I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1495: Single dogs shouldn't ask

[Pirate Bounty Level 7]: 10 tons of sands

[Butcher Bounty Level 7]: +21120000! +1 Omnipotent Fragment!

The fragments haven't come out, but the pirate and Tu Huang have already reached the seventh level.

"Go, get in the car and find the last one!"

Jiang Siming didn't let anyone else's head go so easily, quickly got on the car, and rushed to the opposite mountain with the kite.

At a distance of 1250 meters, just driving a sports car over, you have to spend a grid of gasoline.

(There was a bug in the last chapter of sake. The farthest sniper distance was 1080 meters. I forgot it because I had a bad memory. Thanks to the reminders of book friends, it has been changed and confused. In the future, this kind of data sake must try to be first. Check it out before writing, otherwise it would be too embarrassing (cries in anger~~)

When they reached the top of the mountain, the two only found the corpse box that Jiang Siming had just killed, but they did not find the remaining Japanese player.

"Maybe he has already run away." Jiang Siming said regretfully, coming too slowly, and the other party did have enough time to escape.

"It doesn't seem to be. Look, Brother Jiang, his car is still here, that's the jeep." Kite found the jeep hidden on the mountainside.

She also sat up to check the condition of the car, and was pleasantly surprised: "Brother Jiang, this car is out of gas! It means they shouldn't drive away."

"The probability is that it is hidden, or it is not that far." Jiang Siming's eyes lit up, and the kite girl is very careful. You can guess so much in a small detail.

"Well, should we drive to find it?"

"Okay, get in the car. Let's find a circle. There is no cover down the mountain. There is a high probability that he will not run down the mountain. I guess he is still lingering somewhere on the mountain."

Jiang Siming let the kite get in the car, started to take her again, and wandered around the top of the mountain.

It didn't take long for the two to find the hiding place of the last Japanese player.

But this time Jiang Siming did not drive as fast as the kite, and the last person was killed by the kite in the car.

"Hand speed is very fast."

Although the head was robbed, Jiang Siming didn't care too much.

"Hehe, this is my first man, and my first point in the World Championship." Kite said with a grin.

It finally opened, and she seemed very happy.

Jiang Siming said happily, "Don't worry, there will be a second, third, 100th, let go and fight, don't be nervous."

"Well, Brother Jiang, I will."

Kite nodded, suddenly thought of something, looked at Weishen and Everlasting with a guilty conscience, and then whispered to Jiang Siming, "Brother Jiang, are you free after the game today..."

"Yes, what's the matter?" Jiang Siming replied.

Kite muttered more quietly, "Then after the game today, can I invite you to dinner?"

"Eating? Why did you invite me to dinner today, alone?" Jiang Siming was taken aback, and the kite used this tone. It could not be an invitation to dinner.

"Well... because today is my birthday, so..." Kite replied.

"Ah? You are celebrating your birthday today. Why don't you tell us so we can celebrate for you."

"No need, I never love others to celebrate my birthday. I always just celebrate my birthday with my parents. But this year because of the competition, they are still in my hometown, so I am alone." Kite explained Say.

Jiang Siming didn't ask him why he only invited himself to celebrate his birthday.

Unless someone with a real intellectual disability would ask.

"Okay, take me to eat delicious food after finishing the game. I'll celebrate your birthday." Jiang Siming nodded and agreed.

Kite was happy, and suddenly felt that she was happy even if she was in vain.

Now that he agreed, Jiang Siming had to find a reason to talk to the great gods.

Because every time the game is over, the team will have a meal together, and sometimes go to KTV to sing a song or something.

It's unusual not to go today, and I have to get vaccinated with them first.

Of course, a man needs to explain this kind of thing first, so Kite can't let Kite talk about it first.

"Awei, forever, I won't be able to eat after the game today. I have something to do at home and I have to go back."

"Oh, that's okay. The three of us can eat." Great God nodded, no doubt about him.

However, Kite also said: "Then I won't eat today, I have a... my girlfriend is coming to me, I have to pick her up..."

Kite, who seldom lied, said that this tone was a little wrong, and there was no confidence at all.

Sure enough, he was heard by the old world of Great God, and he asked suspiciously: "Are you sure you two are not communicating well?"

"Of course not." Jiang Siming took it for granted that he was hard-hearted when he lied, the kind that hardened you to bear.

"Kite is going to pick up a girlfriend, what about you?" Great God didn't believe it, and then asked.

"My girlfriend's birthday, I have to celebrate her birthday, can't it?" Jiang Siming was righteous.

As soon as I said this, the kite's face turned red, but the great **** and never paid attention.

"Which girlfriend? The princess is Lin Yuner? Or... someone else?" The Great God gave a smirk.

The fact that Jiang Siming is sitting on the two girlfriends has long been public, and as Jiang Siming's old teammate, he also knows that Lao Jiang definitely has more than one girlfriend.

When he returned from London for the first time in the World Championship, the girl who picked him up at the airport was also one of Jiang Siming's girlfriends.

Jiang Siming didn't bother to tell him: "What's the matter with you, the dog takes the mouse, and a married man, how can he be innocent at all."

"Brother Jiang, I'm not married, I'm still single." Interrupted forever.

Jiang Siming is also correct: "Single dogs shouldn't ask, sorry?"

Forever: "...嘤..."

Jiang Siming, who came down from the top of the mountain, continued to carry the kite to find people elsewhere.

All the way down from the top of the mountain, through the unfortunate village.

Where is the unlucky village? It is the deep pit of the plane wreckage on the desert map.

Those who have played the desert map should know that there are many buildings in the deep pit, all of which were destroyed by the wreckage of the plane.

This place should have been a very happy village originally, but a plane crashed into it, turning Xingfu Village into an unfortunate village.

When Jiang Siming and Kite passed by the unlucky village, their car was suddenly fired by two gun lines!

Only then did Jiang Siming and Kite discover that they had inadvertently entered a trapped circle.

And the other party seems to be specially designed to wait for them.

I heard the sound of cars on the top of the mountain, so I designed this wave of traps.

The formation is complete, and the positions of the four people standing separately are very particular, and they are all very good positions for car sweeping.

Rao is Jiang Siming, no matter how good his driving skills are, he has to turn the front of the car to the limit to avoid him.

However, he was still unable to return to the sky. The kite sitting in the co-pilot received several bullets for Jiang Siming and fell from the car.

This reminded Jiang Siming of a sentence and came out to mix...


[Author's digression]: The third update~~The third update is late. I’m sorry. I just returned from my relative’s house (laughing and crying). I didn’t drink alcohol. Sake is still very trustworthy~

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