Behind Nancy, there was a car she had just taken with the queen parked.

The queen had been calling Nancy by the car, but Nancy did not look back, and ran to Jiang Siming without hesitation.

Finally, on this section of the road, Nancy almost stepped on the princess skirt several times and fell down.

But when he was in front of Jiang Siming, he might be too relaxed, and he really stepped on it, and fell into Jiang Siming's arms.

Although only planted, Nancy hugged Jiang Siming tightly.

"Jiang, take me away, please, please."

Nancy's eyes were still red, she pleaded in Jiang Siming's ear.

Jiang Siming was a little moved, he only hesitated for a second, then Jiang Nanxi hugged him into the car, and got into the car himself.

Looking back, the queen was yelling something with an iron face.

In fact, Jiang Siming heard it all. She was telling Jiang Siming to take Nancy out of the car and was not allowed to take her away.

But Jiang Siming heard it as if he hadn't heard it, and waved to the queen by the way, and then went into the car and closed the door.

"Take us to the airport." Jiang Siming said to the guard who was driving.

The guard hesitated and said, "Mr. Jiang, would it be so good?"

Jiang Siming replied: "It's okay, I will be responsible if something goes wrong, you can drive it, I ordered you to drive it."

"Yes!" The guard stopped hesitating, started the car, and quickly left here.

As soon as they left with their front feet, Number One also came out with many bigwigs.

The King of Sweden happened to see this scene and immediately said to No. 1 anxiously: "This young man is too much. He has taken my daughter away."

One said fairly: "Don't worry, we will investigate immediately and ask him to bring the princess back, but we will need a little time."

"Thank you very much, then."

The king naively believed.

Soon, on the 1st, he told the king that they were a step late, and Jiang Siming had taken the princess on his private jet and left.

But number one said, the princess must be sent back to Kyoto within two days.

The king had no choice but to agree that this is not Sweden, and it is useless for him to be anxious.

On the private plane, Jiang Siming really received a call from No. 1. On the phone, No. 1 scolded Jiang Siming with a smile.

Then Jiang Siming must send the princess back in two days.

Of course Jiang Siming agreed. On the 1st is enough to save him face. To be honest, his behavior is affecting the diplomacy of the two countries.

It stands to reason that it is absolutely not allowed, and being able to tacitly approve of the face of Jiang Siming, who is already in full view.

Hanging up, Jiang Siming told the news to Nancy, who was still anxious on the plane.

When Nancy heard it, she was so happy.

She finally doesn't have to go back to Sweden now, she can stay in China for two more days.

"By the way, Jiang, will this cause you trouble? Your girlfriend knows what to do."

After that, Nancy took the initiative to give Jiang Siming an idea: "If your girlfriend is angry, you tell her that as the royal family, I asked you to take me to play in China, and leave in two days to let her rest assured. "

After hearing this, Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "You don't have to worry about it. Your task now is to let go of your princess status and have fun in China for two days, understand?"


Nancy nodded happily, looking at the sea of ​​clouds outside the window, with unprecedented happiness.

This is the happiest moment in her life.

No longer have to worry about the status of the princess and royal family, and can be truly free to be an ordinary person, even if only for two days.

But this is already precious to Nancy, which is what she has been expecting for 22 years.

The plane did not go to Shanghai first, but flew to Hangzhou, because Nancy said he had been looking at West Lake in China.

This originated from the legend of the White Lady, a love story in China that she had seen, so she was longing for West Lake.

Jiang Siming took her to Hangzhou Airport, got on a Lincoln from his private plane, and went to West Lake.

This time is when the West Lake viewing season is the highest, and there are many tourists.

When we arrived at the West Lake, it was already early evening. There were a little less people in the various scenic spots in West Lake, but there were still a lot of people.

Because now the weather is getting hotter and darker at night. There are people who go for a walk and travel.

Jiang Siming's car stopped at the entrance of the scenic spot, and the domineering Lincoln extension attracted a lot of attention as soon as it appeared.

When Jiang Siming got off the car, it immediately caused a sensation.

"This is not Jiang Siming!"

"Yes, yes, it is definitely him. I saw the live broadcast in the morning!"

"Wow, it's really Jiang Shen!"

"Why did Myojin come to Hangzhou? Shouldn't this point still be in Kyoto?"


Everyone was discussing, but when another figure appeared, the scene caused screams and exclamations.

Princess dress, crystal shoes, noble and graceful, graceful figure, isn't this... the Swedish princess who had a scandal with Jiang Siming today!

My God, why did they show up in Hangzhou together?

Isn't it an elopement? ?

It's worthy of the brains of the people who eat melons. It is peculiar and big, but they really guessed it...

"Jiang, your popularity is really high." Nan hoped that so many people looked at him, but he was not stage fright.

She has attended many occasions with the king and queen, and every scene is bigger than this, so she is not afraid at all.

Jiang Siming said with a smile: "No, you have half the credit for this."

"Me?" Nancy pointed to herself.

"Yes, now we are all Chinese netizens, it's not right, netizens all over the world are discussing good things between you and me, thank you for putting me on the global hot search."

Jiang Siming said jokingly.

Nancy suddenly showed apologetic expression.

"Well, I'm joking with you, take it seriously, let's go, and take a tour of the real West Lake in Hangzhou."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, take the lead, and Nancy was overjoyed and quickly followed.

"Jiang, can I take your hand?"

"Whatever you want, you can do it." Jiang Siming replied.

When Nancy heard this, she immediately took Jiang Siming's arm and walked with him to the West Lake affectionately.

During this period, Nancy burst into a brilliant smile, and a row of snow-white teeth set off her smile, which made countless **** men in the room happy.

In order to be afraid of too much congestion, Jiang Siming asked Li Chunlan to act as a bodyguard and set off with them.

Sure enough, no matter where they go, they will be surrounded by a large group of tourists. Fortunately, Li Chunlan's dissuasion.

Everyone didn't really come up, but they were just a few meters away, following Jiang Siming, and then they turned on their phones to take pictures.

Just kidding, this opportunity is too rare.

The news that Jiang Siming took the Swedish princess to discover Hangzhou West Lake soon spread on the Internet.

There were even reporters from Hangzhou who immediately came to follow up the report.

They can follow and shoot, as long as they don't hinder him, Jiang Siming didn't stop him.

[Author's digression]: First more~~

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