I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1536: I'm talking about private jet

Teacher He brought Reba and Yoona into the house and came out.

He wanted to help clean up, but the two girls didn't need him to say anything.

"Teacher Huang, I remember what you said just now."

He Jiu remembered this, and began to question Huang Laoxie.

In the courtyard, Lao Bai, Xiao Peng and Zi Feng all began to look at Huang Laoxie with a smile.

Huang Laoxie chuckled, scolding Hejiu, which pot to open or not to mention.


"Teacher Huang, why don't you dare to start with your procrastination?" He Jiu digs through the roots.

"What do you start?" Jiang Siming asked curiously.

"Oh, okay, okay, nothing..."

Huang Laoxie quickly wanted to go over it.

At this time, Lao Bai had seized the rare opportunity of ‘revenge’.

Think about how the variety show Huang Laoxie pitted him, think about the water on the ceiling in the chicken strips.

The sadness of Old Bai's heart surged into his heart.

"He said that the food you ordered was too difficult to make, and he vowed today that he must fan you with slippers. If he didn't do it, he would take care of your day."

After that, Lao Bai immediately slipped away, took revenge and shame, and he was done!

Jiang Siming turned his head to look at Huang Laoxie, smiled brightly, and said: "Brother Lei turns out you are so good, so today the three of us will eat rice."

Huang Laoxie's expression is subtle, quite blue.

He Jiu fanned the flames on the sidelines and said grinningly: "Mr. Huang, in fact, you still have a chance. If you use slippers now, you can count as winning."

"But, Amin is now our golden master father, are you sure you dare to do it?"

After listening to Huang Laoxie, there is still a thought of turning over, forget it, and can't afford it.

It's rare to see Huang Laoxie deflated, and everyone laughed happily.

Huang Laoxie couldn't help but laugh.

"Amin, sit down and chat together."

He Jiu invited Jiang Siming to sit in the pavilion in the courtyard, and everyone sat down and chatted together.

"Huh, is this stone monkey still there?"

Jiang Siming discovered this stone monkey stove.

The stove I made in yearning a year ago, the show has been used up to now.

"That's for sure, you don't know how useful this stove is, an artifact for outdoor cooking."

Huang Laoxie brought some tea and snacks over and said cheerfully.

A few people just sat down and chatted with their old friends.

When everyone saw this, they suddenly felt that the show was back to the original state.

Unlike the previous periods, most of the time the guests will work as soon as they come.

After working in the morning and finishing eating, continue to work non-stop after eating, then eat and then sleep.

This is out of the original purpose of the show.

This is a slow-paced variety of life. What everyone sees is to enjoy this kind of leisurely farm life, rather than being so busy like working in the city.

But Huang Laoxie and He Jiu cannot be blamed at all.

Because the guests of the program are often not known to them.

I don’t know and I can’t talk about it, what else can I do besides work.

"You like this stove for a while, I'll make you an oven, steamer, etc."

Jiang Siming sat cross-legged on the cool bamboo mat, thinking that he was yearning, and he could put his craft into full play.

The handiwork he was talking about was the craftsmanship of artisans. Don't want to be crooked by some nasty boys.

"Really? The oven can also do it?" Huang Laoxie asked in surprise.

Jiang Siming nodded and said, "Except that there is no electricity and it is not automatic, there is no problem."

He Jiu enviously said from the side: "Aming, why are everything you make cheap, Teacher Huang, what about mine?"

"Ms. He, you are in charge of washing dishes, right? I will make you an automatic dishwasher!" Jiang Siming thought suddenly.

"What? Automatic dishwashers can also be made by hand? Use... wood or mud?"

Everyone can't believe it, can automatic dishwashers be built by hand? Unheard of.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "It is possible in theory, but I need a lot of materials, such as yellow mud, wood, banana leaves, dried loofah, etc."

"These things are very easy to get, and we'll gather them for you in a while." Huang Laoxie was full of energy.

He can't wait to see how Jiang Siming creates miracles.

"Don't worry, don't worry, sit down, I haven't finished my tea yet."

Jiang Siming was too lazy to get up, and after sitting in the car for so long, he had to take a good rest.

At this time Reba and Lin Yoona also cleaned up the room and walked out one after another.

As soon as the two women came out, they sat next to Jiang Siming.

"Oh, I just saw Reba in the backyard with two peacocks~" Lin Yooner seemed to have discovered a treasure.

"Yeah, I saw it too, and they are still showing up at us. Not only peacocks, but also cows, goats, and geese."

Reba is also very precious.

After listening to Jiang Siming, he immediately got up and said, "Go, take a look, Teacher He, Teacher Huang, don't sit and exercise."

After speaking, the three ran to the backyard.

They left Hejiu and rolled their eyes together, didn't they say that the tea hadn't finished yet, and they had all told you what they said.

But who made him the father of the gold master, don't say anything, keep up.

Everyone came to the backyard and saw the two peacocks.

Seeing Jiang Siming coming, the two peacocks seemed to be jealous of Jiang Siming's looks, and at the same time they opened their screens proudly to Jiang Siming.

Looking at the confident look with his chest up and his head upright, as if to tell Jiang Siming who is the brightest boy here.

"Good-looking Amin, they seem to be provoking you." He Jiu said jokingly.

Jiang Siming disdainfully said, "They know that I dare not touch them, so they are so bold. My fragrance is not there, or they have to pluck their hairs as toothpicks."

Lin Yuner and Reba both covered their mouths and laughed, let alone, really, if Xiangxiang would dare to make trouble with these two peacocks.

"Xiangxiang? Brother Jiang, are you talking about the panda you raised for the Panda House?" Zi Feng asked enviously.

Jiang Siming said on his forehead.

"I've seen it on the Internet, Xiangxiang is so cute, it would be nice if I could see it." Zi Feng imagined.

Jiang Siming gave her great hope.

"If you want to see it, it's okay. I'll make a phone call to send Xiangxiang to the plane and fly over directly."

"Really? Brother Jiang, you must let me see Xiangxiang, I like him so much~~" Zi Feng rushed over and shook Jiang Siming's hand like a baby.

Lao Bai asked worriedly: "It seems that civil aviation does not transport pandas by air."

Jiang Siming rashly returned him and said, "It's okay, it's not civil aviation. I'm talking about private jets."

Lao Bai covered his face, he was too heartbroken, this is the world of the rich, it makes him so bitter...

"I shouldn't ask."

Huang Laoxie laughed and comforted: "It's okay, we won't laugh at you."

Since Zi Feng wanted to see it so, everyone else wanted to see it.

And Jiang Siming couldn't bear to see these two peacocks showing off in front of him.

Dang Even called Li Chunlan and asked it to go back to pick up Xiangxiang.


[Author's digression]: Second more~~

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