I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1501: This wave of blood loss!

"I'm telling you, I won't pay her rent, including the deposit. You can sue me if you have the ability. I want to see how you sue me. The brat chasing the girl with the ability, don't look at it. What do you look like!"

The aunt's words are always harsh, and she wants to pierce Jiang Siming's heart every word.

As soon as the kite heard angrily, he walked up and confronted the aunt: "Ms. Landlord, how can you talk like that? You should return the rent and deposit to me. Why do you curse if you are not trustworthy?"

"Who did I scold? Did I scold someone? You have lived with me for more than half a year. If it wasn't for your beautiful girl who wanted to introduce to my son, I could rent you a house at such a low price? A joke !"

Kite was ashamed, so I wanted to say it again.

Jiang Siming stopped her, turned around and said to her, "It looks like you don't live in this place, and you can move now. You don't need to worry about the rent deposit, and I'll take care of it."


The kite is afraid of causing trouble to Jiang Siming. After all, she knows a person like Jiang Siming, but she is willing to spend time not too troublesome to deal with such trivial matters for her.

This makes her very sorry.

"Don't worry, I'll leave it to professionals to deal with it, it's much easier than arguing with you here with her." Jiang Siming soothed.

Kite didn't hesitate anymore, nodded, skipped the landlord's aunt, and took Jiang Siming upstairs.

Jiang Siming didn't even have the interest to even look at the aunt, so he called the company and asked the driver to arrange a bigger car to come over.

About an hour later, Jiang Siming and Kite moved everything downstairs.

During this period, the aunt refused to leave for half a step and kept staring at Jiang Siming and Kite, for fear that they would steal her home appliances or furniture.

When everything was packed, the kite was already sweating.

"Brother Jiang, it is too much trouble for you, I will call for a taxi."

Jiang Siming smiled and shook his head, and said, "No, I asked the company to send a car over. It should be here soon."

The aunt smiled disdainfully and returned to the company? Is the kid with rich man?

Before she could make a sarcasm, a dozen men in suits and shoes walked into the community.

"Is it here?"

"It's here, the positioning given to me by the chairman is here."

"Then call the chairman quickly, don't let the chairman wait too long."

"hurry up."


These dozen or so men who seemed to be high-class people approached the neighborhood where the aunt stood step by step.

When they saw someone, they wanted to ask the aunt for directions.

"Here, come here." Jiang Siming's voice sounded.

A dozen men were overjoyed, and immediately skipped the aunt and walked over, and they shouted respectfully: Chairman!

Jiang Siming nodded and said, "Why do you bring so many people here?"

"Chairman, Manager Chen Guo is working overtime. When she heard this call from you, she was afraid that she would not have enough hands to move the family, so we asked a dozen of our male employees on night shifts to come and help." One of the section chief-level men replied.

"Well, let's start, and there is not much to do. Put these in the car and move to the staff apartment." Jiang Siming commanded.

A dozen men raised the sleeves of their suits, raised their arms, and began to work.

There are not many things, so I moved them all in one trip.

"Chairman, it's done, everything is in the car."

Jiang Siming heard the words and said to the kite: "It's done, let's go. For your rent and deposit, I will let someone from the Legal Department come to deal with it tomorrow."

Kite is also the first time to see Jiang Siming as the boss. Before, he only watched Jiang Siming in games and competitions.

Although I knew that Brother Jiang was very rich and had a group, I never saw him put on a boss.

Now when I look at it suddenly, Kite feels that Jiang Ge’s domineering president is full of aura~

"Yeah." Kite responded, and obediently followed Jiang Siming away.

From beginning to end, everyone ignored the aunt next to her.

The aunt was dumbfounded for a long time, and finally watched Jiang Siming and Kite leave, but she still chased them out.

When I saw the dozen or so people who had just helped sit in several Mercedes-Benz business seats and a luxury bus.

When Jiang Siming and the kite were in a Bugatti, the aunt was silent again, looking at the back of the car leaving, dumbfounded.

After a night of tossing, Jiang Siming finally took the kite back to the company's employee apartment.

Ask the staff to help carry the kite’s luggage upstairs, while Jiang Siming took the kite and briefly introduced the entrance and exit points of the apartment.

Then she took her upstairs and into the newly opened apartment room belonging to Kite.

Two bedrooms and one living room, the decoration can be summed up with luxury.

After entering, Kite was obviously surprised by this luxurious place. She thought Jiang Siming would open the back door for her and arrange the best room for her.

"Keep your heart in your stomach. This is the standard equipment of the staff apartment. If you don't believe me, I can take you to another room and live in peace of mind."

Jiang Siming said amused, and put some heavy luggage away for her by the way.

Everything is done, it is already eleven o'clock in the night.

"Okay, it’s much safer to live here, and no one will ask you for rent, because the staff’s apartments are free, and it’s too early. Take a good rest. There will be no competition tomorrow. If you have a computer, you can train here if you have nothing to do."

After Jiang Siming gave his account, he left the key to Kite and left here.

Kite wanted to stop Jiang Siming, but he was really embarrassed. In the end, he could only watch Jiang Siming leave before closing the door reluctantly.

In fact, if Jiang Siming wanted to take this opportunity to do something with the kite, it would be too easy.

After all, Kite has a high degree of goodwill towards him, and with all the experience he has experienced today, it is not too easy to overthrow it.

It's just that Jiang Siming didn't do this, it's not that he changed his sex.

But... before today’s game, I heard Reba said that she bought a thief **** pajamas.

On one side is the pure little white kite that has not been personnel, on the other side is Reba, who has been "scoured" by Jiang Siming and has become a **** young F who is proficient in various ZS.

Who should I choose first, don't you need to say more (smile of the old driver)?

Of course, the real old drivers must have them all, but it's not too late now.

Jiang Siming feels that this kind of thing can happen, but not now.

But when he got home, Jiang Siming regretted it.

Because... Damn, it's too late, the wives are all asleep!

Fuck, this wave of blood loss!

Jiang Siming slapped his thigh, regretting that he didn't.


(PS: The Three Kingdoms dungeon is coming to an end. Sake gives you the opportunity to choose this time. You want to see which world the next dungeon is in. A: martial arts category, such as "Dragon Babu", B: fairy category, such as " "Fairy Sword", C: Masterpieces, such as "Journey to the West", D: Urban, such as "Family with Children" and other urban family melodies. Of course, there are suggestions. You can also leave a message to tell the sake. The most popular sake will be focused Consider it~)

[Author's digression]: Third more~

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