sniping the stock market, and the specific tasks will be given to you tomorrow."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, everyone's nose, eyes, and mouth became active, and everyone's face was excited.

Finally there is another big action!

The reason why they knew it was a big move without asking is because now the chairman of the board of directors cannot attend the meeting in person for stocks under one billion.

Is it to snipe Huiyuan?

President Li mentioned this a few days ago, maybe it's really possible.

"Okay, don't talk about it. The attack on Huiyuan has been cancelled. This sniping operation is still aimed at overseas markets. In addition, the chairman has already planned to invest in Huiyuan, so you should not use your brains anymore. , Give me a good spirit, go back to sleep today, prepare for the hard fight from tomorrow, understand?" Li Yingzi knocked on the table gracefully.

The people below immediately calmed down. This is the president's momentum.

The employees' fear of Li Yingzi is stronger than that of Jiang Siming.

The main reason is that Jiang Siming is very kind in the company, and he can get along with the employees.

Many employees are Jiang Siming’s fans, game fans, etc., so most of the employees of the Jiang Group are not afraid of Jiang Siming.

But every female president, that is a great god, speaks unsmilingly, does things vigorously, and dare not provoke or provoke.


"Understood! Please rest assured, Chairman and President Li."

"We must arrange."


"By the way, can we ask a little bit, how much investment was involved in this sniper operation?" An old man couldn't help being curious.

Li Yingzi looked at Jiang Siming. In fact, she didn't know how much she had voted for "Your Majesty".

Jiang Siming said, "It's almost the same as before, about 30 billion."


Everyone clenched their fists excitedly, all they wanted was the words of the chairman.

It's 30 billion again! This is destined to be another stock market war.

30 billion, for the current sluggish stock market, it is easy to cause the stock market to shake.

Don't look at the thousands or trillions in those movies, they are all foolish, unless it is a period of stock market turmoil.

In special times such as financial crisis and inflation, when everyone is selling stocks, there may be such a big stock change.

Under normal circumstances, hundreds of millions and hundreds of millions are considered big moves in the stock market.

More than five billion are astronomical figures.

If you think about it, you know that many smaller countries do not exceed one trillion in annual output value. What is the concept of a trillion?

That was a giant copper-cobalt mine that Jiang Siming worked so hard to use tens of thousands of miners to dig for a year or two. It was simply not what those imagined keyboards could achieve by typing and writing.

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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