I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1358: Crazy grabbing 506.7 billion!

Hearing this voice, everyone looked upstairs together.

Zhao Xiaoxiao suddenly jumped off the railing, Zhao Xuan and the other sisters were panicked.

Li Shengxue subconsciously wanted to save people, but was caught by Jiang Siming.

Before she understood, Zhao Xiaoxiao calmly hovered in the air for a while before landing.

The women at home were stunned.

"what happened?"

"Did Xiaoxiao also practice????"

Facing everyone's inquiries, Jiang Siming gave Zhao Xiaoxiao a gentle, angry and funny look.

"You can't go down and say, you have to show off a wave of operations."

Zhao Xiaoxiao puts two small hands in his pockets, cool and sweet silly, hehe, hehe.

Jiang Siming, the father, has to explain to her: "Xiaoxiao has also cultivated."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Zhao Xuan asked.

"Ahem, this is not because you think that Xiaoxiao will go to beat people and do bad things and worry about it." Jiang Siming replied, and made a gesture of spreading his hands.

Xiaoxiao also just made a hand-spreading action at this time, well, the two father and daughter are in sync.

"You are a dad, you are used to her." Zhao Xuan's pretty eyes cast Jiang Siming's eyes.

Jiang Siming could only follow hehe, hehe, smirk.

"That's not right, why Xiaoxiao has practiced first, can't we ask us to practice together?" Chi Zheng asked in confusion, everyone also raised their eyes to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming coughed dryly, still wondering how to explain this embarrassing answer in front of the child.

You can't say in front of your child: This exercise can only be practiced by a virgin.

But especially, he hasn't spoken yet, Zhao Xiaoxiao said calmly.

"Moms, you can't practice it. Only girls who don't have a boyfriend can practice this exercise. Do you understand?"

At this time, all the mothers blushed and walked away, looking at the ceiling and looking at the ceiling, so embarrassing~

"By the way, Xiaoxiao just said that it is not necessarily. Isn't she better at practicing than Shengxue?"

Yingzi remembered this, but also to divert this embarrassing topic.

Jiang Siming nodded, touched Zhao Xiaoxiao's arrogant little head, and said, "Yes, Xiaoxiao's cultivation talent is second only to me. In the future, our family will have a super master to protect you moms. "


"Xiaoxiao is really amazing!"

"It's great, let Xiaoma kiss me."

"I'll come first, Trojan horse~"

Zhao Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed by the kiss, and then touched her cheek with lipstick.

She regretted it, she had known it a long time ago and would not say it. She has to wash her face later...

Then everyone was still waiting, and people began to walk out of the gym one after another.

First Xinyi and Zhirou, they spent about three hours.

It took Yiyi, Jiang Lan, Tuantuan, and Hundred Billion about four to five hours.

Everyone's talents are naturally different at different times.

But they undoubtedly got it done in half a day.

Those who can be cultivated within half a day are all of the peerless master level.

Jiang Siming himself was very surprised. He thought it would take at least a day or two for them to come out.

It seems that my wife is actually very talented.

Jiang Siming thought about the reason. It was probably the auxiliary effect of his Yin and Yang Gong on them. Even if they were ordinary people, they would be affected more or less.

Coupled with the frequent use of pill, the body is so good that there is nothing to say, the roots and bones will naturally be nourished very well.

It is estimated that after he obtains other attribute techniques, the cultivation speed of other girlfriends will be similar.

Jiang Siming is happy when he thinks of all the super masters at home.

The super master not only means that he does not need to worry about the safety of his wives all the time, but they can deal with some dangers by themselves.

It also means that they can cultivate together with themselves, and their lifespan is increasing, and they don’t need to rely on life-increasing pills and...that what...

Of course, even though he is no longer dependent on that, Jiang Siming will continue to ‘give’ them. More life span is not a disadvantage, it’s not (smirk).

When the seven girlfriends stepped into cultivation, their daily life became richer. In addition to work and resting at home, they practiced again at night before going to bed.

Even if Jiang Siming is not at home, Zhao Xiaoxiao will help as a temporary teacher, and give them some quicker ways to cultivate.

Zhao Xiaoxiao's talent is hard to find for thousands of years. She is like a schoolmaster, while the other seven girlfriends are like middle and upper class classmates.

It is still possible to let Xueba teach them.


After so many days of sniping in the stock market, Ying Huan finally came to an end.

This stock sniper has never been easier. The reason is that the U.S. stock market has turned into a bear market due to the ups and downs.

The whole market is green, so green that the eyes of those Americans are red, and the stock market crashed more terribly than Black Friday.

The U.S. stock market experienced its fifth meltdown, and stocks plummeted by trillions.

Even the eighty-nine-year-old stock **** Buffett suffered a big loss, and the loss became a paste.

He confidently bought the bottom of Delta Air Lines and Bank of New York Mellon, and as a result, the two stocks fell directly into silly.

In eight days, Buffett's nearly $30 billion has been lost. In this year's Forbes rich list, his elderly fell from fourth to thirteenth.

The old man lost a lot of weight.

And Yinghuan became one of the few winners.

Because they bought all the declines before the green.

Yingzi regretted not investing a little more, but Jiang Siming told her that playing stocks must be modest. Sometimes things that she thinks are likely to change.

On the contrary, Jiang Siming thinks this is the test and reward given to him by the stock chart.

He still does not exceed the 30 billion limit,

Today is the end of the time period. Although the stock market is still in the midst of a slump, Li Yingzi resolutely chose to stop after sober.

The result came out, the 30 billion soft sister coin turned 16.89 times!

When this number came out, everyone's breathing in Yinghuan stopped.

506.7 billion!

This is a new peak of Yinghuan! It is also a peak that may not appear again in the next ten years!

As soon as this data came out, even Jiang Siming couldn't believe it. He really seemed to be the number one in the world!

Before his net worth was 500 billion, now he has an extra 5067. His personal net worth has exceeded one trillion!

This does not count as the profitable money for all his companies after becoming number 9 in the world.

Fu Xi has made at least 20 billion profit since then. Unfortunately, lipsticks and masks have just begun to sell, otherwise it would be even more terrifying.

Yiyi’s pharmaceutical company and various other industries, not to mention the Congo’s copper-cobalt mines. Unfortunately, it takes at least one year to complete the copper-cobalt mines.

Calculating these, Jiang Siming's net worth is more than 1.1 trillion.

In the latest rankings, the world's richest man, Jeff Bezos, is worth only 140 billion US dollars.

Jiang Siming's net worth is changed to US dollars, which is around 160 billion US dollars.

Therefore, he is now number one!

[Author's digression]: Third more~

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