"The player [India_Dheer] used the Vector submachine gun to knock down the player [4AM_Ming]"

The scene was in an uproar!

Myojin was killed at the start. Was it an accidental rollover mistake?

And this ID was noticed by audiences all over the world. It seems that this ID has never been seen before.

India, it’s the Indian team. Is India Ah San so fierce?

The new rising **** of war?

Just when everyone thought Group A was a Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, the live game was suddenly suspended.

The camera switched to the players' stand, and everyone found that several referees and staff were walking towards India's competition area with grim expressions.

In the A-3 Division, a player saw them coming and his expression suddenly became flustered. He quickly pulled out a USB flash drive that was secretly plugged into the computer and hid it in his pocket.

Then I switched the page quickly, as if I wanted to delete some file.

Fortunately, the referee in the A-3 Division found it and immediately dragged him off the gaming chair and found his USB flash drive.

Immediately afterwards, other referees and staff also rushed in, and they immediately checked the U disk and the files in the computer.

The person in charge showed an angry expression on his face.

Then everyone anxiously waited to know what happened.

Yu Shuang stepped onto the stage, and she also angrily announced: "I'm sorry that the game was suspended just now, because we discovered that an Indian player blatantly used a plug-in to kill the Ming player in the game."


The audience was stunned!

I thought it was a newly-rising God of War, but he didn't expect it to be a wall.

What followed was the anger of the audience.

This kind of global competition will even appear to be open.

In the past, in CSGO, there have been players from Asan playing external games.

Unexpectedly, there will be again.

"I **** said it's unscientific. I saw it all the time. The **** Mingming landed before him, but the guns were all picked up by the Asan." PDD cracked with anger.

Da Sima was also very annoyed: "This is also too unfair to Myojin. He was punished by a plug-in who had killed him. He dared to open and hang in the game. Those who play this kind of competitive game still have no quality. ."

Both commentators were so angry, let alone the audience.

"Asan of CNM, kill the whole family!"

"Sima orphan, come to the game and hang up!"

"Strongly demand sanctions against him!"

"Replay, this must be replayed. My Myojin is too bad!"

"The computer was turned off the last time it was too much, and now it's turned on again, my Myojin can't even suffer this time, right?"


The whole scene was filled with angry voices from the audience, and even many people shouted to let Team A San get out, not worthy to stay here.

The organizer sent someone to first take the Asan contestant out and hand it over to the police outside.

This person is obviously not only insulated from his career in this life, but also faces sanctions by Chinese law.

After that, the organizer asked all the referees to re-check the computers of each player to ensure that there was no one to turn on the computer.

After a ten-minute pause, Yu Shuang finally resumed her smiling face.

"Good news, in view of the fact that this time the India team was opened and killed, and it was in the early stage of the match, the organizers decided to rematch."

call! That's great!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and was afraid that this would not allow the rematch. Wouldn't it be that the first hand of Mingshen was given for nothing.

This is too frustrated.

Said it was a rematch, but in fact it just recalled everyone back to heaven.

The technical department can now reset the entire game to any time period and start again.

This trick is also called ‘back in time’ and it has appeared in previous LOL matches.

But going back in time for that LOL game is actually very unfair and has been criticized and criticized by many netizens.

In this game, the technical department reverted all players back to the time when the collective parachuted.

In other words, everyone's routes, actions, and plans remain unchanged.

This is also to maintain the fairness of the game to the greatest extent.

And Jiang Siming also resurrected and returned to the sky above Port G.

That Dheer's Asan player, naturally it is impossible to touch the computer again.

In view of the fact that the India team only had Dheer opened, he was only punished.

The other members of India played as usual, and they had substitutes, so they replaced Dheer.

The game restarted.

Jiang Siming's hands also returned to the keyboard and mouse.

The expressions on his face were all speechless. At the beginning of the game, he met an external player. If it weren't for the fact that it was a game, he would have to rush to Asan's player seat and give that person some big mouths.

It's worthy of being an open-minded minzu, they really thought they were complimenting them.

To be honest, Jiang Siming disliked Ah San, blindly arrogant, and always thought he was better than Huaxia.

I want to compare everything with Huaxia, but it's nothing.

I heard that they spent tens of billions to build a super dam. Before opening the library, they said that this dam has surpassed the China Three Gorges.

However, ten minutes after the gate was opened and the water was released, the tens of billions of dams collapsed, and countless dealers and private houses were flooded.

Moreover, the class hierarchy in this country is too bad, even more disgusting than the previous Qing Dynasty hierarchy.

The most important thing is that in the country of Ah San, the forced demolition of (J) female sexuality has become a popular trend in their country.

In the three kingdoms, women's social status is very low.

In this country, almost every ten minutes, a girl or woman will be demolished, or even demolished, how terrible it is.

Therefore, girls are not recommended to travel to the three countries in this life, it is really dangerous.

Many foreign female tourists have encountered this kind of nightmare.

The game restarted, and Jiang Siming returned to the sky above Port G just now.

He still flew to the container where he had just died.

And Team A San was not to be outdone. They felt that they could beat Jiang Siming without opening up.

"Kill him again to avenge Dheer. I want to see if they will rematch this time."

"No problem, he's alone, hehe, we have all wrapped him up, let him know that our A-3 team is great!"

"Our goal this time is to win a world championship first, with a prize of 200 million yuan. How should we spend that time, hahaha."

Several members of India are full of confidence. In their eyes, Jiang Siming is still a corpse, even if he does not use a plug-in, he will undoubtedly die!

Even the championship has become their bag.

Don't ask them why they are so confident. Asking is their innate self-confidence and talent.

As just now, there were still two Asan players following Jiang Siming, and the dropped container was still the same Victor.

Only this time Jiang Siming landed and picked them up as quickly as possible.

The Asan player who was following down didn't even grab a bullet.

"Asshole! This guy is also going to hang up! Why is he picking up the gun so fast!"

The Asan player who fell beside Jiang Siming cursed, seeing Jiang Siming reloading, he wanted to show the action, so he jumped up and threw a punch on Jiang Siming's forehead.

He has watched Jiang Siming's game video, and he did just that.

He can do it, he can do it too!

[Author's digression]: First more~~

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