I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1387: I'm not discussing with you

The audience were also very surprised.

"What is this Dragon Four doing?"

"He is bombing Myojin with thunder?"

"Get sick!"

"It's probably a mistake."

"Success is not enough to fail."


"I wanted to throw thunder at the other side at first, but after a while, I got lost thinking it was a smoke bomb."

Long Si held back such an excuse for a long time.

Jiang Siming certainly didn't believe it, he could even use mind reading to see through all the other's thoughts.

But right now we are fighting with South Korea, and there is no time to investigate.

And in the presence of so many spectators, it is obviously inappropriate for his team to fight inwardly while fighting against the Korean team.

If this is known by the Korean clubs, they must have a lot of publicity.

Jiang Siming can only believe his words for the time being, and staring at Long Si's erratic eyes, he said: "Don't play around with your own career and life, understand?"

Long Si was frightened, unable to say a word.

This sentence was also heard by other teammates. Most of them were inexplicable, but only a few people heard the overtones.

But Jiang Siming's side was already full of blood again, and he continued to fight.

In Long Si's heart, there was a battle between heaven and man, he was considering whether to do it.

In hesitation, an unfamiliar voice urged from the headset.

Long Si thought for a while and realized that there was no turning back.

He is very smart, knowing that he can't deal with Jiang Siming so blatantly.

So he set his sights on the other players.

Although Jiang Siming's 98K bullets had no false shots and had headshots, the people who were knocked down were quickly lifted up due to the fact that there were bunkers at a distance.

This is the pros and cons of large-scale operations. It is a tug-of-war and war of attrition.

Your marksmanship is so good that it’s useless for people to move in seconds. People can help them if they have teammates.

It's the same with Huaxia, with teammates supporting him immediately after the knockout.

The two sides are actually constantly consuming each other's ammunition and drugs.

However, Huaxia has fewer people, and naturally there are not as many supplies as South Korea.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for a player from the Huaxia team to report that they had no medicine or throwing objects.

In the beginning, there were only one or two, but over time, more and more people were short of supplies.

Some players didn't even have the bandages, they were frightened with the blood, and they didn't dare to shoot at people.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Siming said, "All teammates who have extra supplies will be separated."

After speaking, Jiang Siming took the lead in taking out all of his backpack.

Everyone learned everything, but Jiang Siming found that Long Si and the other two had never been hit from start to finish, but they were reluctant to take out a bottle of medicine.

When Jiang Siming wanted to ask them, they seemed to have a premonition that Jiang Siming was going to say something, and immediately drank all by themselves.

When others were still dissatisfied with blood, the three of them were not only full of blood, but even the status bar was full, and the drinks were full and almost overflowing.

"What's the matter with you three? Others are lacking medicine. You three are still drinking drinks so extravagantly?" 17shou couldn't help but speak.

"No one asked us to ask. Are we accustomed to being okay to fill up?" Long Si responded.

Jiang Siming is still afraid of three points, a 17shou he doesn't care about it.

17shou was about to happen, and the teammate next to him stopped him, so he had to give up.

While watching the battlefield at any time, Jiang Siming listened to the dialogue between Long Si and Ah Shou.

"You have a lot of three medicines, go, drive to the right hillside to build a spot." Jiang Siming marked them a position.

Long Siyi looked at it and immediately objected: "This is too dangerous, isn't it let us send it, I won't go."

Jiang Siming turned his head, glanced at him coldly, and said, "I'm not discussing with you."

Facing Jiang Siming's eyes and aura, Long Si instantly felt cold behind his back, shocking indescribably.

"Go and go." Long Si had to bite the bullet and drove the other two people around.

He already felt it, Jiang Siming had already seen their clues, otherwise it would be impossible to call out all three of them at once.

But even so, Long Si has no turning back.

After the three of them turned around, they started to stand up like a decent point, but after sniping at a distance for a long time, all of them were knocked down.

On the contrary, they were defeated by the Korean team one after another.

The most ridiculous thing is that the South Korean team obviously has the opportunity to make up for them directly, but they have been turning a blind eye, only downing, not making up.

Knowing that they were defeated.

"What's the matter with Long Si? Why is the technology so low today, this can be defeated?" Xian Moumou asked very puzzled.

"Now that the three of them are down, the other team members must score troops to save them, and our numbers are even less."

Tuantuan was so angry that she would have to scold them three times if she was not explaining it now.

Incompetent bungler!

Unsurprisingly, all three of Long Si were down, and the kind Chinese team members came to rescue them.

Jiang Siming can of course tell them not to save them, but by saying this, it seems that he has deliberately targeted them.

It will also appear that the Chinese team is not united at all.

So Jiang Siming said nothing.

There are even fewer Huaxia team members on the top of the mountain to divide troops to save people.

The Korean team suddenly started to shut down the smoke, they plan to allin!

18 to 7. How could their Korean team miss such a good opportunity!

Together with the smoke bombs, the Korean team rushed to the top of the hill where the Huaxia team was located!

In the misty smoke, no one could see anyone except Jiang Siming.

This made the Chinese players feel very depressed and nervous, as if they were facing an enemy.

"Don't panic, it should be when you throw something with a Molotov cocktail, throw it into the smoke bomb, and the burned person will be visible, just hit it."

Jiang Siming commanded calmly and calmly.

After hearing this, everyone took out the thrown objects in their backpacks and threw them into the smoke bombs.

Moreover, Jiang Siming could see clearly in the smoke bomb, and by the way, he directed his teammates to throw them in crowded places.

For a while, the smoke bombs were full of burnt Korean sticks.

The first time they were lit, they wanted to retreat.

As soon as he moved, he was easily knocked down by Jiang Siming's 98K.

The burned person has not many blood strips, he doesn't need to start, just hit the body and fall.

However, the Korean team is also very experienced in dealing with this kind of things, and the commander-in-chief also began to let them throw Molotov cocktails and flash bombs in the direction of China.

And 18 people must throw more things than 7 people.

This caused a lot of trouble and trouble to the Huaxia team.

There are Molotov cocktails and flash bombs flying over from the smoke bombs everywhere.

Jiang Siming saw that the fire was so big that he didn't even drive 98k. He drove a Jeep from the side and ran directly over the Molotov cocktail on the ground and rushed into the smoke.

Start crushing people!


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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