I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1433: It seems not bad...

One day, the two couples received a dangerous task and went to perform it.

During the execution, the two couples encountered an ambush. The son died on the spot. The daughter-in-law, Dongfang Weixi's mother, escaped the ghost gate under the **** of her husband.

But he was also seriously injured, and he was also hit by a deadly chronic toxin.

Originally, Wei Xi's mother had no choice but to die with her husband, but she did not expect to find out she was pregnant.

In order to give birth to a child, Wei Xi's mother could only endure toxins and severe physical injuries, and kept going on.

Finally, after seven months, I couldn't do it anymore and had to give birth prematurely.

That's why we have today's Dongfang Weixi. Dongfang Weixi was originally a premature baby, and it has been affected by toxins in the mother's belly.

This caused her to suffer from all kinds of diseases since she was born.

Wei Xi had to stay away from the crowd and live alone since she was a child, because she couldn't live like a normal person. She must have the cleanest environment plus the internal strength of the old man and various medications to maintain life.

After listening to the old man's narration, Jiang Siming sighed and paid tribute to the old man's son and daughter-in-law.

"Don't worry, I can cure your granddaughter's illness, and I promise to cure you."

Jiang Siming resolutely agreed.

Both the old man and the ice beauty showed overjoyed expressions.

But Jiang Siming went on to say: "But her disease is also very troublesome. It's not so easy to cure. It takes my innocence to slowly nourish her internal organs, so I will bring her here every half month. Shanghai once."

"My granddaughter's body, I'm afraid I can't ride a helicopter." The old man showed embarrassment, and just wanted to ask Jiang Siming to come to Kyoto once every half month.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "After listening to what I said, I will help her thoroughly adjust it now. It is not a problem to take a helicopter. Besides, I think she should rarely go out, right?"

The old man nodded and said, "I haven't stepped out of this yard in 17 years. I only went to a military hospital for an examination."

"Then why didn't I see her last time?"

"The last time you came to Xiao Xi, it happened to be checked." The old man explained.

"Where is she going to school?"

"All private teachers come here to teach."

Jiang Siming said that he understood.

"So, I have to take her out for a walk. There are so many beautiful rivers and mountains outside here, how can I not look at her."

Jiang Siming's words made Dongfang Weixi's eyes gradually rise with longing and expectation.

"Can I... really go out? Can I still fly?" Dongfang Weixi asked weakly.

Jiang Siming smiled and said: "Of course, after the treatment reaches a certain level, it will be no problem to take you bungee jumping. After you recover, you can even learn internal skills, so you don't have to worry about getting sick again."

"Really?" Bingmei couldn't help getting excited.

Dongfang Weixi is her favorite and beloved sister. If her body can return to normal, then she is of course happy.

"When did my Jiang Siming brag?"

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he once again pulled Dongfang Weixi's hand, and her fingernails suddenly slipped on her arm.

With a sharp blade of air, his nails instantly cut Dongfang Weixi's fragile skin.

What is surprising is that even if a thumb-length wound is cut, there is not much blood flowing out.

The girl is too fragile, she doesn't even have much blood.

But Jiang Siming's move was really shocked by the old man and the ice beauty.

After all, caring is chaotic. They care too much about Dongfang Weixi's health.

Jiang Siming didn't stop his movements, and instead cut his wrist. Blood suddenly poured out from his wrist.

It is in sharp contrast with Dongfang Weixi's blood volume.

The blood dripped into Dongfang Weixi's wound.

Although the blood flowed more and more, Dongfang Weixi's complexion was getting better and better, and even a healthy ruddy appeared.

When it was almost time, Jiang Siming let go of her hand, and gently wiped his finger on her wound, and the small wound suddenly became scabs.

"Go get a bandage and come here with a bowl." Jiang Siming said to the Bing Beauty.

The ice beauty immediately set off, and soon came into the room and brought something Jiang Siming wanted.

Jiang Siming first helped Dongfang Weixi put a bandage on his crusted wrist, and then began bleeding the bowl with his wrist.

He put a full bowl of blood before he stopped.

The surprise was that as soon as he stopped, his wound healed automatically.

Fortunately, the old man can be considered well-informed. There are also many holy medicines for trauma in the hermit, and he can quickly make the wound scab after applying it.

But like Jiang Siming healed automatically without doing anything, he really hadn't seen it.

After it was done, Jiang Siming carried half of his own blood and handed it to Dongfang Weixi who was still ignorant.

"Here, let this bowl of blood dry."

Drinking blood... This was originally a terrifying thing for girls.

But Dongfang Weixi looks weak on the outside, but in fact it is very strong on the inside, otherwise he would not be able to survive for so many years.

Dongfang Weixi knew that it was Jiang Siming who was helping her, and it was Jiang Siming's own blood. She didn't dare to say that she was afraid.

He raised his blood bowl, raised his head and closed his eyes, and drank.

Originally Dongfang Weixi heard that blood was gory, and she was ready to roll in her stomach, but after drinking it, she found that it was not like that.

Jiang Siming's blood has no **** smell, but has a sweetness that has never been felt before, and it seems to have magical power.

With every sip, she felt her body heat up and burn.

Dongfang Weixi opened her eyes until she was completely drunk. He only had time to glance at Jiang Siming, then closed his eyes again and fainted.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming hugged her by the side to prevent her from falling.

"What's wrong with her?" Bing Mei asked quickly.

"It's okay. After drinking my blood, there is also my blood in the body. The energy is too high. She is warming her body. It is normal for her to faint and take it away for a day."

Jiang Siming finished speaking calmly, and handed Dongfang Weixi who had fallen asleep to Bing Beauty.

The ice beauty quickly took Dongfang Weixi away.

At this time, only the old man was left in the yard.

The old man looked at him with a smile and said, "Good boy, I Dongfang owes you my life."

"Cut, why do I want your life? You just don't force me to be your position." Jiang Siming said coolly, shaking his hand.

The old man couldn't laugh or cry: "You don't like being the boss of the sky team so much? That's a high-powered position. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is in China."

"I don't like it, I don't like it very much, so don't tempt you, I'm really not interested." Jiang Siming is not fooled.

When the old man saw this, he didn't really mention it, instead he cared: "I think you just used so much blood for Xiao Xi, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I have a lot of blood. Zhengchou has recently gotten into trouble, so you can ask me to eat something good and make up for it." Jiang Siming didn't ask for credit at all.

It made the old man smile brighter, and the more he looked at Jiang Siming, the more satisfied he became.

Even a ridiculous idea started to surge in his head.

If the granddaughter likes him, it seems not bad...


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