I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1498: Team strength

Just finished, the great **** and eternal long overdue.

Seeing that the enemy had been settled by Jiang Siming, the two had to help the kite and do what they could.

Otherwise... it seems they are dumb...

"Lao Jiang, save us some soup, too. You finally came here."

Great God complained while licking the box at Jiang Siming's feet.

Jiang Si obviously didn't bother to care about him, he was also searching for needed supplies after he was full of blood.

The four quickly replenished them, and then got into the car driven by the great **** and left here.

The four of them didn't have a vehicle this time, and Jiang Siming could no longer take the kite to be happy.

The two took two oil bottles, the one that couldn't be shaken off.

Weishen and always wish that Jiang Siming didn't have a car, so that they would have plenty of reason to follow Lao Jiang and go on waves, quack.

This is also one of the few ‘team building’ activities of 4AM.

"Where to go? Lao Jiang, take command, I'll be your driver."

Being able to go out in a fair manner, the Great God looked old and excited.

Jiang Siming rolled his eyes, how could he be like taking elementary school students out for a spring trip.

"Let's go to St. Martin now, there should be people there." Jiang Siming still glanced at the map.

There's no way, since I took the elementary school students out on a spring outing, I had to take a good command.

After all, he wouldn't have trouble with the fragments.

One second less delay may result in fewer heads and fewer fragments.

After hearing this, the Great God drove to St. Martin.

Weishen drove very carefully. After all, they only had one car, and one car was dead. If the car was swept and exploded, he would have to carry a big pot.

The four people came to St. Martin, and they did not hear gunshots or see anyone.

Just as the great gods were slightly slack, their car was really swept away!

The Great God's face turned pale, and several figures appeared at the entrance of Saint Martin's city, and they were raising their guns at their car suddenly.

According to the normal team's first reaction, it must be a U-turn, but the great **** was bold and ran into the direction where they shot.

The other three people in 4AM all leaned out of the car window, fighting back against their opponents in the car without any counsel!

Although Great God was successfully pulled down by the opponent, the opponent fell more.

Jiang Siming cleared two immediately, and the kite also killed one.

The only one who was sitting behind the co-pilot could never shoot, because the shot would hit Jiang Siming.

But he threw a lot of throws at the opponent, so it seemed.

Although the four of them were first beaten by someone, they were more in agreement than the team that beat them.

In the end, there was only one left. After the great **** fell, he would forever put a cigarette under his feet and leave him alone.

The speed of the car dropped because there was no driver, and the three of them jumped off the car and quickly surrounded the last one after landing.

Under the siege of the three, not to mention the presence of King Jiang Siming, the opponent was wiped out with little resistance.

A wave of 4V4 duel, 4AM winning is so easy.

"This cooperation and personal operation are too terrifying. I thought Ming's personal strength is the strongest weapon of 4AM, but I now find that if 4AM is capable of teamwork, it is even more terrifying!"

The beard's scalp was numb, can you believe that a full team was killed so easily when they shot ahead and stood in advance.

Still in the car...

"Yes, everyone in 4AM is very strong now, and they have Ming as the backbone to play particularly unrestrained. 4AM without pressure is the harvesting machine. I can't wait to see them compete with other top players in the finals. The teams are competing."

Ying Hook nose also looked forward with emotion.

Simply put, if Jiang Siming flies solo in 4AM, Great God and Kite are already at a good level, but they will also play a little cautiously. After all, opponents are often top masters, and one can easily die without paying attention.

Under pressure, players can't show 100% strength. Under normal circumstances, 70% strength is very good.

But once Jiang Siming returns and the backbone is in place, the other three people will immediately become unrestrained and free.

Without consideration, without pressure, the level of performance even exceeds 100%, extraordinary performance.

"Why am I so unlucky, I haven't picked up a person's head, you will always save Lao Tzu~"

The Great God was most aggrieved, when the driver was burned down.

Even if he fell to the ground, no one would care about him, so sad.

"Hey, captain don't panic, I'm here."

Always hurry up and pick up something and go over to help people.

Jiang Siming and Kite continued to clean the battlefield.

Of these four people, two were killed by Jiang Siming, and they were lucky, but a piece of debris fell.

"Pick up [Fragment Mall] Colorless Fragments*1 (2/5). The number of fragments is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

[Fragment Mall]: After the collection is complete, a shard mall will appear. There will be various redeemable shards, but the conditions are harsh and the number is extremely limited.

Note: This fragment cannot be assembled with universal fragments.

This fragment mall has gathered another piece, and it is three pieces short of it.

Jiang Siming is looking forward to what good things this debris store will have.

While 4AM was cleaning the battlefield, Jiang Siming's ears moved, and his hearing enhancement told him that there were footsteps slowly touching them!

"Someone has touched it, ready to fight." Jiang Siming finished.

Kite didn't doubt that he had him, so he quickly gave up his bag and got ready for battle.

Forever and Great God will not doubt the information Jiang Siming reported, but at this time will always support the Great God.

When finally pulled up, Great God and Everlasting ran to Jiang Siming.

But before they were halfway there, the lurking team felt the opportunity was indispensable and opened fire!

Forever because of the full blood state, he was shot three times and still escaped.

But Ah Wei was different. Just after being lifted up, he was shot without a drop of blood and fell to the ground again.

Moreover, the opponent refused to let go of the score, so he would make up for it if he defeated it.

Great God: "..."

Discomfort Index: Five stars!

Jiang Siming and Kite were not sad, but they all laughed.

"You guys laugh, I am autistic." Great God said with a black face.

Jiang Siming comforted: "It's okay. It's not the first time you are autistic. You should be used to it."

After listening to the great god, he wanted to resurrect and be in the same camp with his opponent, and then rushed together to make these three guys abrupt.

"Wait, you have to give it for nothing." The Great God began to curse the three.

"Don't worry, no matter how much you give for nothing, we will not give it for nothing. Waiting for 0 to kill the chicken."

As soon as Jiang Siming finished speaking, he waited until he didn't see his opponent rushing over, the probe went out and then retracted back in seconds.

During this period, a dull AWM sound rang, and then the opponent fell down without warning.

After changing the rifle, Jiang Siming easily swept another person, and the kite got stuck in advance and fired at the footsteps, and easily took one away.

Great God saw this scene and was already desperate. Today's one, it seems that he really wants to...lay down...

[Author's digression]: Third more~

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