I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1292: Meet Eva Arrot again

This news made 4AM fans extremely happy. After all, it shows that Myojin will definitely stay at 4AM in the future.

The saddest part belongs to the other teams. Their idea of ​​inviting Jiang Siming to their team seems to be completely eclipsed.

Weishen exchanged the entire club for Jiang Siming to stay in 4AM. This trick is really ruthless!

On the second day of 4AM’s new boss change, Great God told everyone in the club that the new boss said that everyone’s salary would double from today.

The people in the club were so happy that they kept flattering Jiang Siming.

It's a pity that Jiang Siming can't hear it, because at this time, he and Yiyi have already arrived in Hawaii on their private plane.

The Hawaiian seaside luxury villas exclusively dedicated to Jiang Siming have an endless blue ocean and golden soft private sandy beaches.

It is not so much a villa, it is a huge seaside compound, covering an area of ​​at least 800 square meters!

This building sells for more than $70 million in Hawaii!

It is the coveted goal of many rich Americans. Unfortunately, just after the establishment at the end of last year, it encountered the manufacturing depression.

Then Jiang Siming attacked the stock market, causing many rich Americans to vomit blood, so no one dared to buy this building.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Siming would become the first owner of this building in the end, which is funny enough to think about.

This is Qin Yiyi's first trip since I can remember, and the silly nizi looked particularly excited.

Her parents have been doctors since they were young, they are very busy and there are no holidays at all.

After studying, Yiyi worked very hard, studying medicine, and started working until he graduated with a doctorate.

When Jiang Siming took his wife and children on a private yacht, Qin Yiyi hadn't become his heroine, so he didn't catch up.

Counting that, Qin Yiyi may have never really traveled in his life.

The only time I went abroad was to listen to various medical seminars and the like.

So when he got here, Qin Yiyi took off his shoes and ran on the golden beach with bare feet.

Looking happier than a child made Jiang Siming funny and distressed.

On that day, Jiang Siming took Qin Yiyi to play on the beach. The villa was also equipped with a small boat. Jiang Siming drove her in the small boat and took her on the sea for a whole day.

Later, she took her to the most famous restaurant in Hawaii for a candlelight dinner. When they came back, the two of them did not drive, and walked all the way back by the beach.

On the road, Qin Yiyi couldn't resist the sleepiness, and finally relied on Jiang Siming to carry it back.

When I went back, this Nizi's head was on Jiang Siming's shoulder, and she slept so much that her saliva came out. It was called a Xiangxiang.

Unable to wake her up, Jiang Siming returned home at the slowest speed, put her in the bedroom and closed the door.

I took this opportunity to fly into a deep sea area and came to a small island far away from the coastline.

Summon the Norwegian sea monster from the Pirates of the Caribbean. He has to see what the Norwegian sea monster looks like.

Just after the summoning, a huge vortex suddenly appeared on the sea surface, and then the sea began to surging, and huge tentacles stretched out from the sea surface.

Ordinary people would have been frightened by this scene, but Jiang Siming stood calmly on the island and watched quietly.

Soon, dozens of tentacles that were as thick as telegraph poles touched the island, and then, a behemoth appeared!

This monster is more than ten meters high, just like a tall building, more than one hundred meters in length, the whole stretched out, covering the sky and the sun, and the moonlight on the island is blocked.

The monster looks like an octopus, but also like a squid, with a big mouth full of sharp teeth, which can easily swallow a whale when opened.

Humans may not be enough to stuff their teeth in his mouth.

The monster looks so ugly that it makes people unable to eat.

This is also the first time Jiang Siming got such an ugly "pet". It is better to say it is a battle beast.

This thing is very powerful at a glance, and a medium-sized ship may be knocked over with a few tentacles in his eyes.

It's such a behemoth that has always been ferocious. He came to the island and saw Jiang Siming, but it was as clever as the little milk cat saw a tiger.

Not only did he crawl in front of Jiang Siming, he also touched Jiang Siming's vamp with his tentacles to show his respect.

Jiang Siming looked at this big guy, a little bit ridiculous, he didn't want to take this thing home.

There is no room for it in the house. Fortunately, it is just a summoned beast, which can be summoned back at any time.

Otherwise, Jiang Siming is really worried about letting it stay on the bottom of reality. If he attacks a ship or is discovered by a satellite, he must be regarded as a rare research target by the ZF guys in the United States and send a fleet to capture it.

Believe that with American urine, why can't they do it?

"Let's give you a name, you'll just call it... Ah Chou, it's really ugly."

Jiang Siming chose a name for it casually, compared to such nice names as Ah-囡 and Ah-li.

This name is too random, and sure enough, Jiang Siming is an appearance association! Drink tui!

Ah Chou, who got the new name, was quite happy, and didn't think there was anything wrong with the master calling him ugly.

Jiang Siming watched A Chou for a while, and he planned to recall it.

But at this moment, a dozen nautical miles away, Jiang Siming suddenly heard the sound of a speedboat.

Although ordinary people couldn't hear it at such a distance, it was very easy for Jiang Siming, the old primordial monster.

There were several speedboats in total, and Jiang Siming swept his mind and found that several speedboats were chasing the first one.

On the several speedboats chasing behind, there were several people sitting on each of them, and everyone was still holding a gun!

There were only three men and one woman in the speedboat that fleeed in front.

One of the men was driving a speedboat and fleeing desperately, while the other two men also held guns and fired at the people behind.

They seemed to be protecting the only woman on the speedboat, a blond stunner.

But there were too many enemies, and the two men didn't last long before they were hit by stray bullets and rolled into the sea.

Upon seeing this, the blonde woman grabbed a submachine gun, gritted her teeth and pulled the trigger towards the back, her long legs were very eye-catching.

But there was another bullet hole in the right leg, and blood constantly leaked from it.

The woman gritted her teeth tightly and tried to shoot backwards.

Gunfire broke out, if not to mention, Jiang Siming thought he was shooting a Hollywood blockbuster.

Jiang Siming didn't want to be nosy, after all, how do you know which side is good and which side is bad?

There are many times when the seemingly disadvantaged party is actually the bad guy, and he doesn't want to be a disservice.

But when his consciousness swept across the woman's face, he was a little surprised. He knew this woman.

Last year in Times Square, when he was live-streaming the carving of wooden cows and horses, she was the one who bought his work for $140 billion.

At that time, it caused quite a news sensation in Times Square. He remembered the name of this woman, Eva Arrot.

Jiang Siming didn't expect to meet her again, still in this way of escape.

[Author's digression]: Third update~

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