I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1477: First win with 51 points!

But this also gave Jiang Siming time to change and fire again!

After changing the bullets, 98K is another sniper!

Pour another C9!

The people at C9 found something was wrong, why they are all at a loss!

Not to mention that the head count has now been overtaken by one, just talk about the positions of both sides.

4AM, the three of them have already entered the circle, even if many fish are swept down, he is still in the safe zone, and they can't find him in the smoke bomb and can't make up.

On the other hand, their C9 is terrible. Not only have they not made the lap, both players have fallen.

At this time, the poison circle has been refreshed, and they can't help them at all, which means that the two of them are actually mortal.

As for Duyu, there is still no kill prompt yet, and it is likely that someone is already helping him.

Thinking of this, C9 understood the conspiracy of 4AM.

Jiang Siming never showed up, making them unable to determine his location.

Then the other three closed their cigarettes and drove to a safe area, just to divert their attention.

At this time, Jiang Siming attacked decisively, heading them one by one.

They were still concentrating on sweeping the car at the time, and they hadn't moved. For a sniper like Jiang Siming, it shouldn't be too simple, one shot one child.

Now, C9 is facing a huge disadvantage.

The C9 captain could only give up the shot, and the teammates who fell to the ground could only give up, drove into a car with the remaining team members, and drove to the safe area.

They may all die in the grid if they don't leave.

Only when they drove to transfer, it was 4AM's turn to beat the dog.

We transferred you so happy just now, now I’m sorry, it’s our turn.

This becomes a turn-based game, you sweep the round, it's mine!

Great God walked out of the smoke and spotted one of the C9 vehicles. The M416 moved horizontally in the direction of the car's transfer.

In this wave of sweeping cars, there is no interference, and the opponent has no bunkers or smoke bombs. There is no suspenseful success to shoot down the opponent!

C9 regretted it, knowing that they should have closed the cigarette and transferred first.

4AM is a chicken thief, and just threw out all the smoke bombs just to interfere with their sweeping sight.

In the end, there was one C9 player who drove, and Duoyu and Forever joined hands, and finally got the head forever.

Jiang Siming was still driving to the power grid at this time.

Finding that the last two people's heads were all taken away, he slapped his legs regretfully, knowing that he would not get off the plane.

He was afraid that the great gods and the others could not stand it, so after knocking down the two, he quickly jumped off the wing and drove into the circle.

Unexpectedly, these three sons were so top today, and they were all done.

In the end, 4AM had successfully eaten chicken!

Jiang Siming's head count also increased by two, but these two C9s did not explode fragments to Jiang Siming.

But because they ate chicken, a colorless piece of reward appeared on the screen that surprised Jiang Siming!

He only got one colorless shard, and that was the original [Shard Furnace].

Unexpectedly, I got a new one today!

"Pick up [Fragment Mall] Colorless Fragments*1 (1/5). The number of fragments is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

[Fragment Mall]: After the collection is complete, a shard mall will appear. There will be various redeemable shards, but the conditions are harsh and the number is extremely limited.

Note: This fragment cannot be assembled with universal fragments.

Jiang Siming was surprised!

Fragment Mall? All this stuff!

Doesn't it mean that you can get fragments from the mall even when you are not playing in the future?

Thinking of this Jiang Siming became excited.

But soon he calmed down again, as said above, the conditions are harsh and the number is limited.

He wasn't sure what fragments would come out at that time.

And this thing can't be put together with universal pieces, which is a bit painful.

The omnipotent fragment failed for the first time, and I did not expect it to be planted in the hands of the colorless fragment.

Fortunately, the required synthetic fragments are only four pieces short, but not many. The next game is to get together.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming didn't think about it for the time being, and waited until everything was gathered.

"Lao Jiang, why are you in a daze? We are eating chicken! Get up!"

Great God pulled Jiang Siming up, and this guy danced with Duoyu happily forever.

After all, it was the first World Championship this year, and the first game was a good start. It’s okay to be full of chickens.

And in this game, each of their 4AM has a lot of heads.

There are four great gods, three forever, and three more fish.

They add up to 10 kills.

Look at the number of people on Jiang Siming's computer screen. Good guy, 24 kills!

4AM totaled the first kills, and came to a terrifying 34 kills!

"34 kills is 34 points, 10 points for eating chicken, 7 points for the seventh wave of poison circle, a total of 51 points, hahaha, steady!"

The great **** is already calculating the points.

With this one, it can almost be concluded that 4AM is already available.

It is estimated that even if the next two group matches are all 0 points, their scores are enough to squeeze into the top 4.

The four people walked out of the soundproof door, and the Chinese fans were already celebrating with joy outside.

"4AM is awesome!"

"51 separate game, hahaha, Tianhu!"

"4AM has already set the tickets for the top sixteen."

"Myojin cowhide cowhide!"


The fans are very happy, and PDD and Da Sima are also very happy.

"From the beginning of the group, I knew that 4AM must advance, hahaha, Han Jinlong, remember the gambling game we secretly set just now, you remember to cash it." PDD said with a smile.

The two apparently just conspired to set up another round of gambling, and it is not known whether there are 80,000.

Da Sima sighed, regretting: "I would not pick it up if I knew it..."

Everyone laughed when they heard it, it seemed that Teacher Ma had a blood loss~

After the first round, the interview process is naturally indispensable.

Yu Shuang stood on the stage, waiting for 4AM to send someone to accept the interview.

Maybe she wanted to interview Jiang Siming very much, and she even sold cute outfits publicly.

"I hope our Myojin is big enough to accept an interview with my little fan~"

With that said, Jiang Siming, who originally wanted to push the Great God out, was embarrassed to dive.

"Go, go, Yu Shuang took the initiative to ask you."

"Yo yo yo, Lao Jiang, you brat kung fu bull who digs the foot of the wall, aren't you afraid that Guan Zeyuan will give you a wave of poisonous milk?" The Great God said with a smirk.

Forever haha ​​smiled and made up the knife on the side, saying: "Brother Jiang, it's true. You may not know the strength of the LOL division governor. FNC's European achievements are the best example. He took a picture with Yu Shuang. Then I never made it to the World Championship..."

Hearing their ridicule, Jiang Siming rolled his eyes and left.

On the stage, Yu Shuang waited for Jiang Siming, and the happy dimples laughed.

The audience all began to show wretched smirks, and the live audience was even more of a gloating mad Aitman colonel.


[Author's digression]: Third more~~

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