I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1518: The top 16 is released

The hard-hearted OGS didn't care about his back. The four gathered and rushed across the bridge and attacked the remaining Japanese players.

"Want a head so much?"

Jiang Siming smiled, and the girl powder 98K in his hand was pushed up.

Look at the last member of the OGS, align the quasi-centre a little bit, and run a little bit in front of the opponent.


Decisively pulled the trigger!

Headshot of moving target.

Jiang Siming is good at it.

At such a close distance, his success rate is 100%.

They saw the great gods and they envied them for a while, and they were so accurate for Mao Laojiang's sniper. Alas, unlike them, they are all fire sticks.

OGS fell down a teammate, but the other three ignored them.

At this time, it is too late to manage, and it is very likely to be double-doubled by the Japanese team.

Seeing the other three OGS members rushed into the room of the Japanese team, 4AM lost its vision and could no longer steal heads.

The four people moved in a tacit understanding, and got on the car at the same time, Jiang Siming drove down the slope!

Along the way, even arrogantly driving across the bridge.

At this time, OGS and the Japanese team were playing fiercely and there was no time to watch them.

When the four-person car reached a close point, it began to spread a big net and rushed towards the two teams.

Jiang Siming saw that the great gods and they all chose to directly flush the housing area, but he did not follow, but came to the exit of the fishing village and waited comfortably.

Sure enough, after a while, two OGS people rushed out in a hurry.

In the real estate contest, they won in the end and the Japanese team was destroyed.

But they also lost a teammate. In the end, two people were left, and they ran into the jungle as if there was a tiger chasing them behind.

But the two did not expect that the most powerful tiger was already waiting at the intersection where they came out.

Without any suspense, the two OGS members were easily killed by Jiang Siming.

As soon as OGS died, their path to advancement became a distant future.

The Korean audience could only sigh deeply, but Jiang Siming cut their hope again.

This person is really the biggest enemy of the Korean gaming circle, there is no one!

LOL South Korea has not won the World Championship for two consecutive years, and neither of them has been so frustrated as they are now.

LOL believe that they have the background and strength, and sooner or later they will win the world championship trophy.

But PUBG... it's a problem for them to even make it to the top 16.

In the end, only the GG team remained. Fortunately, GG was not assigned to Group A. The results are still very good, and promotion is not a problem.

The two teams, Jiang Siming, took four heads, and a total of two pieces burst out, one from the Japanese team and the other from the South Korean team.

"Pick up [Siding Hatojuido Shopping Building, Ginza Center, Japan] golden shards*1 (1/5). The number of shards is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

"Pick up [Golden Shirt x 1 Piece] Golden Shards*1 (1/2). The number of shards is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

Jiang Shiming is satisfied with the building, and it is also a building in Ginza, Japan.

Ginza, Japan is the most prosperous place in Japan, and a building there is too valuable.

I wanted to use the stock market money to exchange two buildings in Ginza, but unfortunately I didn't change it and didn't sell it at all.

It's all right now, just picking up the pieces is a building.

As for the shirt made of gold, Jiang Siming had no interest at all, so he changed hands and threw it into the furnace.

Not to mention it needs two synthetic fragments, he wouldn't even look at it even if it doesn't need to be synthesized.

It’s not good to make it into universal fragments. No matter how rich Jiang Siming is, he won’t do such boring and wasteful things.

"Wow, Lao Jiang, you are too old, come here in advance and get stuck waiting for someone."

They found that the only two remaining OGS players were ruthlessly accepted by Jiang Siming, and they were very upset.

Why didn't I expect to stand by the sidelines and wait for the rabbit?

"Okay, continue searching."

Jiang Siming didn't have time to talk to him too much. If he had this skill, it would be better to go to other places to find someone.

In this way, Jiang Siming led them all the way, looking for people frantically on the map.

It's a pity that I was looking for someone on the grid because it was too turbulent. Later, the four people in the finals didn't pay attention and the car ran out of gas.

Then...I was electrocuted by the grid...

Seeing them dead, all the audience breathed a sigh of relief. These four guys finally ended their sinful life.

It is also rare to see when the 4AM turns over the water.

Before being poisoned by the power grid, Jiang Siming knew that he couldn't run away, so he raised a gun and killed them all.

He said that he could not be poisoned to death, it was too shameless.

In fact, I just want to see if there is any fragmentation in killing teammates.

Found not, Jiang Siming defeated the three of them and killed himself.

After committing suicide, they explained to the great gods and the others: How can I live alone when you die?

This is too beautiful, the great gods and the others are also very moved...

Although I didn't eat chicken, this 4AM still took 23 heads.

This kind of small picture 23 kills, really kills.

The only pity is that there are no good pieces coming out from behind, they are all odds and ends, all melted by Jiang Siming.

Not long after the death of the four, the game ended.

This also means that all the group matches of Group A have been played, and the scoreboard of Group A will soon appear on the big screen.

【Group A Standings】:

NO.1: 4AM/146 points

NO.2: NIP/76 points

NO.3: C9/68 points

NO.4: AG/65 points

The first four came out, this is also the first batch of the first 16 strong.

South Korea OGS is two points worse than Thailand AG, otherwise they will be the top four.

It's all because 4AM robbed them of the two heads in the fishing village, otherwise OGS made steady progress.

Thinking of this, the Korean side feels uncomfortable.

If it weren't for China's home stadium, some spectators would have to stand up and anger Jiang Siming.

But here? A small poke in the corner of the Korean audience did not dare to speak.

Although he was very angry and wanted to swear, he turned his head and looked at the Chinese audience who surrounded them tightly.

Think about it or forget it... Peace is yours.

After group A, Jiang Siming did not rush to leave.

Nothing happened today, and it was also the day when the top 16 came out, so I stayed with you to watch other teams' matches.

The game lasted until the evening finally ended.

The three teams of the BCD finally divided the top four.

The top four in Group B were Faze, TL, and PK. In the end, Team 17 thrilled to advance to fourth, which also made the fans of Team 17 cheer.

The top four in group C are RNG, STK, TSM and NV.

The top four in group D are G2, GG, EF and OMG.

After the top 16 came out, the Chinese audience was the happiest, because all four Chinese teams entered the World Championship.

This year's Huaxia Division can be said to be strong.

But the other top 16 teams are not weak at all, it can be said that for the 200 million bonus.

The players and coaches of all the clubs are full of energy.

Then wait for the final half a month later.

After watching the last group match, everyone ate a meal at a certain restaurant in the PM Internet cafe, and then they left one after another and went back to each.

Jiang Siming gave them five days off.

Great God was anxious to go home. Hearing that his father-in-law was here today, he was anxious to go back and pick up the car.

Duoyu and always took the bus back to the club, and both plan to go home tomorrow.

After all, there is still half a month before the final, so don't worry.

[Author's digression]: Second more~~

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