I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1524: Mother's Day

Among them, Guishuang was the closest to the Ming Dynasty, and because of the rise of the Ming Dynasty, the Guishuang Empire was very jealous.

They sent a large number of troops to station at the border with the Ming Dynasty, and after seeing that Ming was so prosperous, their greed was beyond words.

Just because he was afraid of Da Ming's strength, he didn't dare to act rashly.

Guishuang didn't know that when they were greedy for the Ming Dynasty, Jiang Siming had been staring at their empire for a long time.

At this time, in a small European country, a short man with an oriental face and black face was sitting in a high seat, and dozens of people bowed to him.

Among these people, there are Asians with black hair and yellow skin, and Westerners with blond hair and blue eyes.

"Cao Ren, report the results of the battle." The man on the high seat said.

"Hey, brother, we have wiped out more than 10,000 enemies in this battle, collected 7,000 prisoners, and have a lot of food. This battle is a big victory!" A general in Han Dynasty uniforms reported below.

"Haha, not bad. Since we went to sea, we have fought a total of more than ten times. As long as our military strength reaches a certain level, I will send troops to destroy Rome. I heard that their strength is about the same as our big man. As long as we can eat Rome, then Let us fight back to the Central Plains again!"

The man said that there was boundless hope in his eyes. It was almost three years since he left the Central Plains and traveled overseas.

The goal is to one day return to the Central Plains with the army and kill Jiang Bei to avenge blood.

"Big brother, rest assured, we can definitely do it. Jiang Bei now dominates the big man. He must have thought that he would sit back and relax and live his extravagant emperor life. When I kill the big man, he will be defenseless and impossible to fight. Those of us who have climbed back from the sea of ​​blood in the dead mountain!"

These people are not Cao Cao and his vassal loyalists.

Cao Cao, who has not seen him for several years, still has no change in his ambitions, and is always preparing to go back to avenge him.

"Well, yes, let's go down first. Let these blue-eyed guys take you to rest. Everything is good here, but talking is too hard. Until now I don’t know their bird language. Fortunately, we found Someone who understands their bird language, alas."

Cao Cao sighed, looking at the moon in the night sky outside, still couldn't help but miss the full moon in his homeland.

"Jiang Bei, you must be very proud now, wait, sooner or later I will get my everything back!"

After making a vow in his heart, Cao Cao turned his head and hugged an enemy's wife he had killed and went to sleep.

Even if he goes overseas, Lao Cao still doesn't change his man's true color and loves his wife. He is so good and dedicated...


The battle with Guishuang has not yet begun, Jiang Siming has already withdrawn from the copy, and there is already a big light outside the window.

Getting up from the bed, Jiang Siming opened the door to go downstairs to wash.

But after opening the door, he found a note posted at the door, which Zhao Xiaoxiao left him.

"Dad, today is Mother's Day, but I bought cakes for every mother~"

A mischievous smiley expression was added at the back.

Jiang Siming remembered that today was Mother's Day.

I almost forgot.

Fortunately, Xiaoxiao reminded herself.

"Call my mom and bless you."

Jiang Siming just wanted to get his mobile phone, but he thought that there was a wormhole anyway, so he might as well buy some gifts and send them home.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming went out to buy a gift and a bouquet of flowers, turned around and went into the wormhole.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared at the entrance of Nantian Town.

In order to be afraid of being recognized, Jiang Siming showed up at his house with a small shift technique.

At this time, Jiang's mother was in the kitchen making breakfast for her family. Jiang Siming sneaked over and scared his mother that the spatula almost flew out.

If Jiang Shaoqing dared to scare her this way, it would be necessary to scold her.

But when it was discovered that it was Jiang Siming, Jiang Ma was not angry at all, but was surprised.

"Son, why are you back? Don't say a word when you come back."

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "Isn't this trying to surprise you, mom, happy Mother's Day, I love you."

Jiang Siming delivered flowers and gifts to Jiang Ma.

In fact, Jiang Siming's parents are implicit people, and generally rarely say such nasty words.

On Mother’s Day and Father’s Day in the past, Jiang Siming would only be embarrassed to buy them some small gifts, so he couldn’t tell how to open his mouth.

But now Jiang Siming has changed a lot, maybe his skin has become thicker, haha.

When Jiang's mother knew that her son had come to wish her a happy holiday, her eyes were red.

But Jiang's mother has the same character, she is not good at expressing, just put away the gift, and then happily add dishes to her son.

Grandparents got up one after another and went downstairs to find that Jiang Siming was back. They were also very happy.

After Dad Jiang went downstairs, Jiang Siming looked at Dad with a smile: "Dad, do you know what festival is today?"

"Isn't it Mother's Day, I don't have to give your mother a gift." Dad Jiang obviously hasn't reacted yet.

Jiang Siming looked at grandma with a smirk, Jiang Dad's expression instantly changed.

"Mom, that... Happy Holidays." Dad Jiang said in seconds, and Jiang Siming laughed in unison with his mother and sister.

"Boy, if you dare to forget to watch me not beat you when you wait for Father's Day next month." Dad Jiang blushed and said'threatening' towards Jiang Siming.

"Look at him, grandma, just forget it if you are not sincere, and even said that you want to beat your grandson." Jiang Siming started to complain without raising his head.

Grandma glanced at him, Dad Jiang was honest, and quickly served grandma noodles...

After eating breakfast at home, Jiang Siming used the excuse that the driver was waiting for him and he still had a job to discuss, so he didn't let them send it off, so he slipped away.

Now there are wormholes, so it's so convenient to go home.

Although Jiang Siming had to go back as soon as he arrived, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother didn't mind either.

After all, Jiang Siming went home more often this year, as long as they could see their son after a while, they would be satisfied.

Unlike before, it is rare to see it once a year.

Back in Shanghai, Jiang Siming went to the company to remind his wives to remember to call their mother or buy a gift.

I'm afraid they forgot that it's Mother's Day. Who knows they've done it a long time ago, and I'm waiting for him to remind.

Instead, he laughed at Jiang Siming, saying that he would have to forget if Xiaoxiao reminded him.

Jiang Siming was speechless and could only ask Xiaoxian to help him write down the important days to be lived in the future, and remind him when he arrived.

Don't forget it, or you will be embarrassed.

On this day, a call from the Chinese Academy of Sciences called in the afternoon.

The extreme ultraviolet lithography machine research and development factory that Jiang Siming mentioned before has been completed!

In less than a week, everything was planned.

From venues, equipment, professional researchers, etc., everything is available.

Jiang Siming said that it was easy to open his mouth with emotion.

If he let him arrange the preparations by himself, he wouldn't be able to do it in half a year.

The factory is located in Kunshan, very close to Shanghai.

After receiving the call, Jiang Siming rushed over.


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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