I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1400: Miyoshi?

Soon, Qingming Festival arrived.

It is said that the richer people, the more they like to go home to worship their ancestors in Qingming.

However, Jiang Siming was different, behaving very Buddhist.

It is mainly because the parents and the others until Jiang Siming had a rare company holiday, fearing that it would delay the best time for him to make a villain with his girlfriend.

Therefore, Jiang Siming will not be allowed to go back, and he will not go anywhere and stay with his girlfriend at home.

Jiang Siming is also drunk. Why are his parents more eager to embrace their grandchildren than him...

But it's not that he didn't work hard, he has worked hard enough.

But helplessly he is a cultivator.

The child is not what he wants, he can want it~

But even if the success rate is small, Jiang Siming's hard work will not slacken.

Look, it's already past eight o'clock, and none of the wives in the family can afford it (toldly).

Both he and Zhao Xiaoxiao ate breakfast.

"Dad, when are you the first in Tianjin?" Zhao Xiaoxiao said suddenly while drinking rice porridge.

"Huh?" Jiang Siming was taken aback.

"Oh, I watched "Fearless" last night..." Zhao Xiaoxiao stuck out his tongue embarrassedly.

"Dad, I'm asking you, when will you have a biological son or daughter."

Jiang Siming took a scallion pancake and said, "You didn't deliberately, it hurt my heart in the morning."

"I'm not concerned about you and moms, who do you think is most likely to get pregnant first?" Zhao Xiaoxiao asked ghostly.

"I know where to go, it's luck." Jiang Siming took a sip of fresh milk transported by air from New Zealand.

He is now a man with a super ranch in New Zealand.

By the way, I put one of the wormholes that I didn’t know where it was placed in New Zealand. The milk supply at home was brought directly from the wormholes.

Even air transportation time is waived, absolutely fresh.

"I guess it's Irene's mother." Zhao Xiaoxiao also took a sip of fresh milk and swallowed comfortably.

"Why? Your youngest Erin is of the earth attribute, she hasn't practiced yet." Jiang Siming said strangely, not knowing how she guessed it.

"You don't understand, Erin's mother has a loli face and a devil figure. The easier it is for such a woman to win the bid."

Jiang Siming's face turned dark, and said, "Where did you get the absurd conclusions, and blindly read those gossip magazines, I asked your mother to accept them all."

"Don't, I just said casually, why are you still anxious? I'm complimenting you to find a loli girlfriend and have a good life."

Zhao Xiaoxiao moved her head closer to Jiang Siming, and said, "Dad, do you know about Loli?"

"What loli theory?" Jiang Siming was at a loss.

"Lolita's theory is that if she is not tall, she is beautiful if she has socks, if her **** are not big, she is smart if she has a style, and she is a loli, and it is an invasion for me."

"Dress with cat ears, small mouth and big eyes. The short hair is pretty, and the long hair is flowing. You can give sweets and kiss. No gossip ears, no shopping. School swimming room, park pavilion."

"I said: Just cute."

After hearing this, Jiang Siming was completely thundered.

Zhao Xiaoxiao was talking vigorously, and then asked: "Dad, do you know that Loli has three good points?"

"I know, isn't it the voiceless, soft body, easy to push down?"

Jiang Siming said disdainfully, as if someone had no strange knowledge.

"Oh, how about three good things about Sister Yu?" Zhao Xiaoxiao asked again.

"Beer, take a bath, eat tender grass."

"How about three good sisters?"

"Be well-behaved, smart, and push well."

"How about the Queen?"

"Trojan horse, candle, leather whip..."

Jiang Siming stopped here because he found out that he was on Zhao Xiaoxiao's thief ship.

A chestnut was sent over.

"Tell you to do your dad."

Zhao Xiaoxiao clutched her forehead and laughed, and said, "Dad, you are exposed."

Jiang Siming's old face couldn't be covered, just at this time Li Shengxue came down from the stairs.

"What are you father and daughter talking about? Why are you laughing so happily."

Zhao Xiaoxiao just wanted to share, but Jiang Siming stepped on her under the table.

"Just to tell a joke, why do you get up so early, and why are you still wearing a uniform? Isn't it a holiday today?"

Jiang Siming quickly changed the subject.

Li Shengxue said helplessly: "It was originally a holiday, but the criminal team just called and said that a very strange murder occurred in Hongkou District. The colleagues in the criminal team investigated for two days and had no idea, please come over. Take a look."

Jiang Siming nodded and expressed his understanding. The nature of Li Shengxue's work is destined to be unable to get off work and leave on time.

There is a big case at any time, and you have to leave at any time.

He was not worried about Li Shengxue's safety.

Li Shengxue now is stronger than the old man in the Tian Group, who can hurt her.

Even if it is really dangerous, he is still there, and he can use the media of Yin Yang Gong to transmit it at any time.

"Do you want to go after breakfast?" Jiang Siming asked.

"No, I just take two cakes and eggs to eat on the road, Huo Wu is waiting outside."

"Will you come back for dinner at night? Shengxue's mother." Zhao Xiaoxiao said.

Li Shengxue touched Zhao Xiaoxiao’s head, and said apologetically: “My mom doesn’t know, it depends on the progress of the case, but I heard from colleagues in the criminal team that this case is bizarre. ."

"Oh, mom pay attention to safety."


When Jiang Siming heard Li Shengxue's words, he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have a broken case.

Crime analyzer, almost forgot.

"Pick up [Black Technology Series·Crime Case Analyzer] Black Fragments*1 (9/9). The number of fragments is full and can be used directly."

[Crime Analyzer]: It can investigate all criminal cases, analyze all the criminal process and the people behind the scenes.

Note: The cooling time for one use is five days.

He hadn't moved this fragment after filling it up with universal fragments, and only now remembered it.

Jiang Siming quickly took it out. It was a seemingly ordinary watch.

As mentioned above, as long as you wear this watch, once you encounter a case, your brain will automatically start to analyze the case, which is more powerful than the detectives Conan and Holmes in the novel.

This thing is useless for Jiang Siming, but it is too suitable for Shengxue.

"Daughter-in-law, wait." Jiang Siming stopped Li Shengxue who was about to leave.

This sentence made Zhao Xiaoxiao a smirk.

Li Shengxue had a thin face, blushing and pretending to be calm and asked: "What's wrong?"

"The watch I bought you yesterday, put it on for you." Jiang Siming couldn't help but put this watch on Li Shengxue's wrist.

Li Shengxue was a little surprised that Jiang Siming suddenly bought her a watch, but as long as it was given by Jiang Siming, she liked everything.

And the style of this watch is very simple, she likes it very much.

"Thank you husband...I'm leaving now."

Li Shengxue was embarrassed to call such an intimate address in front of Zhao Xiaoxiao, and quickly flashed people.

The main reason is that Zhao Xiaoxiao, the thief girl, is laughing too wretched...


[Author's digression]: First more~

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