I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1532: This woman... dog nose...

"Mr. Jiang, I..."

Yu Fei is very difficult to express, she is not a poor expression person.

Nor is it a person who is too nervous to speak with someone he likes.

However, she always felt that there was a huge gap between her identity and the other party.

Countless times, she told herself in her mind, don't think too much, who is Mr. Jiang, who is she, you two cannot have any possibility.

Besides, Mr. Jiang already has a girlfriend.

But you can’t hide like someone, and you can’t deny yourself.

Jiang Siming did not embarrass her to continue speaking, instead he asked with a smile: "I'm a scumbag, haven't you read the news a while ago?"

Yu Fei shook her head firmly, and said stubbornly: "No, you are not."

After speaking, Yu Fei added: "In my heart, you are better than any man. You dare to confess to thousands of people, and you are not afraid of the leisurely mouth of the world. It shows that you value love more than anyone else. The importance of the one you love is far more important than your reputation, status and wealth."

Jiang Siming did not expect Yu Fei to say this, and was completely moved.

Perhaps besides his own wives, Yu Fei was the first person to tell his inner world.

Suddenly remembered Tang Bohu's poem: I was too crazy when others laughed at me, and I was too small for others to see through.

The gaze that others care about is never what Jiang Siming cares about.

He only knows!

If one day.

Let him be on top of his wealth, power, status, and even cultivation.

Compare with the one you love?

He would choose the latter without hesitation!

Even if he gave up everything he got, he didn't care, as long as his family and loved ones were by his side.

Jiang Siming could no longer face Yu Fei with the mentality he had just now.

"Thank you for considering me so much."

After Jiang Siming said, he couldn't help holding Yu Fei into his arms.

Yu Fei suddenly blushed again, and she didn't have the frank and frank manner just now, she felt that her body was almost hot.

Yu Fei wanted to say something, but Jiang Siming had already held her face, lowered his head, and his lips touched...

The moment she was kissed, Yu Fei's head seemed to burst into thousands of fireworks.


The first kiss turned out to be this way...

Despite being unprepared, Yu Fei still let Jiang Siming do it.

I couldn't help but think of the first meeting with Jiang Siming.

Start by stealing his wallet from the airport.

Yu Fei was asking herself, when did she fall in love with this man?

Hmm... can't tell, maybe now, maybe I've fallen in love with it.

The two were doing ‘bad things’ in the infirmary where there were only two of them.

The original camera did not know how it was blocked by something.

It's just that Jiang Siming only kissed, and other steps were not implemented.

You can't harm other girls in such a place, right?

After a long time, the two finally separated.

Yu Fei kept breathing hard, and she was almost deprived of oxygen, God knows how she survived until now.

Seeing Jiang Siming's eyes, Yu Fei hurriedly lowered her head, biting her lip nervously and happily.

In this way, the little girl who had just fallen in love did not run away.

Just as Jiang Siming wanted to talk about making an appointment to eat together, he heard footsteps outside.

"Brother Jiang, are you all right? Someone is coming soon, I have to open the door."

Then the door was opened, and Xiao Guoer's little head came in strangely.

Xiao Guoer thought he could still see something that he shouldn't read, but he didn't expect that as soon as he stretched his head in, Jiang Siming and Yu Fei both looked at her with a smile.

Xiao Guoer immediately admitted.

"Brother Jiang, Sister Yu Fei, Xiao Guoer knew it was wrong~~"

Jiang Siming used to pick her up amusedly, squeezed her face, and said, "I can't see it, you are still a little actor."

Little Guoer giggled.

"Let's go, people will come in a while." Jiang Siming said to Yu Fei.

"Yeah." Yu Fei obediently agreed, and followed Jiang Siming's tail out.

"Brother Jiang, did your sister confess to you?"

Xiao Guoer asked quietly in Jiang Siming's ear.

Never wanted to be heard by Yu Fei, and came over in shame and pretended to beat her.

Xiao Guoer hurriedly hid in Jiang Siming's arms, happily.

When a passing teacher saw these three people, no one thought they belonged to a family of three.

The Guangming Primary School Games held a morning and finally ended.

After the end, Jiang Siming asked his Wal-Mart supermarket to send a cart of snacks that the children loved to the school, and let the teachers distribute it to the children.

But it makes these children happy.

When they lived in an orphanage, when did they ever think about having such a beautiful school and having so many snacks?

Moreover, snacks are imported from abroad, and children in ordinary families cannot eat them.

Seeing the children happy, Jiang Siming was also very satisfied.

Until noon, after another lunch with Yu Fei and Xiao Guoer, Jiang Siming left the school and drove back.

Before leaving, Yu Fei took Xiao Guoer all the way to send him out of the school gate.

Before getting in the car, Jiang Siming boldly hugged Yu Fei and took a bite on her mouth before driving away.

Yu Fei was blushed by this hand, but she was as happy as a flower in her heart.

"Sister Yu Fei, how does it feel for Brother Jiang to kiss you?" Xiao Guo'er asked with added enthusiasm.

Yu Fei's face became even hotter, she gave her a blank look, and said, "What kind of kisses do children know, don't be a little kid."

"Sister Yu Fei looks down on people, Xiao Guoer is not so small."

"You, you can't help it, let's go, go back to school."

Yu Fei was in a good mood, holding Xiao Guoer's hand.

Can't help but look back and confirm that Jiang Siming is no longer willing to return to school.

Just walked in, the phone WeChat rang.

Yu Fei opened it and saw that it was sent by Jiang Siming.

"I will see you again in two days, and I'll'eat' you by the way."

There was still a smirk behind the message.

After Yu Fei read it, she turned off the phone in a lightning manner and put it back in her pocket.

"Sister, what's the message from Brother Jiang?"

Sure enough, a small head next to it came to see it curiously. Fortunately, Yu Fei closed early.

"No...nothing, I'll see us again in two days."

"Oh." Xiao Guoer naively believed, thinking Jiang Siming really came to see her, jumping happily.

Coming back from Guangming Primary School, Jiang Siming was in a good mood. It was only in the afternoon to see the time, so he ran to the company.

As soon as I went upstairs, I ran into Zhao Xuan.

Zhao Xuan just wanted to tease if he had just woke up, but when he approached Jiang Siming, he smelled the faint scent of him, which was very strange.

"Why are you going? How can there be perfume smell on your body, the smell is very ordinary, not high-quality goods, and very weak, she should be a good girl from an ordinary family, can I guess right?"

Zhao Xuan heard and reasoned.

Jiang Siming is speechless, this woman...dog nose...

[Author's digression]: First more~~

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