I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1377: Room N event!

I stayed at home for two days, one day before the second anchor contest began.

Jiang Siming took advantage of this time to get the primary wormhole.

Set up one near the house first, and the location is at the gate of the manor.

The transmission of the wormhole is sensitive. He is the owner of the wormhole, so he must have his consent to enter the wormhole before it can be opened.

After resettlement, Jiang Siming flew over his hometown in Yunnan with a few small movements.

His own home is at his feet. In the big villa at home, grandpa is teasing the little golden retriever at home, and grandma is making today's ingredients with his mother.

As soon as my dad drove back home, he began to tell them what he was busy with today.

Now my father goes to supervise the planting base planned by Jiang Siming every day, but he is not actually a supervisor.

He is mainly responsible for the miscellaneous tasks (laughing and crying).

Dad Jiang Siming, that's good. If others help his house, he always wants to give something back.

So every day I buy cigarettes and water for the people of Jiang Siming Construction Company, do you invite them to a restaurant?

These employees are obedient to their chairman's father, so naturally his old man will say what he says.

"I think the planting base will be completed in two months, and then I guess this kid should be back."

"Really, do you think your son can bring his grandchildren back?"

Jiang's mother still remembers her big fat grandchildren, and grandma smiled.

"How can it be so fast? What are you thinking about? It would be nice to get pregnant this year. Besides, this kid didn't even get married. We have to get married when we are pregnant. We can't wrong other girls."

"That's great, then I have to prepare..."

With that said, Jiang's mother and grandma have started to discuss Zhang Luojiang Siming's marriage.

Jiang Siming heard clearly above them, and couldn't help but roll his eyes. Don't worry...

Not long after, Jiang Wanwan also came back from school and heard Jiang's mother discussing Jiang Siming's marriage.

She scratched her head and said, "Which sister-in-law will my brother marry? I still haven't remembered the names of all the sister-in-law..."

Jiang Siming covered his face, forget it, set the portal and slip away.

If he listened any more, he might feel ashamed.

As for going down to meet my parents for a meal, forget it for the time being, he flew over, and the sudden appearance might scare my parents.

Besides, there are members of the team secretly protecting him near his home. He doesn't want to be known by the old man and make any excessive demands on himself.

After setting up the first teleportation wormhole, Jiang Siming tried it.

When his mind moved, a black hole appeared in the void.

As soon as Jiang Siming walked in, the black hole disappeared, and then he appeared outside the Shanghai Manor.

He also looked at the time specially, less than a second, less than a second, he completed a full nearly 3000 kilometers of movement.

Although the speed of light is a hundred times faster than this, no matter how far away the wormhole is, it only takes less than a second.

For example, if the distance from the earth to the sun runs at the speed of light, it takes about 8 minutes.

It would take 30,000 years to fly across the solar system with light.

For Wormhole, it still only takes one second!

This is the gap. The short distance cannot be seen, but the farther the distance, the more powerful the wormhole is.

Jiang Siming even shuttled several times in succession, each time the same time.

After completing the wormhole connection with his family, Jiang Siming ran to South Korea. In fact, South Korea is closer to Shanghai, less than a thousand kilometers.

But when he arrived in South Korea, he didn't know where Song Ji-hyo lived.

There is no other way but to find a city to fall down first, and ask her where she is on the phone.

As for why it should land? The phone has no signal in the sky~~

Landing near a suburban road in Seoul, South Korea, Jiang Siming sent a text message to Song Ji-hyo and waited for the reply.

While waiting, I looked around boredly, just about to say whether to contact Quan Jixian or Yoon Eun-hye.

My ears moved suddenly!

He heard a voice.

Yes, it seems to be the sound of someone tapping an iron pipe.

The root of the sound seemed to be coming from under the ground.

Jiang Siming activated his mind and found the root cause in no time.

It came from the basement of a luxurious house in the suburbs of Seoul.

It was indeed the sound of tapping the iron pipe, but the manpower of the tapping was very weak. It is probably not Jiang Siming's words that no one can hear.

Jiang Siming glanced at the phone in wonder, but Ji Hyo hasn't returned a message.

Anyway, there is nothing to do, go and have a look.

Jiang Siming walked slowly across the road and came to this big rich house in the suburbs.

The house is full of cameras, but Jiang Siming is not taking it seriously.

The invisibility spell was turned on, and one jumped into the house easily.

The house is very clean and luxurious. It seems that the person living in it must be a rich man.

Jiang Siming skipped other places and found the basement of this house.

This basement hides a special secret. If Jiang Siming hadn't searched it by thought, no one would have found this basement.

The basement door was unlocked and concealed. Jiang Siming walked in.

A scent of blood rushed into his face, followed by the screams of women.

That kind of scream is heartbreaking, but this basement is so soundproofed that if you don't come in, you can't hear it.

Jiang Siming continued to walk inside without expression. There was a large iron room inside. There were many iron cages in the iron room, and the walls were covered with iron chains.

There are a lot of leather whips, scalpels, and even boxes of bugs on the table.

And in each cage, there is a woman held.

These women are all covered with scars and naked.

Shocking wounds were left on their bodies, some of their teeth were all pulled out, some two points in private parts were cut off, and some of their eyes were dug out!

This kind of horrible picture makes the scalp numb and the hair is terrifying!

Even if Jiang Siming had been to the basement of that gang in Mexico, the people they held were not so miserable.

Jiang Siming wasn't scared, he just thought the scene was disgusting.

This iron room is also full of cameras. A short and fat man is humiliating a woman in one of the cages.

The picture is unsightly, and the woman only screams and screams.

What Jiang Siming noticed is that these cameras are still broadcasting live!

No one cares?

Had it not been for sure that this was true, Jiang Siming would almost think it was filming.

Jiang Siming took a look at the live broadcast first and found that it was a very secret chat group.

There were only a few hundred people inside, and they were frantically brushing gifts and praising the man for his beautiful work.

After reading it, Jiang Siming realized that this was an illegal transaction for the purpose of live broadcast of L humiliating women.

The offenders kidnapped women and put them in the basement, then used every means to humiliate them.

And make a video, use live broadcast or video to earn profits.

(This incident is adapted from the real incident in Room N in South Korea. The **** is empty and the devil is on earth!)

[Author's digression]: First more~

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