I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1435: Amazing princess!

This girl is naturally Nancy.

She has been looking forward to visiting China since last year, and she also made a small request like China.

I just want to meet Jiang Siming, but I don't know if China agrees.

What if Jiang Siming is not there...

"Daughter, what's wrong with you?"

The queen on the side saw something wrong with her daughter.

"I'm fine, queen mother." Nancy hurriedly maintained her high-cold and dignified image.

Even in front of her family, Nancy must always follow the royal etiquette.

The queen nodded when she heard the words, and said: "In a while, your Uncle Te's son will ask you to strike up a conversation. People have always been very fond of you. You have to respond well to them, you know."

Nancy's expression sank and said, "I can't do it, mother."

The queen frowned immediately and said, "Why?"

"Because I don't like him at all."

"No good feelings can be cultivated slowly."

"Can't be cultivated."

"Why are you talking like that? Nancy." The queen was a little angry.

Nancy had a stubborn face and refused to give in.

Fortunately, at this time, the king played a round, and the two mother and daughter did not continue.

At the other end, in the courtyard of the old man of Tian Group, Dongfang Weixi woke up leisurely, only to find that only Bingmei was guarding her.

"Xiao Xi, are you awake? How are you feeling, are you feeling better?" Seeing Dongfang Weixi awake, Bing Mei quickly asked her with concern.

Dongfang Weixi felt her body, and a sense of comfort that had never been felt before surrounded her body.

It's like a person who has been seriously ill and healed suddenly one day. This sense of health is so treasured.

"Sister Bing, I feel so good now, my body is full of strength and vitality, which I have never experienced before."

After speaking, Dongfang Weixi couldn't help but get out of bed and walked a few times, and even started to trot and jump.

In the past, she would be unable to breathe after doing such movements for a while, but today she has nothing to do. Instead, she feels that her body has energy that can never be used up.

"Sister Bing, I'm really good!" Dongfang Weixi was very happy.

Bingmei was also very happy. Jiang Siming didn't tell her, he could really cure Xiao Xi's illness.

I knew I had asked him to see Xiao Xi earlier, and Xiao Xi might be well soon.

"Don't be happy too early, Jiang Siming said, your body is only adjusted 60% now, and you will have to go to Shanghai every half a month. He will continue to adjust your body completely for you. "

"Really? I can go to Shanghai? Great!" Dongfang Weixi jumped up on the spot with joy, like an innocent child who received a gift~

Bingmei was also really happy for her, saying: "The teacher said, every half month from now on, let me take you to Shanghai."

"Yeah, right, where is Brother Jiang? I haven't thanked him well yet."

Dongfang Weixi has not forgotten her benefactor. Yesterday, it was Jiang Siming who exchanged his blood for her health today.

Jiang Siming's blood is still flowing in her body.

"He, I went to the airport to pick up people, here, it's on TV."

The ice beauty turned on the TV, and it was the live broadcast of the airport.

Dongfang Weixi also knows that today is the day to visit China.

"Brother Jiang will come back after his busy schedule today? I want to thank him in person."

"I don't know this. According to this guy's urination, I should be eager to go back to Shanghai to accompany his girlfriends." Bingmei guessed.

If Jiang Siming heard it, she would have praised her, she is really Bingxue smart and knows brother so much!

"Girlfriends...men? Does Brother Jiang have many girlfriends?" Dongfang Weixi tilted his head, with many questions in his brilliant eyes.

The ice beauty seemed to have thought of something, for fear that Wei Xi would also follow Jiang Siming's way in the future, and quickly confessed: "Yes, this guy is a big carrot, and there are a bunch of girlfriends in the family, not a good man."

Dongfang Weixi nodded as if understanding, but didn't ask any more, but started to watch TV with Bingmei.

She used to feel dizzy after watching TV for a while, but now she doesn't seem to feel at all.

When he saw the camera sweep Jiang Siming, Dongfang Weixi's eyes clearly lit up.

"Sister Bing, look, it's Brother Jiang!"

Bingmei was unable to complain, so she nodded helplessly. She really wanted to tell Dongfang Weixi, Xiaoxi, don't be fooled by Jiang Siming's kindness...

But then I thought, Xiao Xi was still young, only sixteen years old, maybe she just worshiped and appreciated Jiang Siming.

I must think too much.

Soon, the flight arrived at Kyoto International Airport.

The king took a group of royal family members and got off the plane one after another.

When the Swedish royal family got off the plane, it became the focus of people on the scene.

For nothing else, it all depends on a beautiful girl among them.

Angelic face, a European-style princess gilt dress, and a pair of red crystal shoes on her feet.

Coupled with her appearance, figure and temperament, she robbed all the young men on the scene from the attention of her.

When the live broadcast footage swept her, even the audience in China couldn't help being shocked.

"What a beauty!"

"Wow, this is the real princess!"

"Just for this temperament, the princess in the TV series can't compare with her!"

"It's amazing, she will be my goddess from today!"

"Just look at it, don't dream, they are princesses, are you worthy?"

"The only one who is worthy of her is the prince of another country, right?"


In fact, Nancy's appearance is not as good as Jiang Siming's wives, but it is not much different.

The most important thing is that she is the princess, which is rarely seen in modern times.

Bathing in European royal etiquette since childhood, Nancy's gestures are full of princess demeanor.

This is what made the Chinese audience such a fuss.

Not only the Chinese audience was amazed by Nancy's appearance, but even the men from many other countries visiting China were staring at Nancy and reluctant to move their eyes.

The old special who had just arrived here was still chatting with Number One, and the man in his twenties behind him couldn't help it.

"Dad, I'm going to chat with someone first."

After finishing speaking, before Old Special agreed, the son had already ran to the Swedish royal family.

The diplomats who came to greet him behind Number One all showed dissatisfaction.

It's too rude. We're still chatting here, so this person just left? no quality!

"Sorry, this kid is so reckless and rude. His sweetheart is here, as you all know. In our United States, we can't stop others from pursuing love. My son is not married yet. He and the Swedish princess It's a match, you say yes."

Old Trima rounded up the field for his precious son, but the more he heard these words, the harsher they sounded.

It's like showing off to them blatantly. My son is amazing and has made a royal princess. Are you envious and jealous?


[Author's digression]: Second more~~

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