I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1353: Advanced sewage purifier

After the circle becomes smaller, the probability of encounter between China and South Korea increases.

But they all shot at each other on a small scale, and no one dared to shoot them head-on.

Because R City Jiang Siming just killed two, after the Korean team knew Jiang Siming's position, no one came here.

When Jiang Siming listened to them in R City, he couldn't bear it.

"Let's watch it here, I'm going to help." Jiang Siming finished speaking, riding the only motorcycle in R City and slipping away.

The three of them were left in a mess in the wind.

Well, as long as Myojin can kill addiction, it's okay for them to be a tool man once.

"Where is anyone, report points." Jiang Siming shouted in his voice, and many people immediately started punctuation.

Jiang Siming glanced, the closest to him was 17shou, and they seemed to have encountered a hard stubble, and all four of them were knocked out of a lot of blood.

When Jiang Siming saw this, the motorcycle flicked and went to support.

Their position at 17shou was on the hillside behind the air-raid shelter. It was difficult for FPP to hit high and low, and coupled with the opponent's six-man team, they played very frustrated.

The arrival of Jiang Siming made them shine.

17shou didn't even care about the fear of being knocked down. He stepped out and killed one of them abruptly, and even killed and made up for it.

Jiang Siming was speechless, so they would kill as soon as he came, and he would not kill if he didn't come. Isn't this deliberately greedy for Lao Jiang?

But Jiang Siming listened to the gunshots and found that the opponent team had 98K, so he must eat this team.

The motorcycle came to the flank, and three of the remaining five people received his eyes.

As soon as he jumped off the car seat, Jiang Siming had already put the SLR on his shoulders.

Da Da Da Da!

A gun that fired one shot at a time, one shot at a time, was made fully automatic by Jiang Siming abruptly.

The first person to be knocked down had no time to react, and the second person heard that his teammate was beaten and wanted to hide for the first time.

But Jiang Siming's gun was so unreasonable. Before he could leave, the bullet had already caught up with him.

Killing two people in a second, the third one said nothing, and the remaining three people just lost their courage to shoot at 17shou. They hurriedly got into the car and wanted to run.

But 17shou is not a vegetarian. Before many anchors hadn't reacted, he had cooperated with Jiang Siming to help him get rid of the other's tires!

Want to go? No doors!

"Good job, A beast." Jiang Siming praised.

17shou smiled and said, "I don't know what you are thinking?"

He didn't even call someone in the car the first time, but had a tire repaired.

Because he understands very well, if his marksmanship makes a little mistake, he may not be able to hit the opponent and let the opponent escape.

Instead of doing this, it's better to fix their tires and let Myojin take care of them and be safe.

"Yes, it works perfectly. You can come to 4am to sign up, and you can drive with the annual salary." Jiang Siming smiled and calmly knocked down one person in the car again with SLR.

"Fuck you, it's almost the same when you come to 17." 17shou laughed and scolded, in fact, this suggestion made him very excited.

Who doesn't want to be a teammate with Jiang Siming, but 17 can't be without the backbone, Ah Shou just think about it.

The three anchors of 17shou were envious. If Myojin told them that, they would definitely agree to join without hesitation.

Solved three, this team of South Korea team only had two people lingering, two people desperately blocked the smoke, trying to mix smoke to cheer teammates.

Jiang Siming threw three grenade in the past, and the car and the people were all blown into the sky.

"Damn, you are really murderous, you killed five of six people..." 17shou vomited, but fortunately, he just killed one before Jiang Siming arrived.

Otherwise, like the three anchors, he would have no game experience, and he would be a pure jerk.

Jiang Siming smiled, but his eyes were only fixed on the boxes. Before the smoke dissipated, he saw a black fragment flying over.

"Pick up [Black Technology Series · Advanced Sewage Purifier] black fragments*1 (1/11), the number of fragments is not full, and it is temporarily unavailable."

[Advanced sewage purifier]: It comes from different-dimensional technology, which can purify industrial and urban sewage. The purification speed can purify thousands of tons of sewage a day.

Note: The battery life of the purifier is one year and can be replaced by the battery of the robot.

There is such a fragment?

Jiang Siming was a little surprised. This purifier was not good for him, but it was really good for the environment.

It is everyone's responsibility to care for the environment. Jiang Siming didn't want to sell this stuff, so which water area should be used to purify wastewater.

But Jiang Siming can't do it in vain, if he silently purifies sewage in a place with serious sewage.

On the contrary, the local ZF thought it was their own credit. Then they estimate that not only will they not pay attention to this issue, they will get worse.

Jiang Siming doesn't want to help people brush their political achievements for free.

He plans to set up an environmental management company that will not only treat sewage, but also all kinds of garbage, greening and so on.

When Ali Ma has money, he can't be compared to how much he has contributed to desert greening.

Become a representative of a pure businessman who has been criticized like Penguin.

Besides, if you have money and ability, you should contribute more.

After collecting this piece of debris, Jiang Siming quickly ran to the corpse box and replaced the 98K with a grenade. He never looked at these boxes again.

After loading the 98K bullets, Jiang Siming ran away on a motorcycle to support the next point.

However, the South Korean team has rich experience. After the dead South Korean player reported, they quickly abandoned their plan to entangle with the Huaxia team and retreated.

When Jiang Siming passed by, the other party had already ran away.

Jiang Siming drove his motorcycle unbelief, chasing the route he had just retreated.

Many team members even advised Jiang Siming not to go.

This feeling is very similar to a funny GIF on the Internet. Several people are pulling a hunk who is about to fight with subtitles: "Brother Jiang, don't kill, don't kill, calm down."

But they didn't persuade Jiang Siming, he still rushed over.

The speed of the motorcycle was so fast that it didn't take long to catch up with a retreating team.

After Jiang Siming pulled closer, he slammed the brakes and rolled off the motorcycle. The 98K in his hand was aimed at the rear of the car and the cloak behind the jeep.


One shot knocked out one person in the car!

"Xibal! This guy is too arrogant!" The team leader gritted his teeth with anger, but only gritted his teeth.

Just as he was about to sell his teammates, the captain said suddenly: "Hold him, our army is coming right away, let's get rid of this ‘flea’ together!"

Obviously, Jiang Siming completely angered the South Korean team, and this was an order to kill him.

Jiang Siming seemed to have not noticed at all, and stood still, waiting for the 98K bullet to be loaded, and another shot at the back!

It's a pity that the accuracy was a little bit off, only hitting the neck, not down.

But what surprised Jiang Siming was that the team that was going to leave suddenly stopped and began to park and hide behind the cars as shelters.

Jiang Siming subconsciously noticed that something was wrong, and immediately picked up the motorcycle, got on the motorcycle and drove off.

[Author's digression]: First more~

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