I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1490: Desperate revitalization!

The UZI submachine gun's rate of fire caused the opponent to fall to the ground when there was no response time at all.

And this time, Team A III is much better than the first team.

The teammate who followed a little behind saw that his teammate fell down, raised the gun for the first time, and fired at Jiang Siming.

However, Jiang Si had shrunk behind the wooden box early in the morning and easily escaped the fire.

Asan, who was still in Okura, looked embarrassed. He originally wanted to attract Jiang Siming's firepower to pick up the bullet on purpose.

However, Jiang Siming doesn't care about him as the air.

In this way, he can neither pick up a gun nor cause any interference to Jiang Siming.

"Brclr, go and interfere with him, hammer him with your fist, and I will hit him with Vidrss!"

Captain A San commanded.

Listening to the consequences, Brclr stubbornly obeyed, rushed towards Jiang Siming with his teeth and claws, and he kept punching his fists, trying to make some damage with his fists.

However, Jiang Siming still did not kill him, and after a wave of bullets.

He quickly jammed from the left side of the wooden box, bypassing half of the wooden box, and UZI in his hand shot the remaining Asan player down with a waist shot.

Then continue to hide back into the wooden box, at this time the Asan team has fallen two.

There is a Captain Asan and Brclr who has only fists.

But at this time Brclr had already approached Jiang Siming, and Captain Asan had also rushed to the warehouse.

The audience's hearts were raised at once.

If Jiang Siming didn't hit Brclr, he might be killed by his fist.

However, if you hit Brclr, Captain Ah San will definitely attack from the side.

Ah San gave Jiang Siming a multiple-choice question. There were wolves in front and tigers behind. It seemed that this was a situation in which he was ambushing nine deaths.

Jiang Siming's choice was still decisive, and he still ignored the punch.

Seeing Brclr had already rushed over and jumped up to hit Jiang Siming's head with a heavy punch.

Jiang Siming suddenly changed his position, squatted, and escaped Brclr's fatal punch.

Then, something surprised everyone.

Jiang Siming not only got out of the wooden box bunker, but also hid in front of Brclr, using Brclr as a cover, facing the captain of Team A III.

"Damn, Brclr, let you go! Shoot in front of me!" Captain Ah San raised the gun and could have fired, but with his teammate on his face, he could only stop the gun and shouted angrily.

Brclr was also speechless, scolding Jiang Siming for being cunning, and then ran to the side.

However, when he ran, Jiang Siming also ran.

There is always a Brclr between him and Captain Ahsan.

This made Captain Asan too uncomfortable. No matter how he aimed, the strong back of his teammates completely blocked his vision.

The audience watching the game laughed, it was too funny, this wave of Myojin operation show~

Using the opponent's body as a cover, hitting me is equivalent to hitting yourself, Brother Ba understands.

"Squat down! Squat down! Brclr!" Captain Asan is anxious.

After all, the two of them had been playing for so long, and Brclr squatted down quickly, no, he was even better. He just squatted down.

At this time, there was no shelter between Jiang Siming and Captain Asan.

However, Jiang Siming always shot faster than him.

The UZI submachine gun hit Captain Ahsan in advance.

Captain Ahsan showed desperate eyes, but the next second, he became ecstatic again.

His blood volume has only been knocked out by 80%!

And Jiang Siming, there are no bullets!

Yes, this is also the reason why Jiang Siming always wants Snake Skin to hide from Captain Asan.

He picked up only 30 rounds of UZI his mother's bullets, and the UZI's rate of fire was too fast.

So the bullet is empty.

He originally thought that the remaining bullet should be able to kill Captain A San, but the facts were in front of him, he failed.

No matter how strong the technique is, there are occasional mistakes.

Jiang Siming can't avoid the luck that sometimes the computer does not match his own operation.

Without bullets, Jiang Siming became a toothless tiger.

Captain Ah San, who had escaped from the dead, was overjoyed and began to raise his gun backhand, trying to kill Jiang Siming.

But Jiang Siming retreated behind the wooden box at this time.

"Hahahaha, hide? Now you still have your life to hide? Let me die! Dog stuff!" Captain Ahsan laughed arrogantly.

He was so happy that he was finally able to breathe.

And to be safe, he was afraid that Jiang Siming would suddenly come over and give him a punch, so he stretched his body far enough so that Jiang Siming's fist could not hit him at all.

All the Huaxia audience showed a desperate sigh. Myojin is too unlucky. A UZI can only be equipped with 30 bullets. This system is really NM capable!

Give Myojin more than ten bullets, no, as long as five bullets, this Asan will die.

But now it's useless to say anything, Myojin can leave the keyboard with both hands, and wait for the next one.

I hope that other people at 4AM can perform better here and get more points back.

Even all the commentaries have ordered Jiang Siming to die.

If someone has a gun but you don't have a gun, and you are far away from you, you can't hit someone with your fist.

From the perspective of God, from Captain Asan, back to Jiang Siming.

Maybe the director also felt that Myojin was dying, so let's give one more shot while he is still alive.

Myojin at this time must be waiting behind the wooden box to die, alas, what a pity...

But when the camera jumped to Jiang Siming's body, Jiang Siming didn't sit still at all. The UZI in his hand was long gone.

Instead, I replaced a machete. Yes, Jiang Siming picked up a machete behind the wooden box.

Everyone's eyes began to focus.

Wait... Could Myojin think...

Just thinking of something, everyone saw Jiang Siming suddenly throw out the machete in his hand!

The machete flew over the wooden box and hit Captain Asan's chest!

Captain Asan, who had not had time to shoot in the future, abruptly took Jiang Siming's throwing knife!

Originally, his blood bar had almost disappeared, and if he went down with this one, he was killed directly!


When Captain Ahsan fell to the ground, his eyes were full of horror and incredible.

There was an exclamation from the audience!

"Fuck! This is fine too!"

"Fuck it! This flying knife is incredible!"

"Hahahaha, Mingshen made a desperate comeback! So these cold weapons are useless."

"23333, I'm so laughing, Ah San is about to cry."

"The mortal game has all made Myojin revitalize, and when the G **** comes, you have to shut down immediately.

Jiang Siming's small Li Fei's machete was once again stupid for Team A III.

But even so, Jiang Siming still has not resolved the crisis.

Because there is still a living person in the Asan team!

The Asan teammate who had reacted quickly rushed towards Okura outside of Okura who was defeated by Jiang Siming first.

While running wildly, he shouted: "Quick! Throw the gun to me!"

The fallen Ah San reacted quickly, and immediately threw down his gun bullet loop.

Jiang Siming had to beat Captain Ahsan to death with his fist at this time to pick up his gun.

Captain A San crawled desperately, with the purpose of delaying the time that Jiang Siming had made up.

Jiang Siming only hammered the opponent half blood, and Ah San over there had already picked up the gun.

Suspense, again!


[Author's digression]: First more~~

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