I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1296: This is a **** fake gun!

Jiang Siming wanted to be straightforward. He called the general manager of the Lakers and asked them to send a lawyer to drive the group away.

But at this time, the task launcher in his head rang.

[Random Mission]: Let these FBIs lose face in front of the people of the world!

[Task Reward]: Reward a random boutique new color fragment!

[Mission failed]: deduct one random boutique fragment!

Here comes a new color fragment?

The new color fragment of the Three Kingdoms hasn't been obtained yet, and a new one will appear here. He has to get it!

Seeing this task, Jiang Siming decisively dismissed the idea of ​​calling a lawyer directly, and began to think about how to complete this task.

More than a dozen FBIs rushed into Jiang Siming's luxurious villa like robbers' den.

They began to dig through boxes and cabinets, searching everywhere for what they called evidence.

They were messed up everywhere, and some vases were even ‘accidentally’ broken to the ground.

Jiang Siming was indifferent to this, and even sat in the living room with his legs folded and watched TV.

These people thought Jiang Siming was scared, and became even more unscrupulous, and even began to search the second floor.

They thought Jiang Siming was too frightened to move. In fact, they didn't even know that they had been following them with a stealth camera to perfectly capture their rough search of other people's houses.

"Sir, there is a room upstairs locked, please open it." Captain White Face went downstairs and said to Jiang Siming, still speaking in an orderly tone.

"This is my private bedroom. I don't want others to go in." Jiang Siming said.

"We have a search warrant. We have the right to enter your private bedroom."

"What if I say no?" Jiang Siming looked at him coldly.

The white-faced captain sneered: "Then you just don't cooperate. Do you know what will happen if you don't cooperate with the police in the United States?"

"What will happen? I really want to know." Jiang Siming sneered.

The White-faced Captain was angry and took out a pistol from his waist and shouted: "I have the right to think that your room is hiding terrorists. You must open the door today to cooperate, otherwise we will take coercive measures!"

As soon as Captain White Face finished speaking, his eyes flickered, and a shadow flashed, and then the gun in his hand disappeared, but it went to Jiang Siming's hand.

Jiang Siming played with the pistol and said with a smile: "You are not a good policeman in the world, but you are not a small official."

After speaking, Jiang Siming pointed his gun at him and looked at him playfully.

Captain White Face was shocked, his face was earthy, and said: "I warn your husband, you are now attacking the police and snatching the police pistol, you are a serious crime!"

At this time, the other policemen also came down, and upon seeing them, they all pointed their guns at Jiang Siming.

As soon as Captain White Face saw the support, he was no longer afraid, instead he put on a proud smile.

"I warn you one last time, put down your arms, hold your head and surrender, and follow us back to the police station, otherwise I can't guarantee what you will be treated."

Jiang Siming smiled brighter when he saw the group of people holding guns.

A black shadow flashed in front of everyone again, and it was fleeting, and then Jiang Siming didn't know when he had come to Captain White Face, and the pistol was against his jaw!

Everyone panicked, and they didn't know when Jiang Siming drew up to them, and also held their captain under arrest.

"You said it was my gun fast, or your men killed me first and saved you, do you want to take a gamble?"

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he counted directly: "I count to three. Let's shoot at the same time, three!"

"NONONOx 16 times!" The white-faced captain was scared, he was really scared.

He didn't have the confidence to bet on this game.

But Jiang Siming turned a deaf ear and shouted again: "Two!"

"No, listen to me, sir, listen to me, we are too rude, we shouldn't be so to you, I apologize to you, apologize."

Captain White Face's pride and arrogance at this time disappeared without a trace, only fear and fear on his face.

Jiang Siming shook his head, "How can you be a world policeman if you are so courageous?"

The white-faced captain's face was red and blue, but he didn't dare to refute.

Not only did Jiang Siming not let him go, he didn't know when he had another gun, and it was not a police gun.

It's a desert eagle!

"Do you think that only you have guns? Do you think my gun is enough to smash your head?" Jiang Siming pressed the desert eagle to Captain White's brow.

Everyone was shocked at this time, how could Jiang Siming have a desert eagle!

You know, although Murray insists that guns are legal, most of the guns are long guns, such as shotguns and rifles.

Very few have pistols, and the review of pistols is very complicated.

Don't even think about the Desert Eagle, because its lethality is too great to be able to flow to the market.

So after Jiang Siming took out the Desert Eagle, they subconsciously thought Jiang Siming was a terrorist!

Otherwise, how could he have a Desert Eagle!

But now that he can't move, Jiang Siming has held their heads captive. Maybe there are still a lot of terrorists hidden in the house.

Otherwise, how could Jiang Siming be so calm.

Thinking of this, everyone began to be suspicious, constantly scanning around and behind them, for fear that dozens of terrorists would suddenly appear behind them holding their weapons at them.

"Sir, sir, I want to tell you that you are really committing a crime now, don't worry, as long as you put down the gun, I promise not to catch you." The white face captain was even more scared to his legs.

Most of the police in the United States can scare ordinary people. If they really encounter hard stubble, it's strange that they don't persuade them.

"I'm like this, can you still not arrest me?" Jiang Siming asked with a sneer.

Captain White Face squeezed out a smile and said: "As long as we don't say it, naturally no one will catch you."

"That's it, that's OK." After Jiang Siming heard this, he returned the police gun to them very cooperatively, and put away the Desert Eagle.

Seeing Jiang Siming put down his pistol, the White Face Captain had such an impulse, he wanted to directly call his subordinates to shoot Jiang Siming to death.

But he also began to have this suspicion, afraid that there would be other terrorists in the house, so he could only temporarily dispel this idea.

Go out first, call the headquarters after you go out, let them send a large force over!

Thinking of this, the white face captain shouted to close the team, and then led people to leave.

But Jiang Siming's hand was trembling at this time, and the desert eagle in his hand fell down and hit the ground.


This desert eagle fell to the ground, and it was smashed in an instant, and the **** and barrel of the gun were scattered on the ground.

Everyone was stunned, no matter how stupid they were, they would understand it, this is a **** fake gun! Toy gun!

The white-faced captain suddenly became angry, but Jiang Siming yelled with a smile, "Oh, it's time to wear it."

Captain White Face was even more convinced. They were tricked by Jiang Siming. This guy is not a terrorist at all, and there is no other person in the house.

He was teasing them from start to finish!

Captain White Face is a big fire!


[Author's digression]: First more~

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