I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1449: There is a princess at home!

For interviewing boys, their requirements are very simple. It doesn't matter whether the woman has a fixed salary, as long as she is good at keeping the family.

This is a real data interview, not hearsay.

Therefore, China's current atmosphere is really bad, but any woman who is a little virtuous will be envied by all boys.

Please, take good care of the house, isn't this what a girl should have after marriage?

If this all has to be a rare character, then this is really a joke.

No wonder the divorce rate is so high now.


Pulled away a bit.

In short, Jiang Siming's plane is now a flight attendant with all foreign faces, and it has been used for a while, making Jiang Siming and the hostess very satisfied.

When the flight attendants cleaned up the dining room and left the cabin, Jiang Siming helped Nancy, who was a little dizzy, into the lounge and helped her on the sofa, while he sat on the other side of the sofa and watched TV.

Just turning on the TV, suddenly a fragrant wind rushed over.

Jiang Siming was taken aback, and saw Nancy leaping on him, looking at him blindly.

"Why?" Jiang Siming asked with a smile, thinking that Nancy was just drinking too much and getting a little drunk.

Who ever thought that someone came to him...

"Jiang, I like you... Can you... be my boyfriend? Even if it only takes two days..."

This sudden confession made Jiang Siming a little unexpected.

The main reason was too sudden to make him an old driver panic.

"Did you say that after drinking too much?"

Nancy blushed, frowned, and retorted cutely: "No, I've wanted to say this for a long time."

"If you don't believe it..."

When Nancy said this, she grabbed Jiang Siming's hand and pressed it to her heart.

Jiang Siming immediately got upset, and the Yin and Yang Gong started to operate automatically.

It's over, I can't hold it...

An hour later, the plane finally arrived at Shanghai Airport.

Get down from the plane and sit on Lincoln's lengthened Jiang Siming, half-arming Nancy who can't move.

This time Nancy really couldn't walk anymore, her legs were weakening, it was not the alcohol harm at all, but the scourge of someone like this.

Whenever Nancy remembered the process, she wanted to find a seam to drill in.

"Where are we going? I'm a little sleepy and want to sleep..." Nancy said shyly. She thought Jiang Siming would take her to play.

But just now she has no energy and can't walk the bird.

"This is Shanghai, of course I went to my house to sleep." Jiang Siming replied with a smirk.

"Huh?" Nancy was silly.

Fortunately, with Jiang Siming's persuasion and encouragement, she had the courage.

Jiang Siming officially took Nancy back to his manor. The wives had been notified long ago, and they all stayed up all night to wait, in order to welcome their princesses and sisters.

After Nancy entered the house, she found so many girls who were prettier than her standing there looking at her smilingly, she even felt like she was really dreaming.

It also made her, who has always felt confident in her appearance, suffered a lot. Every girl here seems to be better-looking than her.

In fact, this is also normal. Nancy has never eaten Detox and Nourishing Pills, nor Breast Enlargement Pills, nor has Jiang Siming's Yin and Yang powers to constantly nourish the body.

In terms of appearance, of course she had to lose to Zhao Xuan and the others.

However, it is estimated that after Nancy's appearance is changed, it may become the most beautiful one in the family.

In order to satisfy the little wishes of the wives, Jiang Siming also asked her to return to the princess group on the plane before bringing Nancy back.

No way, the wives in the family have never seen the princess, they all want to see it.

Nancy is also very cooperative. She is a newcomer, and of course she has to make a good relationship with the "old man"...

Nancy, who appeared in the princess costume, also surprised the women in the family.

Girls actually look at girls not only by their appearance, from clothes, makeup, hairstyles and even temperament, they will compare all aspects.

Nancy's princess temperament attracted them all at once.

Everyone then pulled Nancy into a lively chat about you and me.

Nancy thought that she had known them for a long time, but why did she have an indescribable sense of intimacy when we first met.

"Dad, you are really good, even the princess was tricked into going home by you." Zhao Xiaoxiao gave Jiang Siming a thumbs up.

Jiang Siming replied with a triumphant expression, joking, who am I, your father!

Nancy stayed in Jiang Siming's house just like that.

From waking up the next morning, she quickly fell in love with this family life.

No need to learn useless court etiquette, no need to meet people you don’t know at all, no need to participate in various royal activities and occasions.

Here, you can do whatever you want, accompanied by so many sisters, and three good-looking pets.

Nancy felt instantly that she would stay here for the rest of her life and never go out again.

But she also knows that the time given to her is not much, only two days, so she cherishes these hard-won two days.

Talking to Nancy these two days, in a flash, she has never felt that time has passed so quickly.

Unfortunately, she couldn't keep this time, and the appointed time was up.

Jiang Siming can only take Nancy back to Kyoto.

This is what he promised the elders, and he can't break the contract and go back.

Seeing her queen and king in Kyoto again, Nancy felt guilty.

After all, it was the first time that I left the sight of the father and queen and mother and went out to play for two days before returning.

She had thought that the father and queen would scold herself severely, and even anger Jiang Siming.

But in the next scene, she was a little confused.

Not only was his father and mother not angry, but they looked at her and Jiang Siming with a smile.

"I'm back? Are you happy to go out with Mr. Jiang?" the queen asked her softly.

Nancy couldn't answer for a moment, she didn't know what was going on.

The king even smiled to Jiang Siming and said, "Thank you for taking care of Nancy for so many days. If it weren't for us to return to China, I wouldn't let the elder call you back."

Jiang Siming: "???"

At first he thought it was the elder who revealed his hidden identity to them, but he found that the elder was also confused.

He knew it was not what he thought.

But after all, Lao Jiang had experienced it, and soon understood that apart from the reason just now, there was only one reason left.

That is the effect of the evolutionary version of the opposite sex's favorability!

As far as his women are concerned, their family members will support their daughters with him.

He had met several mother-in-law and old father-in-law before.

Now, it's their turn.

"Cowhide!" Jiang Siming admired the five-body admiration of this evolutionary version.

Good boy, this thing is so easy!

[Author's digression]: First more~~

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