I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1281: As useless as Long Si

A+ fell to the ground, and a golden shard floated out. It happened to be the golden sports car.

"What's the matter with you, why are you going out?" A+ was very angry.

Long Si shrank his neck and opened his mouth, wanting to refute.

But seeing A+ dying because of saving him, his wave was justified.

So I had to admit the mistake.

The only remaining teammate helped him from the ground.

"You get blood, let me save Xingyu."

The first IFTY team member to fall to the ground is still ‘worshiping heaven and earth’ with the great **** on the water pump.

Both of them have lost more than half of their blood, and they can't be saved.

But Long Si vetoed his plan.

"Don't, Jiang Siming must be holding you now, you will die if you go to save it."

"What about Xingyu?"

"It can only be sold, anyway, the Great God is also on it. Jiang Siming wants to make him stand, so we will spend it with them. It's a big deal." Long Si was also ruthless.

In the two previous fights, he knew that he was not Jiang Siming's opponent in sniping, so he planned to force Jiang Siming to close combat.

He won't persuade anyone in melee, especially his AKM rifle is so skilled, fans even call him the king of AK.

The situation on the court seemed to be awkward, and the remaining three people from the other V5 team of the wastewater plant hid in the corner shivering.

After all, they can't afford to provoke them anymore. There is IFTY before and Jiang Siming is staring at them. They can only pray that the two teams will fight you to death so that they can go up and catch the fish.

And IFTY intends to drag, but they do not know the location of Jiang Siming.

On the other hand, at 4am, there are hidden kites reporting points and a high point of view of the great gods. They can feed back enemy information to Jiang Siming.

Seeing that the two people were determined not to attack, Jiang Siming sneaked down from the high **** and quietly entered the wastewater plant.

"The captain seems to be dying." Kite looked at the falling blood of the great god, still a bit unbearable, after all, they were all teammates.

Jiang Siming considered it for a while and said to the kite: "I will hold them two for a while, and you can touch them directly from behind to help others."

"Oh, okay." Kite didn't even think about whether this matter could be done, Jiang Siming said, she would absolutely comply.

"Don't, it's very dangerous, just sell me." Weishen was afraid that his teammates would fall because of him, so he pretended to be polite.

"Shut up, you don't want to play and wait to help you up, you can change the machine with Duoyu to let him play." Jiang Siming ignored him.

Great God hurriedly shut up, and Duoyu turned his head and looked at him expectantly, he stopped talking.

"Captain, how about..."


Seeing that the blood volume of the great **** is very unhealthy, the kite can't even use a quiet step, and can only take a stride towards the great god.

The footsteps immediately attracted the attention of Long Si and another team member.

"It looks like a kite, she wants to save people."

"Hehe, I don't even have a gun, is she dreaming, Xiao Meng, go and fix her." Long Si said.

He has no more plans to take the opportunity to confess beautiful women, so he just wants to solve 4am first.

Xiao Meng rushed towards the kite when he heard the words, but the kite didn't even escape, so he ran to the water pump.

"You still want to be a female and no one will hit you, right." Xiao Meng sneered, raising the gun to get a kite.

Unexpectedly, as soon as a Win94 shot rang behind him, he was so scared that he forgot to pull the trigger.



Xiao Meng fell to the ground on the spot.

Long Si only discovered that Jiang Siming had touched the wastewater plant. Instead of looking for Jiang Siming's gun, he took out a grenade and threw one at Jiang Siming's location.

Then he sealed a cigarette for his teammate.

But in fact, the smoke bomb has no effect on Jiang Siming.

It's just that Jiang Siming himself didn't intend to make it up.

Instead, he rushed towards Long Si's face while holding Scarl.

Hearing his footsteps, Long Siyi was overjoyed, dare to fight him so boldly? Isn't this sending it?

He had to teach this arrogant Jiang Siming severely this time.

Long Si turned on the insurance, adjusted the automatic fire, held his breath, and planned to have a 1v1 man battle with Jiang Siming.

The position of the footsteps was heard clearly by Long Si, and when the footsteps were about to pass the bunker, Long Si had already fired in advance!

It stands to reason that Jiang Siming should have just rushed over and picked up his bullet at this time, but what he didn't expect was that the bullets were all empty.

Jiang Siming didn't rush over at all, but paused when he was about to pass the bunker, deliberately deceiving Long Si's bullet, and disrupted his rhythm and plan.

Sure enough, this wave of unshot Long Si began to feel a little flustered.

He wanted to rush over, but reason told him that he could not take the initiative to attack, otherwise he would be caught in Jiang Siming's trap even more.

But he couldn't keep holding the gun if he was stuck like this, and because the gun had no magazine, it had only 30 bullets.

So far there are only half of the bullets left, although it is more than enough to kill one person.

But he did not forget that the kite had just gone to La Weishen, and the two of them would definitely double-team when they came together.

Thinking of this, with all kinds of pressure, Long Si became a little suspicious.

Just when he was about to rush over to confront Jiang Siming, Jiang Siming suddenly appeared again!

Long Si immediately raised the gun and fired.

But Jiang Siming was much faster than him, and he learned it with just one bullet.

This bullet was shot by Win94.

Looking at the screen when Long Si fell to the ground, Jiang Siming came out from behind the bunker with Win94 in his hand.

And there was Scarl behind him, but he didn't use it. Instead, he chose to fight him in close combat.

This clearly doesn't put him in the eye, a naked mockery.

Long Si suddenly felt that he was losing face, and his previous disdain for Jiang Siming and his rhetoric were all slapped on his face.

King of AK? IFTY's strongest player?

Isn't it being hammered on the ground!

4am fans are ridiculous, that's it?

Successfully defeated Dragon Four and saved 4am, which was on the verge of collapse.

Great God was rescued by Kite at the last moment, and both survived. Seeing Jiang Siming got IFTY, he hurried over to lick the bag.


The two of them were very happy to search for materials, and the feeling of escaping from the dead made them feel too difficult.

I thought it was going to be a dead end, I thought it was going to watch Jiang Siming's performance from start to finish.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Siming, like a fire-fighting hero, arrived in time and saved their two lives.

Great God does not have to follow in the footsteps of many fishes to survive smoothly.

He was so happy that he immediately promised to eat KFC after the game, too rich, too embarrassed~

After the IFTY group was destroyed, apart from A+, a fragment, a red drop, floated out of Long Si's box.

"Pick up [Antique Appreciation Mastery] Red Fragment*1 (1/4). The number of fragments is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

Sure enough, just like Dragon Four, they were all useless things.

It's not as good as the A+ sports car. It's useful to appreciate antiques, and he can identify any antiques with Xiaoxian.

Without even thinking about it, Jiang Siming threw it into the shard melting pot.


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